How not catch Covid, according to a doctor

This emergency doctor always sees Covid patients and hope you are not one of them.

As a mark of one year of theCOVID-19 [FeminineThe pandemic is on us, it is difficult to remember our pre-coovid lives. As treatment options increased, some people have become less concerned with safety precautions. As much as everyone would like to wake up and have the pandemic behind us, as an emergency doctor, I continue to see COVID cases. Here are some recommendations to continue protecting and protecting your family from COVID. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You must get your vaccinations

Woman with face mask getting vaccinated, coronavirus, covid-19 and vaccination concept.

Recent vaccinations are part of the prevention plan. The twovaccines which are currently used have a 95% reduction in mortality. It is better than any other prevention plan we have had so far. There are also many other positive aspects of the vaccine that goes beyond reducing mortality for the vaccinated person. It has also been discovered that these vaccinated people also have a much lower probability of successful Covid-19 person. With the perspective of the immunity of herds being much safer by vaccination against Covid-19 that COVID-19 infection, vaccines are the best option we have as a society to return to normal life.


You have to wear your masks

Woman put on medical protective mask for protection against coronavirus.

One of the most controversial aspects of prevention, masks have been shown to be extremely important in reducing COVID-19 cases. As we know, it is a respiratory virus, the best way to stop the transmission is to block the respiratory particles of the person to the person. It has been difficult to trust the recommendations because they have been encouraged. Initially rejected by officials, the recommendation has now increased to recommend several masks. The reality is that a mask that blocks respiratory particles to be transmitted from one person to another has been demonstrated to reduce the number of CVIV-19 infections.


You must cover your cough or sneeze

Sick woman with flu at home

Covering your cough or sneeze is not Roman in Covid-19. It is useful tips that reduce the transmission of COVID-19 as well as influenza and other viruses such as common colds. Although it has been the socially acceptable way of coughing or sneezing for years, the CIVID-19 epidemic has made it possible to better understand this recommendation. MIT researchers have measured how much the particles move when individual cough and results are important. They found that the particles can travel hundreds of times further from the relaxing and cough compared to speech, sometimes 27 feet. Although a great recommendation for the prevention of COVID-19, it is also essential for many other viruses.


You have to stay at home so symptomatic

woman wearing a face mask and peeking out from blinds

The incessant reality of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to some less tedious people with social distance and group activities. People explain their symptoms as possible allergies, or even indicating that they have had a CVIV-19 before and can not be infected again. When these people do not fall in quarantine, they can continue the spread of the virus throughout the community. In combination with an incorrect mask, I do not insulate when symptomatic attributed to a part of the continuous transmission of COVID-19.


You have to wash your hands

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

Although handwashing has been known to stop the propagation of bacteria and viruses for many years, it continues to be a necessary recommendation through the CVVID-19 pandemic. Initially, we thought that Covid-19 could live on surfaces for many days, but the current understanding is not so extreme. The larger CVIV-19 particles can continue to live on surfaces for hours or days. If a person has touched a surface with one of these large particles, then touches their nose, or eyes, it is possible to transmit the virus. Hand hygiene is an important step in reducing CVIV-19 transmission, but is also an important step in reducing the transmission of most pathogens.


You must stay healthy

Doctor and senior woman wearing facemasks

Many patients canceled nominations with their primary care physicians or other physicians from last year. Initially, with the hope of reprogramming just weeks later, the pandemic continued longer than everyone initially thought. As a result, many patients did not see their doctors over two years. This translates into many patients who eventually have medical problems that are currently undiagnosed. With possibly unknown systemic medical problems, some patients may have more risk of contracting Covid-19.

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci


How to cross this pandemic safety and sound

woman puts on face mask

Prevention continues to be the best defense against COVID-19. Many recommendations such as the port of the mask and washing hands have not changed in the pandemic. Protection of you and your family to contract the virus continues to be part of everyday life. Vaccines are the most recent portion of the CVIV-19 prevention plan and represent the hope of return to normal life. Follow the fundamentals and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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