I am a doctor and here's how not catch Covid

These tips will help you keep healthy.

WhileCOVIDInfections, hospitalizations and deaths decrease in the country, experts warn that the introduction of new more communicable variants could transform the positive trend earlier than possible. This makes it just as important as ever to stay safe from your virus. Fortunately, you have some control over your risk of transmission.Dr. Allison Edwards, MD,Doctor at Kansas City Direct Primary Care and Medical Advisor to Sesame, explains toEat this, not that! Health Whether your chances of catching Covid can go up or down depending on the following variables. Read to find out what they are - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Minimize time with others

Elderly woman with protective face mask/gloves talking with a friend

When it comes to Covid, the less around the others, the better. "The more time you spend around those of your immediate household, the higher the risk of contracting Covid," says Dr. Edwards.


Avoid congested spaces

crowded checkout

Density and distance are enormous risk factors for COVID. "The more people are mostly, especially if you are relatively close to them, the more likely it is that you can catch Covid," says Dr. Edwards.


Pay attention to ventilation

Air conditioner inside the room with woman operating remote controller

As fresh air flows and moves, it reduces the risk of contracting Covid. That's why, during the hottest months, experts have recommended outdoor gatherings inside, if you have to be around those outside your immediate household.



A man browsing the CDC website to learn key facts about the Coronavirus Disease 2019

Knowing what happens in your community can be extremely useful when planning your COVID prevention tactic. "This one is the great wild wildlife," she says. "What happens in your community? What are the rates of infection as? What are the vaccination rates like? Do people wear masks - and do they wear them correctly? The most factors of risk that You have in your community, the higher your risk to catch Covid. "It adds that you can reduce these risks even frustrating because it only leaves your clean housework for the necessary trips and races.


Follow the fundamental principles

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

Your personal actions can dramatically reduce your risk of transmission. "Do you wear a mask? Do you avoid touching your face? Do you have a good job with a hand washing (20 seconds or more!) Or use a hand-based hand-based disinfectant?" Dr. Edwards requests. "All these things will help protect yourself, which helps protect the community."


Avoid the gym

Group of people doing fitness in a gym wearing a mask, coronavirus concept

Dr. Edwards emphasizes that with the above information, you can view the way in which an activity is risky. For example, consider a place like the gym. "You'll probably be there for a long time. It's hard to know what ventilation is, and there is a good chance that other people are continuing while you're there, making it more difficult to keep your distance, explains -T it. "In addition, most communities see a generalized disease at this point, and it can be difficult not to touch your face or practice good hygiene in the gym. This is why gyms can be very high for the transmission of Covid. "


And avoid meals inside

waiter in a medical mask serves coffee

Similar to gymnasiums, restaurants meet the risk criteria. "You spend a quiet time there, the waiters come to such that the passage of customers - and most restaurants are not equipped to provide a frequent fresh air circulation (especially in winter!)" Soulage Edwards . "Once again, most communities find a transmission of COVIDs widespread at this stage and in restaurants, most guests do not wear masks while actively touching their faces, wiping their mouths, licking their fingers, etc. - makes a more risky situation than no. "


You can do these less risky activities

Female Wearing Face Mask and Social Distancing

The good news, according to Dr. Edwards? "You can do your best to change all these risk factors to not catch Covid," she says. "If you need to be in a dense or poorly ventilated area, shorten the time when you're there. If you live in a community with high-risk factors, see them, that is, simply spending overcrowded, poorly ventilated areas. While in the chaos of all the different things we have heard about Covid over the past year, they have been largely busy and have been constant to protect yourself and those who you surround. "

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Do your part

Happy young woman wearing protective face mask disinfects her hands with alcohol sanitizer while sitting at table in restaurant on summer day.

So follow the fundamentals of public health and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear afacial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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