Surprising habits that ruin your health, says science

The truth will free you from pain, illness and discomfort.

Provides, the big little lies you need to know to have nothing to do with the television Sunday night. It's easy to tell us about fibers and apologize for our health - this condition is not so bad, I do not need this review this year, there is nothing I can do to this subject, but it can lead to major problems in the line, or make a life unnecessarily less pleasant.

These are some of the most common doctors of lies and health experts say we're telling us and our recommendations to find out how to deceive you from your best health of your choice. Continue to readand to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout a sign that you had Covid and he always spoils with you.


"I just feel a little low, that's all."

sad woman suffering anorexia while sitting in the black background

"Everyone feels from time to time. The ups and downs are a normal part of the human condition, "says Raffi Bilek, LCSW-C, therapist and director of the Baltimore Therapy Center. "But sometimes we find ourselves in this way for a prolonged period and we exhaust your shoulders and consider yourself without paying a lot of attention. Depression is a mental health condition that exceeds the ups and downs of normal , and he can become debilitating if it is not treated. "

Recommendation: "Feeling sad for long periods in the end is not something that should be ignored; it should be extracted with a doctor quickly," says Bilek.


"My blood pressure is really not so high."

Doctor checking blood pressure

"A huge lie that I hear all the time, it's:" My blood pressure is high because I ran here to catch the bus, "or" because I drank a coffee, "says Elizabeth . Jacobs, MD, Chief of Primary Care and a Professor at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas in Austin. "The lie is that they have no high blood pressure that must be treated or requires more treatment."

Recommendation: Get your verified blood pressure regularly - the experts recommend once a year. If it's high, do not try to explain it. Follow your doctor's recommendations, including modifications or lifestyle medications.

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"I can exercise my weight loss."

runner wearing fitness watch

That's right: the abdominals are really made in the kitchen. "My customers constantly think that if they constituted the intensity, duration or frequency of their workouts, they can begin their weight loss without changing their eating habits," saysAmanda Dale, Ace, afaa, certified and nutritional staff coach. "The reality is that when creating a caloric deficit (the only proven strategy that works for sustained weight loss), the reduction of food consumption is a much more effective method than to increase. To "get out" a bad diet can lead to fatigue. And injury-plus, you never learn to correctly control your consumption and eat healthy. "

Recommendation: The most effective strategy for sustained weight loss is to create a moderate deficit of about 500 calories a day, moving a little more and eat a little less, says Dale.


"If I eat less and less, I'll lose weight faster and faster."

Woman cravings

A famine famine regime is an oxymor and counterproductive. "A common myth is that, keeping the calories restricted as low as possible, we can" accelerate "their weight loss," says Dale. "However, the loss of your food consumption below your metabolic rest (minimum Nu of calories than your body should work) can sustainably damage your calorie metabolism, which means that you will have trouble Lose weight in the future. "

Recommendation: "Concentrate on the balance of your food consumption with your CMA and your daily level of activity to create this daily deficit of about 500 calories," says Dale. "It will give you a weight loss of about a book per week, which is a constant and lasting loss. "An application like lost can help.

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"I do not need a colonoscopy! I eat pretty healthy."

Doctor gastroenterologist with probe to perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy

It can be easy to convince you that because you eat healthy and exercise, you are not at risk of colon cancer and you can skip this routine colonoscopy. (Nobody bouchs for one because they want it. In reality, colon cancer has a number of risk factors and is revealed among young people and otherwise healthy.

Recommendation: Follow theAmerican Cancer SocietyGuidelines for Colonoscopy: Get the first at the age of 45 and repeat the procedures every 10 years. If you have a family history, you may need to start earlier. When grabbed early (precycle polyps), colon cancer is one of the easiest cancers to heal.


"These old shoes can last another year."

Tie running shoes

"A lie that I often hear that my patients say is that no matter how much the shoes they wear," says the physiotherapistLisa Alemi. "In reality, the type of shoe that you wear can cause you a number of problems, including an increased risk of falls, a weakness of the lower limbs, muscle atrophy, angel sprains and more."

Recommendation: "It is important that the shoes are properly adapted and promote the normal mechanics allowing the body to move the most optimally," says Alemi.


"My audience is good enough"

Doctor examined the patient's ear with Otoscope. Patient seem to have problems with hearing

As we get older, it's easy to fall into the refusal when our hearing is not as good as it's. "The most common lies I hear patients are" I can hear people of end mutterings ", I can hear enough to hear me," and "can I hear, it's just that restaurants are more noisy than before, "says Meryl Miller, an audiologist withAtlanta audiological consultants. "The problem is that you do not hear enough to have a successful career or restaurant-restaurant-restaurants are no more noisy than before. These reports are symptoms of hearing loss, especially in the land responsible for the Clarity of voices, rather than the volume. The maintenance of the volume and the loss of clarity is the type of hearing loss the most common. This change of hearing can be misleading because the sounds and the voices are strong enough, but not enough Clear to understand systematically. "

Recommendation: According toCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionYou should not wait for signs of hearing loss. Have your audience examined by your doctor during your usual check balance sheet; He or she can send you back to a specialist for treatment. "It is important to address these concerns earlier than later, with the detection and early treatment of hearing loss being important for the improvement of hearing and to reduce the concerns of secondary health, such as anxiety. , depression and cognitive decline, "explains Miller.


"My parents had this disease, then I will get it too."

senior woman patient with daughter and doctor with clipboard at hospital ward

The truth is that most diseases develop in a set of complicated circumstances, including choices of genetics, environment, diet and lifestyle. It's not because your parents had a disease is not a guarantee that you will pursue the family tradition.

Recommendation: A family history is not an excuse for complacency or denial. Talk to your doctor about your concerns and risk factors. Certain conditions and cancers have a genetic component, so ask if screening is appropriate.


"I have to clean up."

Woman pouring green detox juice

Over the past decade, a huge industry has clung to detoxifying the body of everyday wear. Plans, Beverages, Recipes, Supplements and Other Plans: Most experts say they are a waste of money. Why? Our bodies are destined to detox. "Our digestive tract, our liver, his kidneys and our skin are responsible for the decomposition of toxins for the elimination of urine, stools or sweat," says theCleveland Clinic.

Recommendation: Eat a balanced diet of whole dishes, with lots of fruits and lean proteins. Limit alcohol. Cleaning can do more harm than at least at least your portfolio.


"I do not need to sleep."

Lack of sleep

"Often, when our lives are busy, sleep is the first victim," says Colleen Mr. Wallace, MD, Associate Professor at the University of Washington University in Saint-Louis. "Liabming ourselves with the amount of sleep we need can lead to multiple health effects. Chronic sleep deprivation can result in weight gain, high blood pressure and decreased immune system. Alter your thinking, your memory training and your scope of attention. It can lead. to depression. It causes not only a disease but can considerably reduce the quality of your life. "

Recommendation: "Instead of lying on the sum of sleep you need, create a life that allows you to get the recommended amount of sleep of six to eight hours per night," says Wallace. "First, set a bedtime. Then expand some strategies in the hour before going to bed that help you relax. This could put your phone away from sight, listen to soothing music, read, Meditating or taking a long shower. These are all primers that suggest to your brain it is almost time for the bed. "

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"My snoring is not a big problem."

Woman (age 30) suffers from her male partner (age 40) snoring in bed

The snoring does not simply disrupt the sleep of your cabinet. It could be a sign that you have sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops and the brain must wake up so that your lungs moved again. It is exhausting, even if you probably do not remember getting up - and correlated with a variety of serious illnesses, including cardiovascular disease.

Recommendation:If you told you snoring, talk to your doctor.


"I do not need a physical."

Woman talking to doctor

As it turns out, no news could prove to be the opposite of good news. A physical is an easy thing to justify jumping, but you can also be strong tests that could expand your life (and facilitate your mind).

Recommendation: The American Heart Association recommends controlling your blood pressure each year. According toMount Sinai Medical Center, X and women should talk to their doctors to detect breast cancer. Annual physical becomes even more important after 50 years. Talk to your primary care doctor about what's right for you.


"I do not need a review of the view that often."

female doctor ophthalmologist is checking the eye vision of handsome young man in modern clinic

Your eyes are not just the window of your soul - they give a snapshot of your health. In addition to diagnosing vision problems, a doctor can spot several other diseases via the state of your eyes, including thyroid disease and glaucoma, which can be an indicator of diabetes.

Recommendation: National Institutes of Health Recommends In order for adults to have an eye exam every two to four years from 40 to 54 and each to three years from 55 to 64 years. Your doctor can recommend you to have them more frequently if you have vision problems or glaucoma. If you have diabetes, you should have a look at the view at least each year.


"I do not have time to exercise."

Woman looking at fitness watch on a run

"Lie people say they will become better healthier or better health," says Alex Robles, MD, an Ob-Gyn based in New York and founder ofWHITECOATTRAINER.COM. "They say things like", once I had more time, I will definitely start going to the gym "or" if I were not as busy, I could lose weight and have a better shape. "The truth is that your life will not be easier or less busy. Do not find time to exercise time. The more you get, the stronger you will have to start taking care of your health."

Recommendation: Experts like the American Heart Association recommend that adults get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, such as fast walking, per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, such as jogging). If it seems too much of a time commitment, "start the light. Start slowly. Something is always better than nothing, "says Robles.


"I'm overweight because he runs in my family."

Just as your parents' health stories do not guarantee that you inherit their illnesses, the weight of your parents do not dictate yours. "The lies I've heard any circle around our own refusal to be responsible for our lives," saysDonna matthezing, a nurse authorized for three decades. "You can not drink soda every day, eat candies and eat in fast food restaurants, then shocked that you have diabetes. Be responsible for your well-being. It's not the fault of your parents because of your genetics. It's your fault once you are age you are responsible. "

Recommendation: Your weight is really something you can not blame your parents. Know your healthy weight range. If you need to lose some, talk to your doctor the most effective way to go there. Do not be hungry or turn to fashion schemes; You will prepare for failure.

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"Because I'm older, I need less sleep at night."

Woman sleeping in bed

This is one of the most common lies we tell us about our health as we get older. Your parents or grandparents may have declared you need less sleep in their golden years, but were not they kind of grumpy?

Recommendation: Experts like the National Sleep Foundation indicate that adults of each age need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble sleeping or staying asleep, talk to your doctor, who can send you back to a specialist in sleep medicine.

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"It's too late"

Man at doctor

Regardless of your age, it is never too late to make changes that can improve your health. For example: scientists have discovered that people who stop smoking from 60 to 64 years can add one to three years to their lives.

Recommendation: Do not sell short. Time and again, researchers have found that making healthy changes such as improving your diet, set up cigarettes and participate in physical activity can slow down the physiological effects of aging.


"I do not drink too much."

drinking with friends

You could be! Our culture is in a dysfunctional love affair with a social consumption and some of us have lost the perspective. The hard reality-buzz: The recommended limits for safe alcohol consumption are much more beautiful than most of us realize.

Recommendation:Experts advise that women should not have more than one drink a day and men should stop at two. More than that, and you put yourself at risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more than a dozen forms of cancer.

RELATED: Reason # 1 that you could have cancer, according to science


"You are supposed to gain weight during your age."

Man losing weight

Sorry. Although the metabolism slows down and it is easier to gain weight after 40 years, it does not mean accepting the process is good for your health. According to a study published inJamaThe researchers have found that people who have acquired a moderate amount - about 5 pounds at age 22 - since the high school was much more likely to undergo chronic health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Recommendation: You do not have to try to get your young silhouette, but know your healthy weight range and work there. What can help: The metabolism slows down because the body tends to lose skinny muscle burning fat, while preserving the fat itself, with age. Experts recommend doing strengthening exercises twice a week.


"I ate a salad for lunch, so I have to be healthy."

salad with bread

"Many people do not realize that they did not eat enough fruits and vegetables," saysJennifer Hanes MS, RDN, a recorded dietary nutritionist based on Texas. "A salad for lunch and one side of green beans with dinner are not enough. It is a particularly problematic lie told by vegetarians and vegans, which today have full access to junk food which adapts in the Parameters of this diet. Only about 10% of Americans Eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables - it's a pretty sure bet you do not have enough. "

Recommendation: "Watch 7-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, depending on your size, to really see your health," Hanes said.


"I can not just"

Woman sitting on bed looking at phone bored and in a bad mood

"The biggest lie tells me" I can not do it, "says Adarsh ​​Vijay Mudgil, MD, a Certified Board dermatologist in New York. "No, it's not easy to get your health in control. Eating well, exercise and fit requires incredible personal responsibility, dedication and resilience. The results do not occur during the days. There will be setbacks and mistakes, but let's work through coming back on the proverbial horse is the key. "

RX: Establish high sky goals and respond to immediate results can prepare for a failure. Work on healthy progress, not perfection. Your health professionals - andEat this, not that! Health-To here to help.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss: This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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