Dr. Fauci has just published this great COVID warning for all

Are we too complacent? "I'm actually worried that it's the case," he said.

With 2 to 3 million people who get theircoronavirus vaccineDaily, it may seem that the pandemic is almost over. This is not the case. In fact, new variants and a case tray may indicate that we are in another overvoltage and that cases increase in Michigan and Miami Beach, a curfew on spring stays, the danger is real.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onToday weekendWarn about your too complacent. Read on its complete warning - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Dr. Fauci is worried that we can have another overvoltage

Dr. Faisci was asked if people become too complacent. "I'm actually worried that it's the case," he said. "If you look at the dynamics of the epidemic, we had this big thrust in winter, the middle of winter, the end of winter, then it started going down really, really well and certainly reached about 50 at 60,000. And now, it is plurified. It's not a good thing because what happened in the past. And history showed us that when you have this plateau, it's usually the forerunner of another push. We actually saw that in the European Union. "


Dr. Fauci stated that the epidemics of the European Union could arrive here

Coronavirus in Italy.Protective mask.Tourists in face masks at the Wiktor Emanuel II Gallery

"They are usually about three to four weeks before us in the dynamics of their epidemic," said Fauci. "They are mounted as we have returned, pushed back and they withdrew their public health measures, masking and things like that. And at the moment, they cross the beginning of an increase of 5 or 10%. I Am M really concerned if we declare the victory prematurely, that it is the same thing that will happen. The vaccines arrive very well, between two and 3 million doses a day to go to people. If we could just hang a Les little longer, the most people are vaccinated, less likely that there is a thrust. "


Dr. Fauci said that the variants could cause more deaths and deaths more

Doctor showing covid-19 tube test and sampling swab.

"There are a number of variants," said Fauci, "but the one who currently earns dynamics in our own country is B.1.1.7, which is the UK variant as they call it, because It has happened to be first noticed in the United Kingdom. The good news about it is that the vaccines we are distributing now, the three vaccines work very well against this variant. There are some other variants that are more disturbing are not really dominant and don it seems that they become dominant. So, the one we focus right now is 1.1.7, there is one in New York and five to six years of concern. But J He hopes that if we maintain our public health measures, which will not become a dominant variant, but you must keep your eyes on the variants. But as I mentioned, fortunately for us, our vaccines work well against 1.1. 7. "


Mr. Fauci said we had to convince people to take the vaccine - including health workers

Doctor holding Pfizer Biontech vaccine against coronavirus COVID disease

TheToday The hosts mentioned a survey "which shows that about 18% of these health workers of the country say they do not plan to be vaccinated ... What does he say about our chances of reaching immunity of the flock and what this threshold we have a country to reach us all of us safe? "

"We do not really know what this number is," Dr. Faisci said. "You can make an estimate of what it is .... it's purely an estimate between 70 and 85% of the vaccinated population. I mean, at any time, there is a degree of vaccine hesitation In any group, you have just mentioned, one, health workers. He is disturbing. We must continue to sensitize them and try to convince them. First, without being accused to try to understand to understand What does it concern about what you are concerned? Is it because you feel that things have disappeared too fast, you can explain that it is really a reflection of science that has disappeared for decades before. So, Even if the wise time, it looks like it's fast. The fact is that there has been a lot of effort and science that took place, and that it is safe and effective, it has been proved quite clearly that it is very effective. We must continue to reach these people. "


Dr. Fauci said some of the public health measures can change their future

Two women with black face masks sitting on bench in park

On the heels of CDC recommend schools can keep children three feet away, instead of six hours. Fauci was asked if the same could happen to adults. "I think it will eventually be the case - what the CDC is that the CDC is trying to make the most of their ability to accumulate probe and scientific data and data, how They did with children at school. When these data fit into I think you can expect to see some changes to recommendations for a variety of things, workplace trips, places of worship. These. will start moving. "For now, be vaccinated when it is available for you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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