Dr. Fauci clarifies if you need a vaccine booster
Dr. Faisci was asked when we all need another shot, in addition to those we have already obtained.

You have yourVVID-19 vaccine, or are it on the point of-but how long will this protection be finally? Will you need a booster shot? Or must go back each year, as if you're doing influenza?Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Councilor of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, talked about that withCnnJim Acosta. Both have also discussed when you could take your mask this summer, among other subjects. Read on 5 tasks take away on the keys that could save your life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.
Dr. Faisci proposed clarification on vaccine boosters

Dr. Faisci was asked when we all need another shot, in addition to those we have already obtained. "So, one of the things I have noticed, there was some confusion about it, that I like to clarify, that when you talk about the need for a third-party shooting in the diet, you do not Talk no effectiveness because now, I mean, right now, 14 days after your second dose, you have a very highly efficient vaccine and you are highly protected, "said Dr. FaCi. As for when you might need to need From a booster? "You know, Jim, we do not know," Dr. Ease said. "I mean, probably it will be a shot and that it may be that you may have a point that you will need periodically - similar to what we do with the flu. We do not know that, but you want to be prepared for that. And that's exactly what we do. We remain prepared unless the durability begins to go down. We want to be ready to keep it at a very protective level. "
Dr. Fauci said you soon heard about going out without mask

The CDC should advertise new instructions from tomorrow when you need and do not need a mask outside. "The only thing for sure is that the thing that's on a lot of people, what's outside?" said Dr. Fauci. "Because of course, many people will spend a lot of time outside now, because time becomes really beautiful spring. You will see people who want to do things outside without masks. And it's common Meaning to know that the risk when you are outside, what we say all along, is extremely weak. And if you are vaccinated, it is even lower. So you will hear about these kinds of recommendations soon. "
Dr. Fauci said he wants everyone to appear for his second shot

"We learned this morning from the CDC that about 8% of the Americans missed their second dose in March. This number was more than 3%. I know you are a guy of numbers. I know you are A data guy.. What are the implications of this? "Asked Acosta.
Dr. Fauci said it was natural that some people forget, otherwise do not be able to get their second dose. "I would like it to be a 0%," he says, "but I'm not surprised that some people who do that. In fact, when you have other vaccines, such as the anti-zoster vaccine of the Herpes, it's a kind of things that the percentage of people who do not show up for the second dose is even more than that. So it's not something that is specific to the "Covid Vaccine, A- he said.
Mr. Fauci said he hoped that J & J pause promotes a sense of security, without a doubt

Dr. Faisci was asked about the break - then restart - the Johnson & Johnson vaccine distribution, which was linked to 13 cases of women's blood clots. "One of the things I think people do not really want to appreciate," said Mr. Fauci: "When you talk to people, many of them realize that the fact that the CDC and the FDA caused this temporary break is really a reflection of how we seriously take security. So, as opposed to being something that goes against people to do vaccines, I think they are going To realize if you ask someone why they are hesitant, there are a number of reasons. One of it is a predominant reason, it is because people might be concerned about security. "And he hopes that the Cutting precautions make you feel they are safe.
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Dr. Fauci says that here's what we need to come back to normal

"Scientists estimate that 70 to 85% of the population needs to be fully vaccinated," said Acosta ", so we can go back to life before the pandemic as we knew it .... you think we're going to hit this number Target we are looking for? "
"We estimate - because we do not know, we estimate that about 70 to 85%. However, even before you get to that, more and more people vaccinated, you will reach a point even before they, where you will start to see the number of cases by dramatically descending - not necessarily complete total protection, but the number of cases diminishing considerably. Now we are on average about 60,000 cases a day. in an average of seven days, then that we are lower and lower and lower, you will see a gradual decrease in restrictions and a more gradual evolution towards normality. It will not be like a light switch and we go from where we are going now to be Completely normal. It's going to be a progressive with regard to what you can do outside, that you can make travel, outdoor sports, stadiums, theaters, restaurants, little by little. You will see cet e approach to normal. "
How to get to "normal" faster

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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