Warning signs your heart could stop, says the doctor

There are a few things to watch

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers from aheart attack, according toAmerican Heart Association, Which occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the cardiac muscle is severely reduced or cut completely. Although often there is no warning, there may be signs or symptoms of a heart attack is on the horizon.Elizabeth Klodas, MD, Cardiologist Practitioner and founder of One Step Foods, offers some warning signs to watch. Continue reading to know what they are and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


You experience traffic anomalies in other areas

High detail image of unstable atherosclerotic plaque condition

Dr. Klodas argues that if you have the plate in carotid arteries (the arteries in the neck than the feed blood / brain) or the arteries in the legs, the chances are very high that you also have the accumulation plate in heart arteries. "Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease," explains. "Once you identify the plate in one place, you can be sure that you have the plate elsewhere. »


You suffer from diabetes


Diabetes is a defined risk factor for a heart attack. "People with diabetes are at risk as high to develop heart disease than for all purposes, they are treated as if they have heart disease already," Dr. Klodas reveals. "This means that the reduction of the objectives for the control of acceptable blood pressure and being placed on the statins to lower cholesterol. »


You have other risk factors for commissionable heart disease

Nurse taking the blood pressure of elderly man

Dr Klodas stresses that high cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess weight, poor nutrition, inactivity and smoking are all controllable risk factors, "synergistic" in their effects. "More than those you have and the more you have had them for, the more you are likely to have an accumulation of plaque in the arteries," she says.


You have a family history of heart disease

Fill out the family history section in the medical questionnaire

People with family members who have developed heart disease among younger (male relatives of less than 55 and / or relatives less than 65 years old) -Surtout so many people are affected are more likely to develop a disease Cardiac as well. However, "genetics is not destined," Dr. Klodas adds. "It represents only about 20% of your predisposition that is why everything does you can to help prevent heart disease in yourself is so important -Surtack if you have a family history of cardiac problems. »


You have ED

worried senior man in tension at bed.

In men, erectile dysfunction can be an early indicator of bad vascular health, explains Dr Klodas. "Although many factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction, it has been found to be a reliable marker of the underlying heart disease especially in the presence of other risk factors," explains.

RELATED: The best way to avoid a heart attack, doctors say


You are older

Man tired after excercise.

Coronary and vascular disease become more likely than we get older. "But as genetics is not destined, the age is not," Dr. Klodas explains. "Not all old individuals succumb to heart disease. But this means that the more you get older more seriously, you should take suspicious symptoms (such as chest pain or unusual shortness of breath or unusual fatigue). »


You experience thoracic pains, pressure, burning burning heaviness

man having heart attack

Thoracic pain / pressure / burning / heavy that will not disappear, especially if it is associated with a sense of shortness of breath, sweats, dizziness or a feeling of doom can be a sign that you have a heart attack. "Anything that is chest pain or shortness of breath or dizziness or perspiration a heart attack, but if you experience unusual symptoms and will not disappear, it is safer to ask for evaluation", the Dr. Klodas suggests.

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You meet other new symptoms, unusual above size and under the eyes

Woman is touching her stiff shoulder.

All persistent, new / unusual symptoms that are not, but are experienced the above resolution of size and in the eyes may signal a heart attack. "Cardiac pain experiences differently a jaw of notice or dental pain, some have the discomfort of the neck, some have the pain of back and others have pain in the arm," says Dr. Klodas. "Simply because it's not chest pain does not mean that it's not a heart attack. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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