5 people who "should not" get the Covid vaccine

If you match any of these descriptions, you must ignore shooting at the moment.

The three FDA approved by the FDAVaccines against COVID Which are currently administered have been largely effective and safe, both in clinical and real-world trials. "Covid-19 vaccines aresafe and effective, say itCDC. "Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the supervision of the most intense security in the history of the United States. CDC recommends that you receive a CVIVID-19 vaccine as soon as you are eligible. " However, according to the Agency, some people with certain medical conditions should not obtain the vaccine and that others should be made temporarily. To know the last details, read on-And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


Return your vaccine if you have recently been vaccinated for influenza or shingles

Woman in medical face mask getting Covid-19 vaccine at the hospital

"Wait at least 14 days after your Covid-19 vaccine before getting another vaccine, including an influenza vaccine or shingle," the CDC recommends. "Or if you have recently received another vaccine first, wait at least 14 days before receiving your CVIV-19 vaccine." Why? "None of COVID-19 vaccines currently allowed are live virus vaccines," says the agency. "Because data lacks safety and efficacy of CVIV-19 vaccines administered simultaneously with other vaccines, the series of vaccines must be systematically administered alone, with a minimum interval of 14 days before or after the administration of all Another vaccine. "


Talk to your doctor if you are allergic to the ingredients of the vaccine

Woman scratching arm indoors

The CDC advisesThat people who have had a serious allergic reaction, such as anaphylaxis-to an ingredient of the Covid vaccine, do not get firing. These ingredients includePolyethylene glycol and polysorbate 80. But if you have had a non-severe allergic reaction to any vaccine, you are always correct to get the Covid vaccine.


Do not get the second dose if you had an allergic reaction at first time

Health Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month Men's Health Month National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Professional Wellness Month Cataract Awareness Month Scoliosis Awareness Month Hernia Awareness Month PTSD Awareness Month National Safety Month Summer hunger for kids (COVID related) 6/7: National Cancer Survivors Day 6/10-16: Men's Health Week 6/13: Family Health & Fitness Day 6/14: World Blood Donor Day 6/21 Father's Day 6/27: HIV Testing Day 6/27: National PTSD Awareness Day Lifestyle Themes/Events: Ongoing covid-19 coverage Pride Month Adopt a Cat Month 6/5: World Environment Day 6/8: World Ocean Day 6/10: Prince Philip bday 6/21: Father's Day 6/21: Prince William bday; Summer solstice Food National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month National Iced Tea Month National Dairy Month National Seafood Month Country Cooking Month Corn Month Cucumber Month Mango Month June 3: National Egg Day June 4: National Cheese Day June 4: National Frozen Yogurt Day June 5: National Doughnut Day June 4: National Cheese Day June 5: National Banana Split Day June 10: National Iced Tea Day June 15: National Lobster Day (Especially related to grilling/fresh fish/summer) June 19: Father's Day June 20: National Vanilla Milkshake Day (best milkshakes in US, Milkshake recipes, etc) June 21: National Peaches and Cream Day June 22: National Onion Rings Day (best onion rings in the US, etc) Grilling (burgers, steaks, seafood, veggies, etc) Every State / Best in the U.S. Restaurants / Dining Out -- related to coronavirus Cooking (quick & easy, warm-weather recipes) -- related to coronavirus Tips & Tricks (includes grocery tips, but not saving money) Drinks Food Trivia / Food Facts Fourth of July (pre-planning)

If you had a severe allergic reaction to your first dose of the Covid vaccine, you should not get the second,The CDC says. "If you had a serious allergic reaction, also called anaphylaxis - after obtaining the first shot of a CVIV-19 vaccine,CDC recommends that you do not get a second shot of this vaccine. If the reaction was after an Arna Covid-19 vaccine of Arna (Pfizer-Biontech or Moderna), you should not get a second shot of any of these vaccines. "It also goes for non-serious allergic reactions." If you had an immediate allergic reaction after shooting a Covid-19 vaccine, you should not get a second shot of this vaccine, even if your allergic reaction was not severe enough to demand emergency care . "

Having minor side effects after the first vaccine, such as injection site pain, fever, fatigue, muscle pain or nausea - is normal and prevent you from getting a second dose. "Covid arm", a rash, a redness or swelling in the injection arm that may appear a week or more after your first shot.


Do not get the vaccine if you are under this age

medical professional with young child patient.

Currently, CVIV-19 vaccines are approved only for seniors aged 16 and over (in the case of the Pfizer vaccine) or 18 years of age and older (in the case of Moderna and Johnson vaccines & Johnson). Clinical trials of vaccines are underway for younger children. If you have any questions, consult your health care provider.


Do not go out - including to be vaccinated - if you currently have COVID

Woman coughing hardly at home

If you have current symptoms of COVID, you should stay at home and self-insulating for 10 days after the start of symptoms. You should not leave isolation to get the Covid vaccine.The CDC recommendsRefer to your appointment on your vaccine until you encounter the guidelines for allowing isolation.


Good news: Everyone should be vaccinated!

A woman displays her vaccination card and the

Everyone is eligible for Covid-19 vaccine. Experts say to get it as soon as you are eligible and the best vaccine to get is the one that is available for the first time. Remember: You are not fully vaccinated before two weeks after your end shooting, and even when you are, it is important to practice precautions such as the mask and social distance whenever you are in public. So do it, And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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