Dr. Fauci has just published this serious COVID warning

Cases will continue to increase unless we act.

In the last month, despite millions of people obtainedvaccinated Every day, the number ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Infections, hospitalizations and deaths have continued to increase in many parts of the country. During an interview withNews4JAX UNCUT,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned that if this major fault is made, the virus will continue to overcome.Read on its 8 essential tips-And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss this new urgent: Here's how you can catch Covid even if you are vaccinated.


Premature reopening is a "risky proposal"

Coffee shop woman owner with face mask, open after lockdown quarantine.

When asked about the complete reopening of Florida, Dr. Faisci warned that it was a big mistake that puts him a "risky proposal" because it will give the virus an opportunity to "relieve" - ​​precisely As we are vaccinating the country, although we help help us control this virus and get to a form of normality, "he explained. "But to prematurely declare victory, returning to public health measures, I think it's poorly appreciated."


Vaccines are the answer

Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

Dr. Faita revealed that the best way to beat the virus is to continue vaccination efforts and continue to follow the fundamental principles. "We all understand Covid fatigue, and we all want to see that we want to get back to a form of normality. We have been doing it for a long time," he said. "But we are going in the right direction with the vaccines. We are very lucky to have three very effective vaccines. It will be the final game, answer this. That's what will bring us back to normal."

He repeated that he would be "counterproductive to throw all the public health measures that can keep the virus contained up - and it will not be very long than - the vaccine can actually get the higher hand on this particular virus" . He stressed Israel as evidence. "Israel got a certain critical proportion of their vaccinated population and suddenly, the burden of virus goes to the end."


The rate of infection is "completely unacceptable"

Female and male doctors wearing masks and uniforms are visiting to check the symptoms of middle-aged female patients lying in bed.

Dr. Faisci also pointed out that the current rate of infection is troubling. "At the moment as a nation, we are on average a weekly base between 60,000 and 70,000 new infections. This is totally unacceptable because if you stay at this level, there is a real risk to get another push" , did he declare.

"And that's why we encourage people to hang there a little longer with the types of things we know can contain the virus: the universal port of masks, the physical distancing, the avoidance of the gathering settings, Without permanently by no way, but just until vaccines can take over, "he continued.


After vaccination, you can unconsciously deploy Covid to others

with sneezing at city street, woman without protective mask while spreading flu,cold, Covid-19

When asked why people should still hide in some situations - depending on the level of infection in the community - after being vaccinated, he stressed that the asymptomatic propagation may occur.

"The risk for you to be infected is very, very weak. And the risk of getting a serious result is even lower when you are vaccinated," he confirmed. "But what can we arrive, and we will learn more about it in the coming months is that because you are vaccinated, you could be infected without knowing it, do not give up any symptoms, but also a virus in Your nasal pharynx and in your nose. It would not bother you because you are quite well protected. But what you could do inadvertently is to infect someone else by the loss of virus, your nasal pharynx, This person could then continue to get a serious result. "


In addition, variants are not always offered by the vaccine

Doctor studying virus bacteria in the lab

While most variants are "variable protected by the vaccine - most of the time, protection is really very good," he said, "but in some people, especially seniors and Other people who are vaccinated, they could be vulnerable to a variant. You want to make sure we protect everyone, ourselves and the people around us. "

RELATED:Most coovidants did this before getting sick


Things will soon return to normal

friends drinking coffee

Fortunately, we are almost at the finish line. "Within a reasonable time, while more and more people are vaccinated and that level of infection becomes lower and lower in the community, you will see a withdrawal on many public health mandates such as it was, or suggestions or recommendations, "he said." People will have much more flexibility to go about society, go to restaurants, having fun during events when there is Other people out there, for sure of that. We just have to hang a little longer. "


The breakthrough rate is very low

Happy vaccinated woman gesturing thumbs up.

Finally, he explained that even though some people become COVID after being fully vaccinated, it's not a huge concern, mainly because the breakthrough rate is so low.

"It tells you that vaccines really work. I mean, it's important. It's a good news proposition. There was a recent report of 5,814, I think the progress that were observed among the people two weeks after their totally vaccination vaccinated. Well, you know, when you vaccinate dozens and tens of millions of people - the last account there have been 131 million people who have received at least one dose of Vaccine - a few thousand breakthroughs always maintain the effectiveness of this vaccine in the 90 more percentage tranche. "


Do not stop!

Woman put on medical protective mask for protection against coronavirus.

So continue to follow the fundamental principles of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live itfacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
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