You are most likely to catch Covid here, says Dr. Gupta

Dr. Anthony Fauci was called "doctor in America" ​​but before he was on every television channel, there was another man who could have claimed this title: Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN. The medical professional eyes clear appeared on CNNNew dayprogram the other day to discuss what you should and should not do if you arevaccinatedAnd why we are not yet out of the wood. Read about 5 essential points of the doctor - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


Dr. Gupta says you are most likely to catch Covid inside, so if you wear a mask outside?

Woman put on medical protective mask for protection against coronavirus.

Do we need to wear a mask outside, even if you are vaccinated? "Let me try to answer that way," Dr. Gupta said. "I think the vast majority ofviral Transmission does not occur outside. In fact, we have gathered some of the numbers we talked about, the fact that, overall, if you look at new cases of people becoming infected, less than 10% are going outside ... about close to 19 times more likely to get outside versus inside. "However, Dr. Gupta says it does not mean that you can wear a mask outdoors - keep reading to see what to consider before leaving before leaving.


Dr. Gupta says consider these factors before removing your mask

young woman wearing a hygiene protective mask over her face while walking at the crowded place

"So what are the factors that are doing that different?" Dr. Gupta said about what is dangerous outside and what is not. "I would say for the most part, you do not need to wear a mask outside - there are countries around the world like Israel who says you no longer need to do it. I think you have to Just use common sense here. I mean, the virus is contagious. It does not like to be outside. It does not like to be in the sunlight, but if you are closely grouped, if there is Many people in one zone, if you go to be there for long periods - and a very important warning is, what is the type of viral transmission in your area? If there are a lot of viruses propagging in your Area, many positive tests ... you can consider that so if you are going to be in this kind of situation .... there are many factors that go in that. What probability I'm going to breathe in the air From someone else, it's basically the number of people, the type of frame, obviously inside by report RT outside. And what is the global viral propagation in your community? "


Dr. Gupta says the indoor dining room in a full-capacity restaurant is a non-no

Group of business people ordering their meal at the restaurant.

Is it prudent to sit in a restaurant? "I think that's one of the most common questions I receive from my own family and friends," Dr. Gupta said. "The thing about the indoor dining room - it's always really inside, is that the ventilation of there is the big question. It's up to what I was talking about. What probability of breathe in the air from someone else now. If everyone has been vaccinated - so I think you're in a very different type of position. People are not likely to get sick and they are not likely to spread the virus. But if you are in a region of the country where there are still many viruses spreading, you obviously meet many different households and you must obviously delete your mask to eat or drink - it's the big Concern in most parts of the country. "As for full capacity, interior dinners - I can not imagine that it would be advisable. I mean, it's still too risky that there is still too much luck that you will actually be exposed potentially to the virus. I think of a limited capacity and looking at what the virus made in your community for where I live. For example, I think it would be very difficult to justify a complete capacity, an indoor dining room, perhaps in the coming months, we will arrive at this point or maybe even a few weeks in the summer, but we are not there yet. "

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Dr. Gupta says that cases can go up and down all year round

female medical worker in protective mask

If there is a hesitation of the vaccine, will it slow down our chances of going to the immunity of the flock and the end of the pandemic? "What we could see, and that could be a real model, it's because we could always dive into the flock immunity during the summer," said Dr. Gupta, "in part because the virus will start to dissipate a little with the hot weather - more people being outdoors. You can not have so much spreading, but we could see a resurgence then in the fall. People often think of this flock or This community immunity like the final destination, which we hope that it is, but it is possible that you can do a kind of plunging and getting out of that too, that's why in the next few months he is so important to get as many people vaccinated as possible. "


Dr. Gupta wondered how many people have immunity - this is the important question

happy woman enjoying summer outdoors

"We continue to measure that through the number of vaccinations, which is a very reasonable measure," said Dr. Gupta. "The real question we are trying to ask is how many people out there have immunity to this virus? And this is composed of people who have been vaccinated, but also people who have already been infected - now, C ' is probably a pretty important number. We do not always know how many people have already been infected because we have never had any adequate tests and that we still do not, but people say it's probably three times The official number two and a half to three times the official number. You may have 80 to one hundred million people who have an immunity to have been previously infected - another layer of nuance. Some of these people are then vaccinated. You can not count them twice. There are many things that are wrapped in it. All this tells vaccination figures, plus a degree of natural immunity, will be useful. I do not suggest anyone to be in Fected to have immunity, but I say that it will probably be useful when you add these numbers together. "So do you vaccinate when it becomes at your disposal and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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