Dr. Fauci has just said 3 words that each American should hear

The doctor of infectious disease reveals how we can end the pandemic.

The pandemic finally eliminates (most) United States, but it rages in other countries. How can we be safe ifCOVID-19 [Feminine will not leave ever? During a US Covid-19 Fireplace Discussion,Dr. Anthony FauciThe Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, talked about that. Read on four key takeaway that could save your life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout a sign that you had Covid and maybe you did not even know it.


Dr. Fauci was asked what will help put an end to this pandemic and to have three words

Woman with face mask getting vaccinated, coronavirus, covid-19 and vaccination concept.

How to put an end to this pandemic? "VaccinationVaccination and vaccination, that's all, "said Dr. Faisci. "I mean, it's really. As simple as that, we were lucky to have a series of very efficient vaccines, not just that if we vaccinate the overwhelming proportion of our population, we can reach this strict Control I'm talking about little, when we are not there yet, we have to maintain the public health measures we have been talking about now for over a year. And we should not declare the victory prematurely until What we do get this rather strict control of the epidemic. "Read to see why the virus is always raging all year round, even if you are vaccinated.


Dr. Fauci warned that the pandemic was going to be a "mixed bag" all year round

Female and male doctors wearing masks and uniforms are visiting to check the symptoms of middle-aged female patients lying in bed.

"It will be a mixed bag," said Dr. Faisci of the pandemic this year. "What we are already seeing at this time in the United States, where we have just in recent days, 60% of our adult population has received at least one dose. We hope that the President has made a goal than by the 4 July, we will have 70% of the adult population receiving at least one dose. We will see similar situations in other developed countries, but by a mixed bag - what I mean is that there is Many countries, including India, for example, with about 3% of their fully vaccinated population and only about 10 to 11% having received at least one dose. The challenge will therefore be, because the developed world continues to vaccinate a greater proportion of their population. We will see places like South Africa, South American places, including Brazil and other South American countries, as well as some Asian countries , who are struggling to assert their perfectly vaccinated population. "


Mr. Fauci said that Covid-19 would probably be with us forever

woman wears face mask and keeps social distance by standing and using smart phone while transporting at train

"When we talk about infectious diseases, there are three results," said Dr. Faisci. "When you have a highly transmissible disease, such as COVID-19, there is eradication, elimination or control. We only scratched one pathogen for man in the history of our civilization and C is smallpox, and we have done it from vaccination. We, however, have eliminated several times by poliomyelitis in the developed world, measles in the United States, other diseases that are not eradicated, but they are no consequence. And then there is control. And when you talk about Covid-19 with us forever, what people refer to what we may not be able to eradicate it and we will not be able to Certainly not eliminate it completely. So there is no case in the United States, but we hope that it is very, very good control where it is no longer a pandemic or an epidemic. "So," C is just a very low level when most of the population is vaccinated, which you would get an opportunity Nel here and there is a revolutionary case. I think that's the goal we should go for us to reach elimination, but we need to strive to control very strict of this infection. "

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Dr. Fauci warned that this error helps to expand the virus

Young caucasian woman wearing surgical gloves putting face mask on, protection from spread of Coronavirus

How do less developed countries contain the virus? "Obviously, the number of people accelerated in the viral dynamics of the community will dictate quite clearly what you can and can not do," said Dr. Faisci. "One of the things we need to pay attention, because we are engraved and other countries have been engraved before, are to declare the victory prematurely and to open completely without any plan for the way you are going to manage even Small resurgences of infection. So, I mean, we always talk about things like mask and physical distancing and things that you can get open gradually without simply throwing aside all public health measures, because if you still have a considerable amount of viral dynamics in the community, and you have just removed everything at once, it will be a problem. So, the advice we give, if you want to call it, you have to measure how you Remove restrictions from public health and do not try to do everything at a time, because time and both we have burned when we did it. "Go be vaccinated and cross life the healthiest life, fail z not:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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