30 ways your heart does not work properly, say doctors

Discover the symptoms - and the causes of heart disease before hitting you.

To be n ° 1 is usually a good thing. Not when it comes tocardiopathy. According toCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionHeart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, which caused one death in four out of four. The term "heart disease" can be confusing because it is several types of heart conditions that you should know. Click to learn more about the symptoms - and the different forms of the disease, you will not become another statistic. AndTo ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout a sign that you had Covid and you did not even know it.


Your heart jumps a beat or there are extra beats

Portrait of confused emotional bug eyed young Caucasian female holding hand on her chest and looking up with clueless indecisive facial expression

One of the biggest indicators your heart works incorrectly is if it looks like something. "Your heart has an electrical system that usually triggers one or twice a second, inviting the different chambers to contract in a coordinated way. Sometimes a part of the heart outside this system can trigger an extra beat alone. Because the rooms are not part of the usual coordinate fashion contract, it feels different in your chest ","Christopher Kelly, MD, Cardiologist with North Carolina Heart & Vascular at UNC Rex in Raleigh, NC, explains. If this happens often, it is usually a mediocre sleep sign, stress, too much alcohol or caffeine, or exposure to certain decongestants (such as Sudafed-D). "If you solve these problems and your symptoms continue, or the extra beats are really common and embarrassing, choose", "he suggests.


You feel chest pain when you exercise

Athlete man having pain in the chest due to heart disease.

Your heart should not have trouble struggling when you exercise. If this is the case, it is a major indicator that one of the arteries providing that your blood muscle has been blocked, says Dr. Kelly. "The heart tries to pump stronger and faster to deliver the blood of the work muscles. As a result, the heart needs more oxygen-rich blood to work, but the arteries providing that the blood is blocked and can not Deliver, "he says. If you notice it happening, he suggests slowing down with exercise until you can see your doctor for a stress test.


Your pulse slows down

Medicine health care. Female hand checking pulse on wrist closeup.

Consider investing in a pulse tracker. Although it is normal for your pulse falls in the 50s, or even 40 when you sleep at night and you are usually weak if you are an endurance athlete, if you suddenly notice it during the day, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Dr. Kelly. "The electrical system of your heart can be failed."


You feel light

Man at home having a headache in front of laptop

If you feel choked, it could be because your pulse has slowed down, as mentioned above.


Tighten, tighten or burn in the chest

Man having chest pain - heart attack, outdoors

If something simply does not feel right in your chest, do not hesitate to call your doctor - especially if it occurs during the activity or exercise - says Eli Friedman, MD, cardiologist to the commemorative health system.


Shortness of breath

woman doing asthma crisis at home in the living room

If you have difficulty catching your breath, this can be a sign that your heart works overtime. "Abnormal, disproportionate and inappropriate breathlessness of respiratory breathing that is out of proportion to the activity you play - is a sign that something is happening with your heart," says Dr. Friedman.


Difficulty breathing in lying position


If there's once, you should not have a problem catching your breath, it's when you're lying in bed at night. Dr. Friedman points out that if this happens and you find additional pillows to help you breathe, or if you wake up outside the middle of the night, you must contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Lose consciousness

Woman fainting during exercise at home/

For more reasons than your heart health, if you feel like you're going to lose consciousness - especially with activity - you should have it checked immediately.


Swelling of the leg or belly

Ankle pain, painful point. Unhappy woman suffering from pain in leg at home

Swelling (edema)In your bottom, you can be a sign that something happens with your heart. Indeed, when it does not work the way it is suitable, the blood flow slows down and souass in the veins of your legs. This causes the accumulation of liquid in your tissues, hence swelling. It can also happen in your belly and even gone weight.


Cough or wheezing

Mature man coughing on color background

If you noticecough or wheezingAnd it does not seem to leave, it could be a sign that the liquid builds in your lungs.



Tired Of Work. Fatigued black businessman taking off glasses, massaging nose, working in cafe

Everyone feels tired on occasion, but if you notice that you feel longer than usual and you feel like you can not do your daily activities because of your overwhelming fatigue, it could be A sign that your heart is in danger. Many women also report to feel severely tired before or during a heart attack.


You have a family illness of heart disease

Fill out the family history section in the medical questionnaire

Even if you have no symptoms of heart problems, if you have a family history of untouched heart disease or death, you should be seriously proactive when it comes to your heart health, urges Dr. Friedman.


You have other medical problems that put you at risk of cardiac disease

female using lancelet on finger to checking blood sugar level by Glucose meter

High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney disease, autoimmune diseases, HIV / AIDS, cancer requiring chemotherapy and / or thoracic radiation are all medical problems that can make you subject to diseases Cardiacs, says Dr. Friedman. If you suffer from one of them, you should pay particular attention to your heart.


Nausea, stomach burns, stomach or indigestion pain

Middle aged woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on bed at home

An easy sign to miss, you have a heart attackEspecially in women-The are finding belly problems. Obviously, many people tend to brush these things as a result of something they eat.


Numbness in the legs

unrecognized young asian woman had pain at calves sitting on couch at home

If your body's blood vessels are shrinking, you may notice pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or arms, warns the Mayo Clinic. This can be a symptom of heart disease in your blood vessels (atherosclerotic disease).


So what's wrong with your heart?

General practitioner and her aged patient talking about heart diseases

If you have experienced one of the symptoms you just read, they can be connected to the following 15 types of cardiac disease.


Coronary artery disease

Patient complains of heart pain to a cardiologist doctor

The most common type of heart disease is the coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to a heart attack. The coronary artery disease occurs when plates composed of lipids, cholesterol, calcium and other materials develop in the walls of the blood vessels that feed the heart. If it is authorized to progress, the narrowed arteries can not provide sufficient blood to the heart, resulting in painful cramps called chest pain or chest. "If the arteries are clogged, you will undergo a heart attack," explainsPeterson Pierre, MD, founder of the Pierre Skin Care Institute.


Heart failure

Doctor with a defibrillator saves life

Over time, coronary artery disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks and some infections can weaken the heart and reduce its ability to pump blood throughout the body. This is known as heart failure. "This can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling, fatigue, the head of light," says Dr. Pierre. If you arrive at this point, you will need medicines, type of surgical procedure and maybe even a heart transplant, which is really the only cure for this one.


Atrial fibrillation or afib

Heart activity on monitor in intensive care unit

Atrial fibrillation, also known as Afib, is the most common type of abnormal heartbeat, explainsDevénder Akula, MDHeart Electrophysiologist, Heart & Vascular Institute, Atlanticare Regional Medical Center and Cardiology of the Atlanticare Physician Group. "It happens when the superior rooms of the heart, the atrium, beat too fast and irregularly," he says. In general, those with Afib have a risk of strokes five times higher than those without AFIB. The signs of the facefib are generally relatively noticeable: if you are suddenly become breathless when you relax, your heart is walking up when you look at your favorite comedy (which has absolutely no violence and no suspense), or the Most of your day went to fight fatigue and a "off" feeling.


Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

Peripheral artery disease measuring for patient ankle-brachial index (ABI) test limb ischemia

The peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a narrowing or blocking of the vessels that carry heart blood to the feet, legs and other members, explainsJames Herrington, MD, Medical Director, Heart and Vascular Institute, Atlanticare Regional Medical Center and Vascular Surgeon, Cardiology of Atlanticare Physicians. Unfortunately, most people do not have buffer symptoms before blocking is advanced - and often, it caused a stroke or heart attack or in some cases of gangrene and led to the loss of a foot or one leg. "Patients often say," I thought something is wrong, but I thought I was just tired, "said Dr. Herrington." The most common symptom is numbness and pain in the legs when walking or the task of other exercises. Some with buffer have wounds on their feet or legs that do not heal quickly or shiny skin on their legs. Risk people include people who smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes and / or obese. Those who have a family history of these problems, a heart attack, a stroke or pads are also at risk. "


Acute coronary syndrome

Sad young black man rubbing his chest over white background, free space, heart disease in young age

According to the CDC, acute coronary syndrome is a term that includes a heart attack and unstable angina.



portrait of a senior man exercising and running outdoors having cardio problems chest pain

The CDC explains that angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease. It refers to the chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle does not enjoy blood enough and can feel like pressure or acute pain in the chest, or also in the shoulders, arms , neck, jaw or back. Sometimes it even looks like indigestion. There are two forms of angina. Stable occurs during physical activity or under mental or emotional stress. Unstable is a type of chest pain that occurs at rest, when there is no apparent reason. It is the most dangerous and is considered a medical emergency.


Aeortic aneurysm and dissection

Artery Dissection 3d illustration

These are conditions that can affect the aorta, the main artery that transports heart from heart to the body. The CDC explains that aneurysm is an enlargement of the aorta which can break or explode, while a dissection is a tear of the aorta, which is a medical emergency.



Woman wearing holter monitor device for daily monitoring of an electrocardiogram. Treatment of heart diseases

If your heart beats the heartbeat irregularly fast or slow, it could be an arrhythmia. Arrhythmias can be serious, the CDC emphasizes. An example is called ventricular fibrillation. "This type of arrhythmia causes an abnormal heart rate that leads to death unless treated immediately with an electric shock in the heart (called defibrillation)," they explain. Although other arrhythmias are less severe, they have the ability to grow under more serious conditions, such as atrial fibrillation, which can cause a stroke.



Closeup of a atherosclerosis - 3D rendering

This condition occurs when the plate accumulates in the arteries that provide blood with the heart (AKA coronary arteries). The plate is composed of cholesterol deposits and over time, the accumulation causes a narrow arteries.



Interventional cardiologist using ablation radiofrequency energy catheters for navigation systems enable cardiac electrophysiologists to map the pathways of complex arrhythmias for electrophysiology

When the cardiac muscle becomes enlarged or rigid, cardiomyopathy can occur. This can cause inadequate cardiac pumping (or low heart pump) as well as other problems. What are the causes? The CDC explains that the family history of the disease, past heart attacks, uncontrolled arterial hypertension and viral or bacterial infections can be the culprit.


Congenital cardiac defects

A Pediatrician with Baby checking possible heart defect

Unlike many other mentioned heart problems, congenital cardiac defects do not develop over time - they are present at birth. Surprisingly, according to the CDC, they constitute the most common type of major birth defect and can go slight to severe. Some examples include abnormal cardiac valves or holes in the walls of the heart that divide the rooms of the heart.


Marfan's syndrome

Cardiac diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome

The CDC explains that Marfan's syndrome is a genetic condition affecting the connective tissue providing support for the body and organs. It can be extremely damaging to the blood vessels, heart, eyes, skin, lungs and bone hips, spine, feet and thoracic cage.

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Pulmonary hypertension

Tired red haired man take glasses off working too long at computer, exhausted millennial male suffer from headache or eye tension, young student massaging nose bridge feeling fatigue

When the pressure in the arteries leading from the core to the lungs is too high, which can be the result of the disease of the connective tissue, liver disease, emphysema and chronic blood clots in lung hypertension of the lungs. -Pulmonary. Symptoms include shortness of breath and fatigue.


Rheumatic Cardiopathy

woman with throat pain

This rare condition is a complication of rheumatic fever, explains the CDC and can develop after a throat causes caused by streptococcal bacteria. Basically, the infection can damage the valves of the heart.

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Valvular heart disease

Swollen feet

When a heart valve is healthy, its leaflets can be completely open and close the valve during the heartbeat. However, when a valve is sick, it may not have the ability to open up completely and close, which means that the heart can not effectively pump blood throughout the body and must work harder to pump - that the blood is in the chamber or against a narrowed opening. This can be incredibly dangerous, resulting in heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, heart palpitations, shortness of breath or swelling in the legs and feet. And to protect your health, do not miss these Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers .

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