5 daily habits that could lead to a heart attack, say that doctors

If you fell into these dangerous schemes, change courses to save your heart.

Many factors can increase our risk for aheart Attack, family history to certain diseases. But the most important are the daily behaviors that are directly in our control, saysElena Ghiar, MD, a primary care doctor with a medical center Mercy in Baltimore, Maryland. "The most important factors that impact us daily are smoking, lack of exercise, diet choices and obesity," she says. Unfortunately, as many doctors, ghiatry saw the stress and isolation of the pandemic causing too many patients to stay blocked in unhealthy models. To start reducing your risk of heart attack today, these are the habits you will want to avoid or reverse. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss this special report:I am a doctor and I warn you that you never take this supplement.




"Smoking interacts at all levels of the process of a heart attack," Ghiare said. "For this reason, we do not recommend any level of smoking." This includes the vapor or electronic cigarettes, on which it is too little known to assess their risks. It is unlikely that they can be considered safe for the heart. After all, "Second-hand smoking has been proved to damage our health, as well as first-hand smoking," Ghiacy said.


Eating processed foods

woman eating potato chips

"Ultra-transformed foods seem to be an independent factor of obesity in terms of risk of heart attack," says Ghiacy. "Chips, hardened meat, prepackaged foods, soups, television dinners - they all have a lot of salt, sugar, grease and preservatives. We get more salt from these food than what we use in salt shaker Where we cooked. "Sodium increases blood pressure and damages the blood vessels, raising the risk of heart attack and stroke. "And then the Conservatives themselves cause more damage to our blood vessels, in addition to everything else that is in food."

Its recommendations: To help make healthy choices and monitor the size of your serving, eat well at the kitchen table for the meal instead of the stride to take in front of the television or while scrolling the social media .


To be overweight

Obese man wearing tight red shirt, oversize clothing problem, insecurities

"Being overweight, even if you eat good foods, increases the risk of cardiac attack," says Ghiar. "Studies show that there is a good relationship between weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. Obesity increases other risk factors. In addition, most of the time , obesity is also caused by the lack of physical exercise. "

RELATED: Cause No. 1 of obesity, according to science



Overweight woman is working on her laptop on a sofa.

On this note: the pandemic has transformed us into a sofa potato society, "and we need to understand how to move," says Ghiare. "We generally recommend having at least half an hour of exercise, five days a week, so 150 minutes in total. In reality, the more we exercise, the better."

You do not have to start training for a marathon tomorrow; You can take small steps to be more active. Ghiatry Recommendations: Try "Intensially Disadvantage" by choosing to take the stairs, park further in the car park and walk to your destination, take a walk for lunch or have a weekend outside.



Man suffering from a stress attack

"Although stress is an end so difficult to define, it seems to play a role in our healthy health," says Ghiar. "It aggravates pretty much all our bad habits - we exercise less because of the stress, we eat more bad foods, we smolder more."

His recommendations: "Strengthen and always try to find joy in life. Mono-task - I see people trying to do so many things without getting quality without getting quality in a single action they take. Sit asseyez -You at the table and just eat, then go walking away. Get out on the floor and play with the kids. Talk to your friends, visit your parents. All these things have been proven to be beneficial just about every aspect of our life, but also cardiac health. "And to protect your health, do not miss theseSigns you get one of the "most deadly" cancers .

Categories: Health
By: veronica
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