These people "should not" get Vaccine Covid, says CDC

Covid-19 vaccines are safe and efficient, with these minor exceptions.

Concern of the security of theVaccines against COVID-19are at a height of fever. It is important to remember that the risk of undesirable event - whether it is a blood clot or a serious allergic reaction - is as rare as "struck by lightning", according to experts. "Covid-19 vaccines are safe and efficient," says the CDC. Without speaking about: "People who have been fully vaccinatedCan start doing some things they had stopped doing because of the pandemic. That said, there is a small population that should not be vaccinated, says the CDC. Read it to see exceptions - and to ensure your health and health among others, do not miss this new urgent: Here's how you can catch Covid even if you are vaccinated.


Do not do the Covid-19 vaccine if you had one of these allergies

Past medical history questionary with ticked Allergies and pen

If you are allergic to pollen, do not worry. But: "If you have had a serious allergic reaction or an immediate allergic reaction, even if it does not matter - no ingredient in an mRNACOVID-19 [Feminine Vaccine, you should not get one of the current COVID-19 (Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna) mRNA vaccines. If you have had a severe allergic reaction or an immediate allergic reaction to any ingredient by Johnson & Johnson's Janssen (J & J / Janssen) Vaccine Covid-19,You should not get the J & J / Janssen vaccine, "said the CDC." If you are unable to have oneCovid-19 vaccine type Because you are allergic to an ingredient in this vaccine, ask your doctor if you need to get a different CVIV-19 vaccine type. "


No one should have the J & J vaccine right now, as you probably heard

Syringe Injection placed against Johnson and Johnson logo

"CDC and FDA recommended a break in Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Covid-19's Johnson & Johnson Vaccine in the United States at the abundance of prudence, the effectiveness of Tuesday, April 13," said The CDC this week. "People who received the J & J / J / Janssen Covid-1930 vaccine, the last three weeks that develop serious headaches, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath should seek medical care right now."


Use CAUTION if you are allergic to this ingredient

Doctor and senior woman wearing facemasks

If you are allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate, pay attention: "PEG and Polysorbate are closely linked to each other. PEG is an ingredient in mRNA vaccines, and polysorbate is an ingredient in J & Janssen vaccine. If you are allergic to Piquet, you should not get an Arna Covid-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get the J & J / Janssen vaccine.

If you are allergic to the polysorbate, you do not have to get the J & J / Janssen Covid-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get an Arna Covid-19 vaccine. "


You can get Covid-19 vaccine if you have these allergies

Man with allergy or an infection sneezing

"CDC recommends vaccinated persons even if they have a history of serious allergic reactions that are not related to vaccines or injectable drugs, such as food allergies, animal, venom, environment or latex", declared the agency. "People with a history of oral drug allergies or a family history of serious allergic reactions can also be vaccinated."

RELATED:Most coovidants did this before getting sick


Children can not be vaccinated

Mother puts a safety mask on her son's face.

These 16 and under can not get a vaccine at that time. "I do not think we'll see it in the first half of this year," said Dr. Jose Romero, Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices, "said an interview with MSNBC . "We need to see how studies progress. We need to see these data to ensure that it is safe and effective in children." So be vaccinated when it becomes available for you - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.

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