This popular supplement can send you to Er, tell experts
Be careful before bringing these pills appear.

Supplements Are supposed to do this problem to complete your diet, so you get all the nutrients you need. But some have harmful effects that can send you to the emergency department, saysSusan Farrell, MD, Contribution Publisher to Harvard Health. In a 10-year study, "researchers reviewed the surveillance data of 63 emergency departments at the hospital to estimate the annual number of ED visits associated with the harmful effects of food supplements," she writes. "The authors have defined" dietary supplements "as herbal or complementary products, as well as micronutrients of vitamin or amino acids. Read on to see which 4 products in particular send these people to the emergency department - and to ensure your health and health of others, don 't theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
Weight loss products

"Patients who visit ED for additional consumption symptoms have been on average 32 years old and women have composed more than half of all visits. Just over 10% of these visits have resulted in admission At the hospital, especially in adults over 65 years old., "Dr. Farrell said. "Weight loss products accounted for a quarter of all visits to a single product and affected women disproportionately."
Sexual improvement supplements

"Men were more likely to feel the adverse effects of the products advertised for sexual improvement," said Dr. Farrell. Last year, the FDA had to issue a warning about these supplements. "The administration of American foods and drugs warns consumers not to use nearly 50Men's improvementWhereweightlossProducts that have been found contain hidden ingredients and can be a significant health risk. The FDA bought these products on Amazon and Ebay tests and the Agency found that products contain unrealized active pharmaceutical ingredients on their labels, including some with ingredients found in prescription drugs. These products can cause potentially serious side effects and can interact with drugs or dietary supplements that a consumer takes. "
TheFDA contaminated product databaseCan help consumers identify nearly 1,000 of these potentially dangerous products.
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Building supplements of the body

Dr. Farrell also stated that body strengthening supplements sent people to the emergency department. Warns the FDA: "According to the CDR Mark S. Miller, Pharm. D., a regulatory revision agent at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), bodybuilding products containing steroids or steroid substances are associated with Potentially serious risks to health., including a liver injury. "Some of the liver injuries were threatening of life," said CDR Miller.
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Energy increase supplements

"Energy increases constitute 10% of these visits," said Dr. Farrell. Add the FDA: "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests consulting a health professional before using a dietary supplement. Many supplements contain ingredients that have powerful biological effects, and these products may not be in security in all people. "
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What the FDA says about the choice safely for supplements

"Do claims for the product seem exaggerated or unrealistic?" Asks the agency. "Are there any simplistic conclusions from a complex study to sell a product? Although the web can be a valuable source of reliable and reliable information, it also has a wealth of misinformation that may not be obvious . Learning to distinguish science-based science hype. The absurd lingo may seem very convincing. Also, to be skeptical about the anecdotal information of people who have no formal nutrition or botanical training, nor personal testimonials ( For example, shop employees, friends or online chat rooms) on incredible advantages or results obtained from using a product. Question of these people on their training and knowledge of nutrition or medicine. "And To cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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