Expert virus has just published this warning "concerning"

The Delta variant is in America and can spread in these locations.

ThecoronavirusThe pandemic is not over; In fact, a virus expert expects autumn to be another peak. "It's about," said Former FDA Commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb yesterdayFace the nation, during the discussion of the climb of the more transmissible Delta variant. You can feel safely vaccinated, but more than Americans are not vaccinated and thus seated ducks for this new variant. The United Kingdom plans to postpone its opening; It's already devastated a large part of India. Read to hear Gottlieb's warning and also four other life-saving boards, and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Expert virus stated that the new variant makes things more dangerous now - and there may be a point in autumn

Scientist in laboratory studying and analyzing scientific sample of Coronavirus monoclonal antibodies to produce drug treatment for COVID-19.

The delta variant is "causing a lot of problems in the United Kingdom. The government plans to delay the reopening of one month," said Host John Dickerson. "The variant started in India, but now, it spreads in the world. What should we think about it?" "It will continue to spread," said Gottlieb. "It's about." Vaccines protect against it - but more than Americans have not been vaccinated. "It seems to be more transmissible. There has been data from [epidemiologist] Neil Ferguson this week showing that it is about 60% more transmitted than 117, which was this former British variant they now call the alpha variant. So it's more contagious.. It seems that people who get this virus have higher viral loads and have these viral charges for long periods. They have therefore put more viruses at this time in the United States. United. It's about 10% of infections, it doubles every two weeks. It will probably become the dominant strain here in the United States. This does not mean that we will see a sharp rise in infections, but that means that will take over. And I think the risk is really down that it could take a new epidemic in the autumn. "

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Expert virus states that this region in the United States is in danger

An ambulance on an emergency call driving through the town center of Fairhope

We have tools working to fight Covid, said Gottlieb vaccines. "We just need to use these tools, I think that in some parts of the country where you have less vaccination, especially in some parts of the South, where you have cities where vaccination rates are low, there is A risk that you can see epidemics with this new variant. The epidemics that occur in the UK occur around schools, where you have many unvaccinated children. "


Expert virus stated that there may be more variants to come


Covid can continue to mute. More variations can come. Get vaccinated to prevent them from muting. "The good news is that so far, none of these variants we have noticed to overcome the vaccine - for some of them, vaccines are a little less effective, but vaccines have maintained their effectiveness against all these variants, of which 617. So, I do not think we will see a situation where we are going to wake up one day as we sometimes see with the flu where suddenly, our vaccine does not work, at least not in the foreseeable future. "

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Expert virus stated that the CDC should be carefully looking for cardiac problems because of the vaccine.

Woman getting her painful chest examined by a doctor.

The CDC examines cases of pericarditis in some people, mainly younger people, who have obtained the vaccine. "I think it's something that the CDC and FDA should be carefully examined," said Gottlieb. "I do not think people should be nervous about it right now. I do not think it changes the balance of risk benefits for this vaccine. Currently, these cases are grouped in people of 18 to 24 men, more than women, about 80% of the cases we saw in men. There were about 12 million people vaccinated between 18 and 24 years old. We found 275 cases. It is unclear that there is a causal relationship between the vaccine in these cases if there is, it is probably an inflammatory vaccine response, we know that the vaccine creates an inflammatory response. Many of these cases occurred immediately after Vaccination. The vast majority have been self-limiting, they have been treated with steroids or NSAIDs. In some cases, patients are not really sick. And we must also keep in mind that people, especially the people, especially the young people come out more and we see more epidemics of VI ordinary rus. There has been a tip of the respiratory tract. SYNCYTIAL VIRUS, ENTEROVIRUS, ECHO VI RUSE, COXSACK VIRUS. It is therefore possible that young people are vaccinated, they come out more, they exchange other viruses. "


Expert virus stated that these are the symptoms of the pericarditis to be monitored

Man having chest pain - heart attack, outdoors

"Most of the cases where we have seen pericarditis and that we believe it could be an association with their vaccine occurred immediately after vaccination in the first two or three days, mainly after the second dose, signs and symptoms of pericarditis are usually a stab or pain in the acute chest. It is persistent, it is the position of the position. So, it hurts when you spread to you. Sometimes it hurts when you take a deep Breathing, because the pericardium, the mucosa of the heart, rubs against the wall of the chest and it could be associated with a fever. "

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How to stay safe during the rest of this pandemic

Woman putting on a protective mask

Follow the basics of public health and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-you are vaccinated as soon as you can, and if you are not vaccinated, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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