More than 60 years? Stop doing this now, say experts

These mistakes can take years of your life.

Turned60 This year? Congratulations! You enter in the best decade of your life. Your 60s represent a decade that will bring you some freedom of your worldly tasks and give you the opportunity to continue the passions you have presented when you manage your full-time family and your responsibilities. Working. As a geriatrician, I like to tell my patients that their new freedom is supplied with his own set of responsibilities. If this decade of your life has a theme, I recommend paying attention to yourself. Investment in your physical and mental health and stop certain behaviors and habits during your 1960s will give you enormous rewards in the coming decades. I give my own patients the following tips:

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Stop using the shaker

Adding salt. Backlight to salt from salt shaker.

"The supply of excessive food salt has been linked to high blood pressure in research studies. In addition, the elderly are more sensitive to the fluctuations of blood pressure with a dietary salt consumption, including a reduction of the Blood pressure with a reduction in dietetic salt. As high blood pressure is a risk for heart attacks and traits, make yourself a favor and move away from the salt shaker from your dining table, "says Dr. Syed .


Stop drinking ginger tea with milk if you are on this medicine

ginger tea

"Most people do not realize that food and herbs can have chemical ingredients that can interact with their prescription drugs. For example, ginger, garlic, curcuma, ginkgo, green tea and Chamomile can all interact with thinner blood warfarin and affect blood levels, "she says.

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Stop procrastinating from the realization of your anticipated directives

Happy young lady adult daughter granddaughter visiting embracing hugging old senior retired grandmother cuddling

"TheCOVID-19 [Feminine The pandemic emphasized the unpredictability of human life. It is never too early to complement your anticipated directives. Your loved ones should know what are your values ​​and goals in life, so that they can keep them into consideration when making emergency decisions, "says SYED.

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Stop using over-the-counter medications with the "PM" label on them

woman with medicine jars at home

"The word" pm "on painting drugs on the counter-counter, sleep aids and sinusitis drugs generally indicate that one of the ingredients is a first-generation antihistamine. These antiallergic drugs are associated with Episodes of confusion, dry mouth, vertigo and graves in the elderly, "she says.

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Stop watching TV in your room

Senior woman in bed, watching TV late at night.

"Sleep specialists recommend going out of your room to improve your sleep hygiene. Avoid watching TV or using your smartphone or tablet up to an hour before bedtime, to improve your sleep quality She said. And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

Dr. Quratulain "Annie" Syedis a geriatrician at the Senior Medical Center of Jencare.

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