According to Johns Hopkins, you have already had signs that you have already had Covid.
If you have experienced these symptoms, it could have been Covid.

A year in the pandemic and many people wonder if they already hadCOVID-19 [FeminineAnd did not even knew it. Whether you are sick early in 2020, before the test is really an option, or if you have fallen ill at some point in the last year and that you have not bothered to be tested, it is possible Whether you are actually infected with the virus. So what are some signs that you were actually positive about Covid?Eat this, not that! Health contactedNeysa P. Ernst, Rn, MSN, the director of the nurse of the Biocontainment Unit Johns Hopkins, who, fringers, revealed some of the symptoms of the brand. Read more - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
You have lost your sense of taste or smell

One of COVID-19 brand symptoms is the loss of sense of smell and / or taste. If you experienced a "loss of taste and smell for three weeks or more", it was probably due to Covid, Ernst maintains.
You have experienced symptoms of fatigue or flu

Unfortunately, a COVID-19 infection often reflects the flu. However, many people find that Covid lasts longer than the average case of influenza. According to Ernst, "10-14 days of great fatigue of numbness and symptoms of the flu", is a probable sign that it was actually coronavirus.
You have suffered shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is another specific symptom of covidation. "Fatigue and shortness of breath with little effort, often diagnosed as lower lobe pneumonia" could have been a COVID infection.
You have known pulmonary damage

Although you may not know if you have pulmonary damage, imaging, such as a chest CT or X-ray, can help you understand. Ernst notes that the imaging "indicating signs of pulmonary damage, including" the ground glass "probably results from an earlier infection.
You had a positive antibody test

One way to know if you have already been infected with COVID-19, it is necessary to take an antibody test, explains Ernst.
You know long-lasting symptoms of transport

On ato study,About 10% of those infected with COVID are pursuing symptoms for months after their initial infection. This group of people has been nicknamed "long lengths" and their condition,cap or long halport syndrome. "Long hafflers are positive patients of COVIDs that are no longer infectious and considered" recovered "of the disease but who continue to present symptoms of the virus for months," says Ernst. There are many symptoms associated with the disease. The state of overwhelming fatigue, cognitive decline or "brain fog", persistent breath breathing, coughing and respiratory respiration. "A smaller group of long carriers has symptoms of persistent GIs, nausea, diarrhea," she adds. An even smaller group develops pots, a tachycardia syndrome of postural orthostatic.
What you can do to stay healthy

If you have experienced one of these symptoms, contact a health professional. And follow the fundamental principles of Dr. Anthony Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live:facial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.