To have this thing can mean that you are obese

If you feel it, it may be time to lose weight.

ObesityMay seem something that happens to other people, not you, but in fact, you could be a person with obesity. In America, the prevalence of US obesity has recently been 42.4%, according to theCDC. It is many people whose weight is above normal and it is a dangerously high number: obesity can cause all kinds of death and health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes of Type 2, a coronary heart disease, a cerebral disease, a gallbladder disease - and that makes other diseases, such asCOVID, much worse.That's why knowing that these 5 tips could be essential to save your life. For 5 reasons why you could be a person with obesity, read it and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


You could have dyspnea or shortness of breath

Woman in the casual wear raise her hand over her heart.

If you find the most brief travel, you may avoid your breath, you could have a weight problem. The reason it is obvious but it does not make it less cold: excess fat prevents your breathing. It literally builds your breath.


You could find completely discouraging exercise

Depressed overweight woman on bed at home

If the simplest exercises do you down because you are out of breath or simply can not collect the energy to move your body, you can have a problem. The body is constructed for movement. He thrives on energy and out. We are blessed to have muscles and tendons and bones and brains working in tandem, and when they are enlined by excess weight, they can not move. This can lead to a decline in your physical abilities.

RELATED: Cause No. 1 of obesity, according to science


You could have high blood pressure

Nurse taking the blood pressure of elderly man

Arterial hypertension can be the result of many problems, but obesity is often a factor. "Obesity predisposes hypertension and modifies the evolution of hypertensive cardiovascular diseases so as to be appreciated only," says a recentto studyin theOksner Journal. "The strong association of obesity with diabetes still complicates the situation in patients with such conditions and complicates the design of effective therapeutic interventions. However difficult to achieve, weight loss must be the first line of therapy".


You could have painful knees

Man massaging painful knee, suffering from pain, injury

"Anterior knee pain (in front of the knee during the session and walking of stairs) is often a burden for people with chronic knee pain", explains theMedicine of the University of Michigandepartment. "Obesity complicates this condition while the prior knee structures, including the ballot experience, the experience increases up to five times our body weight."

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How to see if you are a person with obesity

BMI calculation

If your weight is greater than what is considered a normal weight adjusted for your height, you are described as having obesity. The most common tool for measuring obesity is your IMC. Say itNih: "The BMI is the most commonly used tool for estimating and overweight and obesity screen in adults and children. The BMI is defined as a weight in kilograms divided by a square square. For most people, the BMI is linked to the amount of fat in their body that canIncrease the risk of many health problems. A health professional can determine whether a person's health may be at risk because of their weight. Traditionally, if you have an IMC 30.0 or more, it falls into the range of obesity.

BMI aside, another way to conclude that you can be a person with obesity consists in entering a cassette. "For men, check if your waist circumference is greater than 40 inches. In women, check if it's more than 35. These numbers indicate that you are overweight." Contact a health professional if it happens to you. And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss theseFirst signs you have a serious illness.

Categories: Health
By: tina-eves
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