Expert virus warns these states could be the next "hot spots" of COVID

"It's about thinking this week," Osterholm said the recent death of Covid, jump on the count of the Americans lost.

Despite a light at the end of the tunnel, thecoronavirusThe pandemic is not over, warns the epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center at the University of Minnesota for the infectious research and policy of the disease, on hisPodcasttoday. In fact, the trends have been observed in Michigan, and even as far as India, where cases are raging, demonstrate that we still have a lot to learn and offer a good reason to use caution. Read 5 key points on how you can stay away from Covid and why you should stay concerned - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these urgent news:Here's how you can catch Covid even if you are vaccinated.


The virus expert warns the deaths of Covids "very slobues" and always continues, so be careful

Infected patient in quarantine lying in bed in hospital, coronavirus concept.

"It's about thinking this week," Osterholm said the recent death of Covid, jump on the count of the Americans lost. "We are now at 564,292 registered. If you mean an individual name respectfully every three seconds who died of Covid, it would take 19.6 days without stopping to do it. It's thinking. And non-English, global. Level, where we know that there has been a major subcategory of cases is 3,025,835, that if you did the same thing, saying respectfully, each of these names, which they are Personally, it would take 105 days to state the name of everyone who died of Covid 19 in the last year. And give a sense of these numbers, just remember that it took nine months since the beginning of The pandemic to accumulate these first cases. It took four additional months to accumulate the following 1 million topics. And it took only three months for the third million. This should make sense of what happens globally today 'Next, see where he thinks there could be Epidemics next.


These states could have epidemics of Covid like Michigan, he warned

A Moon rising over Detroit, Michigan

Osterholm said that "I do not know" when asked to predict the future - this virus is so unpredictable - but stated that it existed "the potential of these other states - at least 12 to 15 states where Things could take off and be so bad as Michigan. "He mentioned" Mississippi, 29% had at least one dose in that state, 30% in Alabama, 31% of Louisiana, 32% in Tennessee ... only 19 % in Alabama "-" If we do not change the level ofvaccination Beyond where it is now in these states: "It's the assumption of someone," he said.


The virus expert declares that the hesitation of vaccines must be overcome

African American man in antiviral mask gesturing thumb up during coronavirus vaccination, approving of covid-19 immunization

The reports say that some people are hesitant to take the vaccine. "It is fair to say that the polls that have been taken to date to examine who will actually be vaccinated, have shown that the share of adults who have received a dose or wants to be vaccinated as soon as they have increased," says Osterholm. "So on March 21, it increased by 61% of 55% of the previous month, but 61% means 39% of the population is still not likely to obtain the vaccine without additional education or fair . They are not going to get it at this point. We do not really understand what they will take for these extra people to be vaccinated. We are probably about 27 to 30 million adults away from to be vaccinated before hitting what they call the limit enthusiasm. And that means that at that time, in 15 to 20 days we can see that the number of vaccinations has fallen precipitated because we do not can more get people. And I think it's going to be a real challenge. So it's going to be a big problem, hesitation of vaccines and what it means. "


Globally, India struggles and we can learn from them

Gateway of India at morning, Mumbai, India.

"Unfortunately," says Osterholm, "World deaths are also upwarding more than 83,000 reported last week. We know that deaths are recognized in many countries to start." Cases are out of control in India. "I have heard more and even more and even if we have just done it like India did, they had a way in one way or another, having reached this concept of flock immunity , on the basis of what he did not see great epidemics, they did not have the need for those who notes are covering Lockdowns and we do not have that we have no AIS are not straight. ... .well, I think India is by far the best example of the reason we need to pay attention, he said.

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So stay safe there

Woman putting a second face mask.

Follow the foundations of public health and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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