Without signs that you have already had Covid, let's say to the authorities

PACS can "disabilities" people "for weeks and weeks after the so-called recovery and cleaning of the virus".

With new variants and more communicable toCOVID-19 [FeminineNow in America, you may wonder if you have ever had the virus. Although an antibody test can reveal the answer, about 10% or more of those infected will have lasting symptoms.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Councilor of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, calls for thisPost-active Covid Syndrome, or Pacs. "There is a considerable number of individuals who have a post-viral syndrome that, in many ways, can disabling them for weeks and weeks following the alleged recovery and compensation of the virus", A-T- he declares. The most commonly reported long-term symptoms include the following. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You will most likely feel sustainable fatigue

Shot of a young woman suffering from depression in her bedroom

... and symptoms that look like myalgic encephalomyelitis

The fatigue felt by long carriers - the term given to people with PACs, or long Covid - can be overwhelming to the soul. It makes you feel like your "old me" can never come back. "You can see people who have recovered that really do not come back to the normal they have very suggestive things about myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME / CFS)," says Dr. Faisci. "The brain fog, fatigue and the difficulty of focusing so it's something we really need to look seriously."


You can have a shortness of breath or cough

Covid-19 can infect your lungs, among many other systems, so naturally, you risk feeling a shortness of breath. These damages can last more than a year and can never go better. "The type of pneumonia often associated with COVID-19 can cause long-standing damage to tiny air bags (alveoli) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can cause long-term breathing problems," reports theMAYO Clinic. Anxiety or muscle pain, also the current side effects of PACs, may also result in shortness of breath.


You can have muscle pain or joint pain

Senior woman suffering from pain in hand at home.

"Among the many long-term health problems associated with Covid-19, are shortness of breath, fatigue, cognitive problems, erratic heart rate, gastrointestinal problems, low quality fever, intolerance to the physical or mental activity, as well as muscle and articular pain, "reports the director of theNational health institutes. "Covid-19 survivors report that these symptoms close unpredictably, often in different combinations and can be debilitating for days and weeks at a time."


You can have chest pain

Man having chest pain - heart attack, outdoors

Post-coovid problems may include something painful like the cocassade (an inflammation of the tissue near the chest cage) or something to harm life as cardiac damage, including inflammation of the cardiac muscle called myocardite. "With myocarditis, it's something we see in some of the really really sick coovidants, but it seems that signs of myocarditis can be even less sick myocarditis signs"Todd Hurst, M.D.,A cardiologist in Banner University Medicine Heart Institute and Associate Professor at Arizona University, tells theDAIC.


You can feel the brain fog

Young woman with headache

Fauci calls brain fog an "inability to focus" and can also involve confusion or oblivion. It is also a symptom of trademarks of me / CFS. "Most people with me / CFS have trouble thinking quickly, remembering things and paying attention to detail," says theCDC. "Patients often say they have" brain fog "to describe this problem because they feel" stuck in a fog "and not be able to think clearly".


You might feel a variety of symptoms - often at the same time

Woman with face mask and chest pain sitting indoors at home

In addition to what you just read, you can feel "depression, intermittent fever, a fast beat heart or to beat (also called cardiac palpitations)," according to theCDC. Other more serious symptoms may include: "cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, dermatological, neurological and psychiatric symptoms". Read here forAll 98 Symptomsreported by long carriers.

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What if you feel these symptoms

A mature man having a medical exam done in the doctors office.

Call your doctor to discuss these symptoms if you have them. However, there is no cure for PACs - again. Dr. Fauci says that the funding was devoted to the study of the issue. "We take it very seriously for the simple reason that even if a small fraction, and it seems to be more than a small fraction, people have persistent symptoms, when you look at the 24-25 million people in the United States which Have been infected ... and on a global scale when you have approached 100 million people who have been infected, it could be something that could really be a problem, "said Fauci. So rest and ask for the help if necessary, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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