Dr. Fauci has just published this new warning

If you thought the pandemic was over, think again.

TheCOVID-19 [FeminineThe pandemic looks at an end, especially in America - but even the Americans are vulnerable, as a new variant of Covid, called Delta, stem those who are unvaccinated and threaten to keep this pandemic. In this spirit,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Councilor of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spoke withNBC Chuck Todd And issued a warning about the virus - a big one. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci warned of an upcoming and dangerous variant

Doctor studying virus bacteria in the lab

The United Kingdom "begins to see now is that the new variant of Delta, the 617, originating from origin or at least one first recognized in India, now becomes dominant in the United Kingdom. I was talking about their health officials l another day. This is 60% out there. Fortunately for us, thevaccines That we are available are good against variants, a little decrease, but not much against the delta. "Could there be an increase in autumn?" We have the tools in our hand to prevent any difficulty from occurring in September. And that's why we are there, we really pushed and hit the bushes and try to make people understand why it's so important for them to be vaccinated, not only for their own and their own own protection for their families, but also 'T want to be a vehicle for the spread of the virus. You want to be a stalemate for the virus.And that's what we try to cross. Continue reading to see which states are in trouble.

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Dr. Fauci said that these regions of America could be problems

An ambulance on an emergency call driving through the town center of Fairhope

Todd asked if the fall of autumn and winter "becomes potentially problematic if we can not meet this threshold of 75, 80%?" Mr. Fauci said, "It's important to know that we have a great country and there are real disparities and differences in the percentage of people vaccinated in different states, cities, regions - and in these Regions, in which you have a high degree that are, and we already have now, I think it's 13 years, at least 30 states that have achieved the target of 70% already in June. And if they become further and further away, there will be more and more protected. And if you look at the card, you will see, some areas are well below 50%, which is really regrettable because it is the states and areas that will be the most vulnerable. If in fact, there is the potential for overvoltage as we fall to the fall, it is a particularly important shock because we are concerned about the variants. "


Dr. Fauci had a warning of younger people: many of you become a severe disease

Teenage boy sick in bed with Covid-19 symptoms

Mr. Fauci said the elderly went well: "We were able to vaccinate, you know, 80% or more people over 65 years of age and age are older, but the Hospitalizations and deaths are lower in them. But we are starting to see right now, even if the likelihood of a younger person who is infected, to get a serious result is always much less equal than the elderly or people with underlying conditions. We now see clearly that people who are the youngest becomes hospitalized and some of them die. People who are young should not feel that they are completely exempted from having a serious result. And you talk to physicians and health care providers who are in the trenches, in the emergency rooms and the hospital, they tell you, they see more and more young people who come with a severe disease. "

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Dr. Fauci said only 50% of the population is completely vaccinated

Woman getting COVID-19 vaccine shot.

It is increasingly unlikely that we will reach President Joe Biden's goal of vaccinating 70% of the country by July 4th. Dr. Fauci said that a goal is good to give you the impetus and the stimulus to get there. If you come back from that, it's not the end of the game. You keep pushing. And even if we do it. And even if we do it. I hope we will do it, I think we can meet the goal by July 4 to receive 70% of the adult population with at least one dose. Even if we do it, we do not want to stop there. We want to continue getting as many people are vaccinated as quickly as possible. It is important to go as much as possible. Things slowly slow down, but that's what happens when the cohort of people who have not been vaccinated is smaller and smaller. About 50% of the adult population is already completely vaccinated and more than 60% had at least one dose. We will therefore very well. We want to do even better. "


Dr. Fauci said Covid is a big problem in the world - and therefore for the United States too

COVID-19 coronavirus in France, medical mask on gargoyle of Notre Dame in Paris

Dr. Fauci says you needed a global solution to end this global problem. "You can not live in a void in this world. We are an interconnected world, especially when you are dealing with a highly transmitted respiratory virus, we are well for people to vaccinate. Other countries that are in The developed world do well and have people, but there are many countries in the world in which the level of vaccine is so low from their own fault. They do not have the resources, they do not have the capacity . And that's why I have always been the mentality of saying that we need to look at that in the context of a global solution. And I feel, and I have been six years since the days of the HIV, when I felt we needed to get interventions in developing countries, both a moral responsibility for these people from these countries who suffer because they do not have the resources, but also for our resources. own legacy of personal interest. "

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How to stay safe during this pandemic

Woman putting on a protective mask

So follow the fundamental principles of Fuci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-you are vaccinated as soon as you are not, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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