Daily habits that lead to brain cancer, say doctors

All you need to know about cancerous tumors - and how to prevent them.

BrainCancer is one of the most dreamed forms of cancer. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyAbout 24,530 malignant tumors of the brain or spinal cord are diagnosed each year with about 18,600 people dying of the state of health. What exactly is brain cancer, which is most likely to get it and what are the contributory factors? Read everything you need to know about brain cancer, including daily habits that can lead to that.

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What is brain cancer?

Doctor attentively examines the MRI scan of the patient.

Jennifer MOLITERNO, MD, Yale Medicine Neurourgeon and Associate Professor of Neurochirurgy, Yale School of Medicine explains that brain cancer is an abnormal growth of distinct cells of healthy brain cells that generally have the potential to grow and spread or spread in the brain. . "Often, this can be associated with neurological problems and justify the need for treatment," she says.

Tumors can come from the brain itself (also known as primary brain tumors) or can start elsewhere in the body, then spread to the brain (ie metastases).

There are different types of primary brain tumors, depending on the type of cell they come from (that is, gliomas, meningiomas) with some behaving more clever (that is to say a glioblastoma) or cancerous than others (ie Schwannomas). "Imaging modes such as MRIs can help distinguish different types of brain tumors, but finally the diagnosis of tumor sampling tissue is needed to distinguish the type," says Dr. Moliterno. In addition, sophisticated analyzes, such as the complete sequencing of the exode, are used to further categorize and define the type of tumor by its molecular makeup, resulting in more targeted treatments.


How is brain cancer develop?

Colorful DNA molecule

Arushii Nadar, Third Cycle Associate, Yale School of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery explains that specific genetic mutations can cause training and growth of brain tumors. "These mutations can either exist in the germline of a person (ie all the cells) and be transmitted from parent to the child, or more commonly, they can occur spontaneously as somatic mutations in some cells and thus lead to Sporadic (or non-hereditary). Tumor training, "she says.

It uses the example of type 2 neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that involves a germinal mutation in chromosome 22, "and patients can have several types of brain tumors (ie meningiomes, schwannomes)" she says. "While other patients without germinal mutation can develop sporadic meningiomas, which may shelter a loss of chromosome 22 or a mutation NF2, they occur spontaneously and are not inherited."


Daily habits and behaviors that can lead to brain cancer

Doctor and senior woman wearing facemasks

With regard to primary brain tumors, there are really no known habits or behaviors that can lead to their training, reveals Dr. Moliterno. However, a number of contributory factors can have an indirect link.


Use of tobacco and tobacco

Middle age hoary senior man

Dr. Moliterno explains that it is generally known that smoking and tobacco consumption can result in lung cancer and throat that can metastase with the brain. However, "these habits are not related to brain cancer in itself."

RELATED: Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers.


Radiation exposure

Radiation supervisor in glove with geiger counter checks the level of radiation in the radioactive zone.

Dr Moliterno reveals that radiation exposure is known for being associated with the training and growth of brain tumors. "However, it is important to note that these are usually relatively high doses and generally the result of a kind of direct and repeated exposure (that is, a person who has been treated for a problem different with direct radiation earlier in life). "



Healthcare worker at home visit

For ACS, sex can also affect your chances of developing brain cancer. "The risk of developing any type of brain tumor or spinal cord is slightly higher in women than in men, although the risk of developing a malignant tumor is slightly higher in men than in women", explain -they. And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss: This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts .

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