Watch for this first sign of dementia, declares the report
Financial losses can report dementia.

Imagine spending $ 20,000 on a mini-van and, the next morning, having no memory to make such a purchase. It was not a fraud. It was not a computer error. You have definitely bought the minivan. You just do not remember doing it.
It was Jarring's experience of Maria Turner, as indicated by theNew York Times. "I got a joke, but it really bothered me," she said to the newspaper. More packaging quickly started arriving. She did not know why. Years later, she received the diagnosis: the cognitive decline, with his brain showing "prints of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative cerebral disease" and "proof ofAlzheimer's disease And frontal dementia, which affects the front and temporal lobes of the brain. "
"It is not uncommon for us to understand that one of the first signs that families become aware of a person's financial negotiation," Beth Kallmyer, Vice-President of Care and Support to the Association of Alzheimer, tells the newspaper. Yes, a first sign of dementia can be financial expenses you do not have any memory.
The article was supported in a precedentto studyTwo years of return: "Previous studies show that people at the beginning of the early stages of Alzheimer's financial capacity lose; that is to say, their ability to manage their checkbook, pay bills in time, to spend consistently with the values they had in the past, "explained the main author of the study, the Health Economist Carole Roan Gresenz, Ph.D., Dean Interim of Georgetown Nursing and Health School. "What we have seen was that households in which someone is at the stadium Early of the disease are vulnerable to a significant reduction in liquid assets such as savings, money market and audit ", she says.
Read on some other early signs of dementia,and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
Problems with short-term memory

If you "do you remember recent events, although you can easily remember things that occurred in the past," it is a first dementia signal, according to theAlzheimer's company. Think about Maria Turner. She may remember something of her childhood but had no memory of buying this mini-van.
Paying bills
Spending money on the purchases you do not remember is an early sign of dementia, but do not spend money - as in, completely forgetting your monthly bills. These routine tent centers each week serve as markers whose total cognitive function should be able to remember.
Planning and preparation of meals

We all find ourselves with a refrigerator filled with remains rotten from time to time, or spinach spoiled in the net drawer. But if you shop for meal preparation and forget that you even bought the grocery store, or what a meal you had planned to do, shortly thereafter, it may be a sign of cognitive decline. Forgetting to eat is also a disturbing sign.
Remember the appointments

Ghosting the ones you are supposed to meet is not just rude; This can be a sign of dementia, if you do not even remember the planning of appointments in the first place.
RELATED: 5 ways to prevent dementia, declares Dr. Sanjay Gupta
What if you notice disturbing signs of dementia

"Come on conditions of memory loss and that the beginning of dementia can be difficult. Some people are trying to hide memory problems, as well as family members or compensated friends for memory loss of a person's memory , sometimes without being aware of how much they have been adapted to the disability, "says theMAYO Clinic. "Getting a quick diagnosis is important, although it's difficult. Identify a reversible cause of memory deficiency allows you to obtain appropriate treatment. In addition, an early diagnosis of light cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease or an associated disorder is beneficial. "And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss these13 daily habits that kill you secretly.

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