Of course signs you have been bitten by a Tick
How to protect yourself from Lyme disease and other diseases transmitted by ticks.
It is one of the risks that come with the joys of summer: an increased risk of disease transmitted by ticks. In hot weather, we spend more time in classes, local woods and campsites-all hot spots for ticks. According to the CDC, ticks can transmit several diseases by passing bacteria into human skin, including Lyme disease (the most power), the rocky mountain fever, anaplasmosis and babesiosis. They have similar symptoms and can be treated with antibiotics. But it is essential to spot an early check mark and remove quickly. Here's what to look for. Read more and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseOf course YOU HAD COVID signs and did not know this.
Makes you see a tick on your skin
Ticks are common in woody or bushy areas, or high grass places. If you spent time in one of these areas, it's a good idea to check your body for ticks as soon as you come home. Check your clothes, pets and gear for ticks. The CDC recommends using a mirror to check your body, including under arms, in and around the ears, the back of the knees and in and around the hair.
How to remove a TICK
If you see a check mark, use a tweezer to remove it. Enter the tick closer to the skin as possible and pull up with pressure again. Do not twist or jerk off the tick away because it can cause parts to break into the skin.
After removing the tick, clean your hands and the area of the bite with soap and water. Eliminate the tick by placing it in a sealed bag or rinsing in the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers.
You contract a fever
If you expand a fever or eruption in the week of a tick bite, call your doctor for advice.
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You have this kind of rash
Lyme disease often causes a bullseye-near the bite site. It may appear between three and 30 days after the bite (the average is seven). It can dilate or feel warm to the touch. If you develop this kind of rash, consult a doctor.
You have pseudo-influenza symptoms
Lyme disease can cause pseudo-influenza symptoms. In addition to fever, these may includeChills, headaches, fatigue, muscle and articular pain, and swollen lymph nodes. Call your doctor if you meet them.
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How to prevent ticks
To protect yourself from ticks and diseases transmitted by ticks like Lyme, the CDC recommends:
- using an insect repellent on the skin and speed
- tick off quickly
- The application of pesticides in your yard or near the wooded areas
- Reduce the habitat of ticks by keeping your grass cut and the areas near Brushyer wrapped
- Wear protective clothing when in the wooded areas and walking in the center of trails
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