Viral expert has just spread this big warning

Michael Osterholm warned of the Delta variant.

We are not finished with thecoronavirus However, and cases may go up again. How? 'Or' What? The Delta variant, a new mutation of the virus more dangerous than anything before. That is why Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist, the regents professor and director of the University of Minnesota Infectious Disease and Policy Center, continued hisPodcastShare with you the 5 essential things you need to know. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


The variant of Delta is the "most dangerous we have seen so far"

Scientist in laboratory studying and analyzing scientific sample of Coronavirus monoclonal antibodies to produce drug treatment for COVID-19.

"I think there is a universal agreement among COVID-19 experts that the Delta variant is by far the most dangerous mutation or variant of the SARS-COV-2 that we have seen so far," has declared osterholm. "If you look at the data we have to sequence the viruses around the world, we know that it is in at least 70 countries now, it seems to be dominant - in Canada, Indonesia, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, In England, it seems that it continues to spread at a rate to the measure of what we see with what we see from 40 to 60% of increased transmissibility over that of the alpha variant. So, I think it There is nothing that will prevent not to become the dominant variant of the whole world. "


Expert virus warns COVID spikes in these areas

unrecognizable doctor trying to vaccinate its patient while she is refusing it.

"I always challenge the notion that some have that, in fact, it's going to be a seasonal event, which will not happen much this summer, and we will see a lot more activity this fall," osterholm said. "I do not think there is still no proof of seasonality, as far as I'm concerned, in the North or South hemispheres. I just crossed a list of laundry from countries on both sides of the 'Ecuador who have been affected in a major. Well in recent months. So I think we're always too early to think that it's going to be seasonal. I think it's very possible that we can see an increase in case, especially in these areas undervaccinated in the USA. And, after saying that we could have a Delta summer that would be a challenge in some localized areas. Once again, we will not have a national overvoltage. We have enough vaccinated people that it will not happen, but we could have a major activity in various fields of the country and that we are all the more a reason for we had to get people entirely vaccinated. "


Expert virus stated that you need to do a risk analysis

Osterholm mentioned revolutionary cases. "Do not forget that, as I said, these vaccines are 90 to 95% effective, which means that if I am in a bar restaurant, I am exposed, I can expect to protect me 90 at 95% of the time. Now, however, I am someone who is a small deficient, one of those 12 million Americans, who, for some reason, whether through the drugs I have to take, or the recent disease that J 'had, challenges for my immune system, I am more likely to become seriously ill if I'm infected if I'm infected. And even in the magnitude of possibly dying, even if it has been fully vaccinated at this point, you must take this into account in your risk. Do I feel comfortable with this restaurant if I have a chance of 90 to 95% to be protected, but at 10, but a chance not to be five to 10%. And I think that's where we are fighting now. What is our level of comfort? What do we feel at ease? "


Expert virus you can always be in danger

Woman Checking Her Temperature in Bed

"In particular now with the new variants that arrive, with the issue of Delta, if we see overvoltages, will it be different from this week in my community compared to what it could be in five weeks in my Community? ... This is a level of risk, "says Osterholm. "And I just hope we can help us cross that. So, I think we always have trouble measuring this concept of risk on our heads. It's not an empirical problem that it's going to be, I do not Do not believe that I am more at risk of having a serious illness. If I am infected, the vaccine will probably allow me to have a single lightweight infection. And so I'm comfortable at being in a restaurant or a restaurant bar, but others will say, no. "

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How to cross this pandemic safely

Woman put on medical protective mask for protection against coronavirus.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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