More than 60 years? Stop doing this as soon as possible, let's say experts

You have lived so long, do not spoil it now.

When it comes to beingMore than 60 yearsYou should be proud that you did it for a long time and careful not to spoil it now. "Everyone knows the basics of how to live a healthy life, even if they do not follow them," saysKay van Norman, President of brilliant aging. But what are some things you cannot know? The things you should stop doingnow? We asked Van Norman, as well asStephen Anton, Ph.D., Professor and Chief, Clinical Research Division, Geriatric Aging and Research Department, Medicine College, University of Florida;Stephen Gollant, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Gerontology, University of Florida; andGary Soffer, MD, an investment in integrative medicine at Yale Medicine and Assistant Professor, Yale School of Medicine. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Do not let health health become a new health point

Active senior man exercising on exercise ball in the porch

"What happens when you have a health crisis as a young?" asks Van Norman. "You have probably tackle the problem, then sustain a physical therapy aggressively in order to come back to do everything you could do before. Unfortunately, with age, it becomes more common than people accept health as a new health perspective. Instead of aggressively pursuing the most complete recovery possible, they can enable health care bias against elderly to lead them in a mentality simply get out of the crisis, then trying to 'Preventing from getting a worst. This insidious state of mind will send you the path of physical fragility - gradually lose more features whenever you are struck with a health challenge. Say no and fight with everything you have ! "


Do not follow the negative script of someone else

Mature businesswoman working on laptop in her workstation.

"None of us age in a bubble," says Van Norman. "We get older with family, community and culture. We learn the aging of our parents and grandparents, neighbors and community members, and we absorb the expectations of the aging of our culture. For example. : The two sets of my grandparents retired in their early 1960s (as if they were packaged to do in the 60s and 70s) but bored and started again. A remodeled set and directed an old Motel in their 80s, the other set (who had retired to cattle breeding) bought and ran another ranch in their 90's. So, one of my personal "aging scripts" rejects the Retirement concept for the hired stay for all my life. What aging scripts lead your behaviors? "


Stop using the phrase "senior moment"

Close-up portrait of charming old lady, covering her mouth with hands

Said Van Norman: "I often hear that people say" I had a senior moment "when forgetting a name or a fact. I wanted to be funny or self-depreciating, it becomes an automatic answer . However, a robust search area clearly demonstrates beliefs and expectations have an impact on health - especially on healthy aging. What you think, saying, and make aging well work together to determine whether you raise or sabothing your chances of living with vitality thanks to your complete life. Ban 'senior moment' of your vocabulary and recognize that we have forgotten the whole life; however, we do not suggest having children who forget their gym shoes, lunch or homework evaluated for a memory deficiency! "


Stop making your world smaller / easier to manage

A disabled man is sitting in a wheelchair

"Young people with functional challenges receive resources, tools and encouragement to overcome these challenges and live fully in spite of them," says Van Norman. "They receive a constant diet of resilience training to seek great adaptation strategies! But consider what often happens when an older adult is struck with a functional challenge. They are only resources and tools to deal with resources. These challenges by making their world smaller and more managed. There is a deep difference between the state of mind between overcome and cope, resulting from deeply different results. Once again , just say no! Embrace adaptive strategies, ask for ways to continue living fully challenges! "

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Do not forget to train your brain

mature woman playing guitar in her bedroom, Free time and hobbies

"Cognitive training uses a series of difficult tasks to improve skills that may decrease with age, such as memory and attention," says Anton.

How to start: If you do not have a computer or video games at your fingertips, you can always introduce brain training activities in your daily life. Here are some ideas:

  • Practice cursive writing
  • Draw a map from your home to the grocery store or at the library
  • Look for a new topic that interests you
  • Learn a new language, instrument or hobby
  • Read a discount book


Exercise your mind and body at the same time

woman serving the ball while playing a mixed doubles tennis match

"When you combine a movement with a cerebral challenge (which arrives in the sport), your mind and your body get a workout at the same time," says Anton. "Fortunately, there are many other options in addition to playing a sport to achieve this goal. Research shows that the elderly benefit and are able to adhere to" extergies "that include long-term physical activity, while The games without exercise components have been shown to improve selective attention, dexterity and coordination of the eyes of the hand. "

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Wait at least two hours after eating to sleep

Senior Couple Enjoying Meal Around Table At Home

"When we sleep, our bodies cross the important waste disposal process of our cells (called autophagy)," says Anton. "When we eat too close to the bedtime, our body is unable to remove so many toxins from its use to digest the food last meal."

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Eat until you are about 75% complete and that's why

Elderly man eating hamburger in living room with smiling face

"Every time you eat, you assign your metabolic health. Large meals cause abnormally high increases in postprandial glucose, "says Anton. "In response to these glucose altitudes, the body secretes large amounts of insulin and other counter-regulatory hormones to reduce blood glucose levels in an attempt to return to homeostasis (healthy metabolic state). At first, This process can work well, but if it is repeated, it is repeated, a state of reactive hypoglycemia can occur, which can stimulate hunger since the food consumption is given when blood glucose levels are quickly reduced. Thus, large. Meals can not only trigger the body to store body fat, but can also regulate glucose homeostasis. A viscous weight gain cycle. "


Make this change of simple lifestyle

Senior couple walking on beach.

"Going a short walk after a meal can make a big difference in improving metabolic health. The key is not to sit too long and keep your body moving," says Anton. "Ideally, he does not Do not sit for more than one hour at a time, but rather get up and move throughout the day. "

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Do not satisfy the fast food, even if that's all that is around

Senior woman making choice between healthy and junk food

"The way in which less active seniors get their meals should be on the radar screens of all the food suppliers concerned," said Golant. "A large market for middle-income seniors with mobility challenges is eager to avoid omnipresent fast food delivery franchises. They are looking for lunch and dinner quality options that offer healthy and innovative meals that can be delivered Secondly and practically to their homes. This a large group of older consumers is now underserous. "What can you do? "The elderly - and the organizations they members must aggressively defend more reactive food delivery options."


Stop hiding your supplements from your doctor

female doctor in consultation with senior patient

"I can not overestimate the importance of telling your doctor each of the herbs and supplements you could take," said Gary Soffer, MD, an integrative medicine expert in Yale Medicine and Assistant Professor, Yale School of Medicine. "Although they may seem safe, they often lead to interactions with other medications and serious side effects. Many patients fear that their doctor can judge them there, but if you do not feel At ease saying your doctor, so that can be time to find a new doctor who is better. "

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Do not ignore feeding (power = resistance x speed)

Woman exercising in the gym

"The force is the amount of force muscles can generate," says Van Norman. "Power is the amount of force muscles can generate quickly. An easy demonstration of power in action is simply to look off a chair. Now, sit down slowly and this time, slowly standing at a count of 8 . Which is easier? When you normally get up that you use the speed of power x speed. When you take the speed of the equation, you use the strength alone, which is much more difficult. Power is closer Linked by the functional independence that the force alone and the search shows that you lose the power 3 times faster than the power alone !! To form the power, you must accelerate through a range of movements - Remember to search big strings From top to bottom, throwing medicine balls, jumping, etc. "- or train with resistance equipment as a pneumatic resistance that allows you to train with speed. And cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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