Most people had this side effect of Covid vaccine

You could feel that after your first or second shot.

After receiving theVaccines against COVID-19 By Pfizer or Moderna, you could feel some minor side effects, similar to the flu: fever, chills, body pain. Here's why: "Pfizer and Moderna are considered "reactogenic" in the sense that they stimulate a strong immune response with unpleasant but temporary side effects, "to explainDr. George Hwang, Anesthetist in Arlington, Virginia, who recently experienced his side effects after receiving the vaccine - which he calls "headache, fever and the happiest shivers I have ever had. " It's because he knew they were a sign that his body had begun to develop immunity toCOVID-19 [Feminine.Here are the seven post-shot side effects most frequently reported for Pfizer and Modern vaccines, at least common to the most common. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can have a fever

Sick woman with fever checking her temperature with a thermometer at home

Once the vaccine is injected into your arm, yourThe cells take an mRNA that code a version of the coronavirus spike protein. And the body reacts. "The innate immune system defines alarms to recruit more immune cells to your arm, causing inflammation and pain, which then leads to more immune cell recruitment, resulting in more important image symptoms of fever and Fatigue, "says Hwang.


Starting at least frequent ... you can have joint pain

man with dark hair suffering from elbow pain outdoor

Articular pain is common after getting the vaccine, especially after the second shot. If you feel pain, the CDC recommends taking a lifter of pain especially. Do not take relief from pain before getting firing, however; Experts are not sure it could compromise the efficiency of the vaccine.


You can have chills


The chills, like fever, constitute a common immune response that the body tries to lift its temperature to fight against an invader. As with other side effects, experts advise to drink a lot of fluids and allow you to rest.


You can have muscle pain

Woman's hands hold back spine suffering pain wear.

Post-vaccine muscle pain can be uncomfortable, but it is usually resolved in one day or two. Do not let your fear of side effects dissuade you from getting shot."We are ready to tolerate discomfort in other aspects of our lives - many people exercise and have la muscular pain after, and do not say," I'll never do it again ", Dr. William MOSS, Executive Director of the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health School, recently told AARP. "There are just many aspects of our lives where we need to be willing to do compromise of a certain discomfort for a longer-term gain. "


You can develop a headache

Mature man with bad headache at home

Headaches have been a commonly reported side effect of the three currently approved COVID vaccines. Most are light to moderate and do not last long. As with other body pain, analgesics on the counter can help you.


You can feel fatigue

Sick young woman lying in the bed covered with blanket

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Top Expert Infectious Diseases of President Biden's Nation and Chief Medical Advisor, said he had fatigue for about a day after getting his second shot of Modern. "I was hoping that I would not be too stupid. I did for about 24 hours. Now, I'm fine, "he says to the press two days after getting the vaccine. After his first shot, Fauci said that he had only the pain of weapons. It is common for side effects to be More pronounced after the second shot, the immune system being really pick up.


And the most common side effect: you can feel pain at the injection site

A man experiencing discomfort in his upper arm

As with any blow, tenderness on the injection site is common after the Covid vaccine. Analgesics on the desk and an ice pack can help. Simply contact your doctor if the pain increases after 24 hours or if your side effects do not disappear after a few days.

How to survive this pandemic

Woman with face protective mask

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place: Carry a face mask Be tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
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