20 Diseases Frequently misunderstood doctors
Be attentive to the most misunderstood conditions and learn what you can do about it.

If you worry about a medical maliagnosis, you have reasons: unfortunately, they are quite common. According to a study published in the newspaperBMJ Quality and SecurityDiagnostic errors affect 12 million American-American adults each year.
The reality is as follows: doctors are human. Medicine is not a flawless science, and that is changing rapidly. The best thing to do to ensure a correct diagnosis is to be an active defender in your own care note all the symptoms you encounter and discuss it with your doctor. Avoid the temptation to self-diagnose, but be attentive towards the most misunderstood conditions that follow and tell your doctor if you think you are adapted to their profile. Here are the 20 doctors diseases frequently misdiagnosed and what you can do about it.
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Characterized by generalized joint pain, fatigue and muscle pain, fibromyalgia can be difficult to pin. It can be misdiagnosed as a rheumatic disease such as lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis. Because this is often accompanied by sleep and mood problems, it may be missed as a depression. "There are studies that show that people with some symptoms presenting in a rheumatologist will be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but if the same patients appear in a gastroenterologist, they will be diagnosed as having an irritable intestine syndrome", Dr. Eugene Shapiro, Deputy Director of the Medicine Program at the University of Yale, said.
RX: If you suspect that you can have a fibromyalgia, talk to your primary physician, which could provide a reference to a rheumatologist. People suffering from people reported having to see many doctors before receiving the appropriate diagnosis, putting "patience" in patients.
Heart attack

The symptoms of a heart attack may be misinterpreted as something more benign, such as indigestion or panic attack. Cardiac crises are too often misdiagnosed in women - women are more likely than men to report heart attack symptoms that are not in the chest, such as arm pain, stomach pain, Palpitations of the chest, nausea and vertigo. A 2018 study published in the magazineTraffic Discovered that 53% of people with female heart attacks have seen doctors who did not think their symptoms were related to the heart, compared to 37% of men.
RX: Know that when a crushing feel in your chest is the most common heart attack symptom, discomfort elsewhere in the body is common and does not hesitate to ask a doctor.
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Cerebral accident

A stroke is a "cerebral attack", when the flow of blood or oxygen on the brain is interrupted, causing the death of the tissues. About 10% of the times are poorly diagnosed in the emergency room, especially among young people, where symptoms could be attributed to dizzy, intoxication on migraine alcohol.
RX: Know the common test for strokes: fast (facial subsidence, weakness of the arms or discourse difficulties means that it is time to call 911). But according to the newspaperNeurotepidemiologyNon-specific symptoms such as modified mental state, dizziness and nausea or vomiting may also be a sign. Other symptoms such as severe headaches, numbness, vision problems or confusion require immediate medical attention.
Celiac disease

Celiac disease, a self-immune condition in which the body attacks the small intestine in response to gluten in wheat products, is one of the greatest sources of medical error. It is estimated that 83% of people with cloeliac are still undiagnosed or have been misdiagnosed with other conditions.
RX:"If someone suspects that he has a gluten-related condition, the first thing we need is to exclude celiac disease with a blood test of certain antibodies," says Dr. Sophie Balzora, a gastroenterologist.Nyu Langone. The adoption of a gluten-free diet before testing can invalidate these tests, so it is preferable to see a doctor before eliminating the gluten from your diet.
Lyme disease

Caused by a bacterium diffused by TICK bites, Lyme disease produces easy-to-define symptoms like other minor diseases or complaints - fatigue, headaches and fever. A revelator sign is a rash at the sting area.
RX:Your doctor can diagnose with a blood test and treat the disease with antibiotics. "Laboratory tests are not recommended for patients who do not have typical symptoms of Lyme disease," said the disease control and prevention center. "Just as it is important to correctly diagnose Lyme disease when a patient presents it, it is important to avoid diagnostic errors and the treatment of Lyme disease when the true cause of the disease is something else."

According toJournal of Clinical OncologyMisal doctors diagnose certain types of cancer up to 44% of the time. The diagnostic tools are not perfect and the symptoms can be ambiguous, indicating other evils (such as lung infection, instead of lung cancer), even after testing. Even pathologists can be deceived by your body.
RX: Get a second review, especially if your doctor is not a cancer specialist or is unable to identify the type of cancer you may have. Keep copies of all recordings associated with your case and ask all the doctors involved in your case to communicate about your care.
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The classic symptom of appendicitis-pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen is not always so simple. "Some people have an appendix that points back instead of moving in the body, so that the symptoms present in a different place," said Shapiro to CNN. "And sometimes people have pain, but the break in the annex and the pain is relieved so that they think they are fine."
RX: A scheduled annex can be a threatening condition of life, so head to the emergency room if you have abdominal pain that will not leave you.

While depression is a common condition, marked by chronic feelings of sadness, irritability, despair or lack of pleasure in previous activities, doctors do not necessarily ask patients in their mood during a Normal physical examination. The physical symptoms associated with depression, such as headaches and fatigue, can become unreacted or allocated to other causes.
RX: Be open and deepened with your doctor about the symptoms of depression or anxiety you may encounter. Whatever the stigma once was party, and like Dwayne "The rock" Johnson said: "Depression never discriminates."
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Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is known as a silent killer because early detection is difficult. As you get older, it is important to be vigilant of possible symptoms. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyMost ovarian cancers develop after menopause and more than half of the cases are in women over 63 years old.
RX: If you feel balloon, pelvic or abdominal pain, or if you feel fully filled, consult your doctor. If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, inform yourself to your doctor. He or she could decide that larger or periodic tests are needed.

The symptoms of this chronic inflammatory disease include fatigue and articular pain; Some patients could develop a cutaneous rash in the shape of a revealing butterfly on their cheeks, as well as damage to heart, kidneys or lungs. But the condition varies in gravity and symptoms are often non-specific.
RX: Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. It can control tests such as a thoracic radiography, erythematosus cell tests of ana and erythematous lupus, or the most specific test of lupus: a DNA anti-double-stranded (anti-DSDNA) test.
Parkinson's disease

About 30% of the cases of this chronic and progressive disease are initially misdiagnosed. Symptoms - which often include tremors, rigidity and instability - may mimic other neuro-degenerative conditions, including essential tremor. And remember: even a correct diagnosis is not a death penalty. "I was supposed to work for 10 years. I was supposed to be pretty disabled here," said Michael J. FoxtheSee today. "I'm far from it. It's so bad as me, and I can always go to the store and go marketing."
RX: Getting a second review from a neurologist at a research hospital can help prevent erroneous and expensive bad diagnosis.
Dissection of the aorta

A study inBMC search notes I found that this serious heart disease - when the wall of aorta and blood tears rushed through - was misdiagnosed in one-third of patients, usually as a simple heart attack. This is particularly urgent and requires rapid diagnosis and treatment.
RX: "The key to the management of acute aortic dissection is to maintain a high level of suspicion for this diagnosis," saysBMC search Remarks. It can be diagnosed via tests as an X-ray, a CT analysis and a transthoracic echocardiography.
Multiple sclerosis

A study of May 2019 published in the journalSclerosis in plates and related disorders found that nearly 1 patients on on 5 sclerosis are misdiagnosed with autoimmune disease and have averaged four years of treatment before learning that they had another condition. The most common correct diagnoses were migraine, radiologically isolated syndrome, nervous damage and spondylopathy, a vertebrae disorder.
RX: "The diagnosis of MS is delicate. The symptoms and results of MRI testing may look like other conditions, such as stroke, migraines and vitamin B12 deficiency, "said the study leader, Dr. Marwa Kisiery, Center Medical of Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. If you have received an MS diagnosis, do not be afraid to have a second opinion, describe your symptoms thoroughly and be frank with your doctors on your concerns.
Thyroid problems

Your thyroid, the butterfly shaped gland on your neck, is a relatively discreet organ, but is absolutely crucial - it distributes essential hormones to hundreds of bodily functions. When it is underweight (hypothyroidism), you could feel non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, temperature sensitivity or unexplained weight gain; If it's hyperactive (hyperthyroidism), you could have weight loss, irritability or fast heart rate.
RX: If you encounter symptoms associated with a thyroid disorder, ask your doctor a blood test that will check your TSH hormone levels. Imbalances can be treated with drugs.

This painful gynecological disease in which the mucosal of the uterus grows in the abdomen - can be neglected and attributed to unusually heavy periods or severe cramps.
RX: If you have symptoms of endometriosis, ask your doctor of an ultrasound or laparoscopic test to confirm it.
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Polycystic ovarian syndrome

This gynecological condition, in which benign cysts grow in one or both ovaries, is the main cause of infertility - it is estimated up to 18% of women are affected. And they are often badly diagnosed. According to a March 2019 study published in theJournal of clinical endocrinology and metabolismAlmost half of women with PCO visited three or more doctors before getting a diagnosis and this process took one third of women over two years. Two of these three conditions must be present: small ovarian cysts, high levels of testosterone and irregular or missed menstrual periods.
RX: The PCO is difficult to identify because there is not a single blood test or a diagnostic examination. If you encounter difficulties or staying pregnant, or feeling symptoms such as surplus hair growth, headache, weight gain or mood changes, talk to your PCO test doctor.

Headaches are notoriously difficult to diagnose because they can be attributed to a number of factors, stress and eye fatigue to depression, sinusitis and allergies. Migraines - recurring the lively or pulse headaches, are often isolated on one side of the head and can be accompanied by sensitivity to the light of sound - are often misdiagnosed as many of these conditions, a process Frustrating that can take years before the victims of migraine are prescribed drugs that effectively treat the condition.
RX: According toMAYO Clinic, a neurologist can diagnose migraines by giving a complete neurological examination, which may include an IRM or CT analysis. Several prescription drugs can treat and prevent the pain of migraine.
Headache in clusters

Like migraines are often misdiagnosed, bunch headaches are often misdiagnosed as migraines. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Cerebral Vascular Accidents, bunch headaches are short but extremely painful headache that occur in clusters, usually at the same time of the day and night for several weeks . They often occur behind or around an eye, and the pain can last up to three hours. Other symptoms include tears, flowing nose, congestion or perspiration.
RX:If you suspect that you have bunch headaches, visit a headache specialist. "In most cases, this type of headache is very treatable once it is properly diagnosed," says Dr. Juline Bryson, Professor of Neurology Assistant at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. "During an episode, we can inject a medicine used to treat migraines, which can assume in a few minutes. And several medications are available enough to prevent these headaches."
Inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is composed of two self-immune conditions: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. These two cause inflammation of the intestines, which can lead to stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms overlap with irritable intestine syndrome (IBS) and a celiac disease, each with their own treatments.
RX: Discuss annoying digestive symptoms completely with your doctor, who can provide a reference to a gastroenterologist. Be totally candid can help a specialist in subtleties on symptoms that can lead to effective treatment more quickly.
Pulmonary embolism

A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot on lung, blocking blood flow or oxygen. It is usually caused by deep vein thrombosis (DVT) free from a blood clot in the leg. This can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and other symptoms that can be confused for cardiac disease.
RX: If you feel the symptoms of PE, tell your doctor about your DVT risk factors, such as leg pain or swelling of the legs, long session periods (including on the airplane trip), or a Diagnosis of previous DVT.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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