The reason # 1 people are obese, according to science

There is not only one reason, for example, but there is a leading factor.

What is the number one reason that people getobese, According to science?

Emily Rubin, Rd, LDN, Director of Celiac Celiac Center, Fat Hepatic Center,Weight Management Center at Thomas Jefferson University, Explain. "Two different patients enter my office," she says. "They live in different postal codes, are the same age and the same sex and eat a similar number of calories every day. Why a patient weighs 150 pounds and the other weighing 250 pounds? Obesity is a complex health problem - A disease resulting from a combination of factors, including behavioral, community and genetic environment, which all reflect your postal code. Wherever you live Determines your risk of obesity. Behaviors are based on physical activity and eating habits In the Community environment, as having access to grocery stores and safe areas to exercise. Trav bordering genetics, predisposition or family history to develop obesity and life in a code Specific postal, then determine how people respond to physical inactivity and consumption of high calorie food. "

"There is not only one reason why people are obese", agreesSamantha Cassety, MS, RD, NYC-based nutrition, nutrition expert and co-author ofSugar. As a weight management specialist, she saw clients who struggle with obesity whoWHO Defines "as an accumulation of abnormal or excessive grease that presents a health risk. A body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 is considered an overweight and more than 30 obese." Added who: "The question grew up with epidemic proportions, with more than 4 million people who die each year as a result of being overweight or obese."

"There are so many factors, including access to health care; the availability of safe locations to participate in physical activity; capacity and time to prepare and cook and access entire foods," says Cassety. However, there is a leading factor, she says, who leads people to become obese.

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The main factor is our food environment

"A leading factor is that our food environment favors strongly transformed foods that digest quickly and let you hungry quickly after eating," says Cassety. "There is also evidence that highly transformed foods can disrupt brain signals that tell you when you are full, so in many ways, they contribute to overeating. In addition to that, when you eat ultra-transformed foods , your brain tells you they are really rewarding, so it reinforces your desire to continue to eat them. Fast food, chips, pizza, ice, etc. are all considered strongly transformed food. These foods contain Refined grains and can be high in sugar, salt or both. added sugars and refined grains promote inflammation, which is an underlying factor in the development of many health problems, including obesity. Thus, The convenience and affordability of highly transformed foods are important factors in the development of obesity. "(For its sources of this Intel, seehere,here,hereandhere.)

Melissa Mitri,Ms., RDN, owner of Melissa Mitri Nutrition, LLC, accept. "Very transformed food," she says when asked for the cause of obesity n ° 1. "The processed foods that come in a package are linked to an excess weight gain.Researchhas shown that those who consume more processed foods tend to weigh more. Indeed, these foods are designed to be very pleasant and addictive. Processed foods are not also filling, so they are easier to eat too much. "

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This is what to eat instead

So what to eat instead? "Choosing more entire foods that do not come in a package helps support a healthy weight," says Mitri. Obese or not, make the challenge of taking a full day where you do not eat treated - just whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats, which come from the earth. Then try it for two days or three. For inspiration, try any of these 19 weight loss foods that really work, say experts .

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