Study finds that this slashes your risk of cancer

This also reduces your chances of developing cardiac disease.

Cancer is one of the main causes of death among American adults, closely behindheart sickness. Although some risk factors are beyond control, including genetics and scientific research by age, there are a number of things you can do to help keep Big C to Bay. Now, ato studyhas identified a simple lifestyle habit that can help prevent both to happen. Read on to know what it is, as well as what the CDC says you can do about it-And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


A healthy lifestyle for the heart can help reduce your risk of cancer, said a study

Older man and woman holding hands in shape of heart for good heart health

According to the study published in theJournal of the American Cardiology CollegeA healthy lifestyle for the heart can help reduce your risk of developing cancer - in addition to maintaining cardiac disease.

"CVD Risk, as caught by the CVD's traditional risk factors, the 10-year ASCVD risk score and natural peptide concentrations are associated with increased risk of future cancer," concludes the study. "Conversely, a cardiac healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of cancer of the future. These data suggest that the association between the CVD and the cancer of the future is attributable to shared risk factors."


A less healthy lifestyle for the heart can increase your risk of cancer

fast food and chips

"We have found an association between a healthy lifestyle for the heart and a risk of lower cancer, and the opposite is true: that a less healthy lifestyle for the heart is also associated with a higher risk of cancer ", Emily Lau, a researcher onthe studywho works in the Cardiology Division at Massachusetts General Hospital, said in aPress releaseaccompanying the study.

As part of their research, they analyzed data of more than 20,000 people who were part of two major health studies, focusing on those who have developed cancer or cardiovascular disease during the study. They determined that with the most natriuretic peptides had a chance of 40% more cancer.

Overall, they found that the study participants who adapted a holy way of life managed their blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and were not significantly overweight - were at a lower risk of Developing cancer. And those who were non-smokers were much less likely to develop both cancer and heart disease.


How to have a healthy lifestyle of heart, according to the CDC

Healthy woman making salad

Disease and prevention control centers offer several strategies on how to live a healthy lifestyle for the heart. The diet is one of the most crucial. "Make healthy food choices like more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy products. Eat less salt, saturated grease and added sugar," they suggest. Continue reading for their other tips.

RELATED: 9 daily habits that could lead to dementia


Learn your health history

Fill out the family history section in the medical questionnaire

"Know your risks and talk to your family and your doctor of your health back record," says the CDC. "Your doctor can use it to develop a more complete picture of your health and health risk factors. Together, you can work on ways to reduce this risk."


Move more, sit less

Mature fitness woman tie shoelaces on road

"Get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity weekly, as well as muscle building activities at least 2 days a week," says the CDC.

RELATED: Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers


Rethinking your drink

Woman drinking soda trough a straw.

"Replace water for sweet drinks to reduce calories. If you drink alcohol, do it in moderation," says the CDC. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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