Variant of Covid more murderer found in these 48 states

Here's where the British variants spread rapidly.

At the end of 2020, it was revealed thatCOVID-19 [FeminineThe variants had been identified around the world. Over the months, three mutations become rapidly more widespread: B.1.1.7, first identified in the United Kingdom, 501.V2, South Africa and P1, originating in Brazil. While the three are more communicable than the original, the British variant has also been confirmed to be more murderer - and unfortunately, it will soon be the dominant strain in the United States. According to the latest statistics of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) It has been confirmed in more than half of the country's states. Read to find out where - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The most murderer variant takes up the United States and is in the following states

The British variant has been identified in the following states and territories:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nébraska, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota , Texnese, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.In short, the only states that it has not been identified in Oklahoma, which confirmed the cases of Brazilian and Vermont variant, where no variant has been identified.

Monday, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, revealed that the British variant, B.1.1.7 will soon be the dominant strain in several states across the country. While the UK variant is "not uniformly distributed in the United States", there are "more than 4,700 cases reported so far, and it's just based on what we are, evaluating and Sequencing, "she said.

So where will he become dominant first? According to Dr. Walensky, Florida and California, it's 25%. "In other states," it's lower, "she maintains. And, by the current model of the CDC," by the end of March, early April, B.1.1.7 will be the " Strain of dominant Covid ".

The good news is that all three of theVaccines against COVID-19-Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna-offer protection against variant B.1.1.7. This means that the vaccinated being is one of our biggest tools against the variant.

RELATED:Dr. Faisci has just said it's the best vaccine to get

Get your vaccine when you can

"Please follow our recommended public health prevention precautions and be prepared to get your vaccine when you put available," said Dr. Walensky this week. "We are just starting to turn the corner. The data move in the right direction, but where it will depend on whether we all do what needs to be done to protect yourself and others." So get vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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