Dr. Fauci has just published this new disturbing

The doctor says it could all reproduce.

After a series of good news on thecoronavirus-Cases, deaths and hospitalizations continue to fall on new ones, because the new Delta variant is more communicable, leaving people, especially unvaccinated persons at risk. Although he warned this variant recently,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Councilor of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases also appeared on Kara SwisherTo balancePodcast, published this morning, to talk about another possible threat in the future. Read it to see how you could be in danger and how to protect yourself - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Mr. Fauci said Covid had been his worst nightmare

Doctor studying virus bacteria in the lab

What is the worst nightmare of Fauci? "Twenty years ago, people would ask me the same question and my, if you come back to the archives, which is easy to do, you would see that I always gave the same answer. And it is the emergence a new virus or respiratory virus to the load that would jump from the species of an animal host to a human who would have two characteristics, it would be a very effective transmissibility through the respiratory path. And two, he would have a very high degree of Morbidity and mortality for the human population. And unfortunately, we live in my worst nightmare. "


Mr. Fauci said it could all reproduce - and be even worse

Exhausted doctor / nurse taking of coronavirus protective gear N95 mask uniform

"Do you have a worse than a worst nightmare?" asked Swisher of Fauci. "If it happens now, which is that it can happen again and it could even be worse," he said. Covid "is an unusual virus because you know, about a third to 40% of people do not receive any symptoms. However, he is able to kill 600,000 Americans. We have never had a situation like that of a virus that Would be benign for almost half of the people or 40% of the people and kills however so many people. The possibility that can happen in the future, that you could get a pandemic that would be essentially more uniform in its deleterious effect. "


Mr. Fauci said he could come back in time ... ..

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, listen as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony S. Fauci delivers remarks during a coronavirus update briefing.

Dr. Faisci would like to know at that time when the pandemic started - he now knows about Covid, but ... ". I do not think it would have worked, "he said. "Because I do not think I would have convinced anyone. So let's go back to the first case we recognized was on January 21st. You know, there was a case handle probably that" no one recognized. "If we said, then close everything, if I said that people would have looked at me as if I were crazy." Are you talking about closing the government when you had 17 cases? "No way, but looking back on what if it might have stopped that a bit, it would have been that, but it would have been unacceptable for society. Even now, when we have absolute evidence that this virus killed 600,000 Americans, we still have people who do not want to getvaccinated. "


Dr. Fauci for that to say to those who are resistant to vaccination

Female doctor or nurse giving shot or vaccine to a patient's shoulder. Vaccination and prevention against flu or virus pandemic.

"Let me be clear," says Fauci: "I think there are many people who do not want to be vaccinated, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with them at all. They just need to More information. So you know, you arrive at the immunity of the flock. You know what is the best way to get the immunity of the flock is vaccinated. "

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Dr. Fauci said you had to trust science again

Asian microbiologist biotechnology researcher using microscope in the lab.

When it comes to preventing a future pandemic, "we have two ways to prepare," said Fauci. "You need to prepare at the global level, have universal communication, surveillance, such things and diagnostic capabilities. And you have to invest in science. The investment in science that we have manufactured over the Decades allowed us to do what some people would have thought that it was impossible to go aware of a new virus in January to a very effective vaccine in December. "And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss theseFirst signs you have a serious illness.

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