Daily habits that can lead to surprise hypertension
Do not make these health errors hypertension.

Hypertension, also called higharterial pressure, is very common. According to disease control and prevention centers, tens of millions of Americans suffer. Unfortunately, it is also about one of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke, the two main causes of death for Americans. Fortunately, there are things you can do to not only prevent blood pressure from making peak sting, but to reduce the already high blood pressure. Read on to learn more about hypertension - including bad habits you should break to reduce your risks - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
What is hypertension?

Hypertension is defined as high blood pressure, explains Darren P. Mareiniss, MD, FAUCE, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Sidney Kimmel Medical College - Thomas Jefferson University. Although it may seem harmless, long-term, hypertension can contribute to a significant cardiovascular disease, neurological and renal disease.
How is hypertension diagnosed?

The American Heart Association has a blood pressure classification system: System high blood pressure is a systolic blood pressure 130-139 or a diastolic BP of 80-89 and an Arced Hypertension II is the systolic blood pressure of 140 or more or diastolic of 90 or more.
"The diagnosis is generally made with repeated reports of high blood pressure above normal and emergency hypertension (elevation of blood pressure with final organ damage), elevated BP with final organ damage Hypertension or an episode of severe asymptomatic hypertension (SBP> 180 or DBP> 120), "explained Dr. Mareiniss.
What causes hypertension?

Secondary hypertension is caused by chronic medical problems or drugs, including sleep apnea, DM, thyroid / adrenal problems, renal disease, cushioning syndrome, aorta coarctation.
Primary hypertension, called essential hypertension, is the most common and the most avoidable type. "Causes are multi-factors and include genetic predisposition and environmental factors," says Dr. Mareiniss. Although the exact cause is unclear, there are a number of risk factors:
- Age: "Advanced age is associated with increased blood pressure, systolic pressures more commonly," says Dr. Mareiniss.
- Obesity: A high BMI can make you more likely to have high blood pressure.
- Family history of hypertension: high blood pressure can run in the family. "Hypertension is twice as frequent in people with one or two hypertende parents," says Dr. Maieiniss.
- Race: According to Dr. Mareiniss, some groups are more subject to hypertension than others, including the African-American community.
- High sodium diet: excess sodium "greater than 3 g sodium chloride a day", can increase your chances of developing high blood pressure.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol, illicit drug use and smoking: bad habits, including excess alcohol and drug use, as well as smoking can also increase your risk of hypertension.
- Stress: Stress can temporarily increase blood pressure.
- Physical inactivity: Do not exercise can put you more at risk of hypertension, Dr. Mareiniss preserves.
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Habits to fall to avoid hypertension

Dr Maieiniss urges strongly anyone who wants to avoid high blood pressure to handle all the factors above. "Lifestyle changes can help treat or prevent hypertension," he maintains. Exercise, aerobic or isometric, weight loss, reduction of sodium consumption, stop smoking, increase high potassium foods (except counter-indicated by renal disease or specific drugs), and even the diet can make a Huge difference. And to cross the healthiest life, do not missCause # 1 of diabetes, according to doctors.

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