Dr. Faisci warns these stamped states of ears
Low vaccination states are in difficulty of the Delta variant.

You thinkCOVID-19 [Feminineis finished? Still think. The new Delta variant is more communicable and will soon become the most dominant form of the virus in America, resulting in an increase in cases.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onCnnLast night in front of don lemon to sound an alarm of some states that have low vaccination rates. Dense outbreaks have been predicted in these states. "This is something we are very concerned about, when you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed on a variant that has a high degree of propagation efficiency," he said. "What you will see among the under-vaccinated areas, states, cities or counties, you will see these types of individual blips. It's almost like it's going to be two Americas. You will have areas when The vaccine rate is high, where more than 70% of the population has at least one dose, when you compare this with areas where you could have 35% of people vaccinated, you clearly have a high risk of seeing these tips in these selected areas. "Read on areas where you could see tips and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.

"Six Alabama Counties have been classified as" very high risk "for COVID-19, according to the most recent follow-up of the Department of Public Health of Alabama", reportsAl.. "Coffee, Geneva, Houston, Jackson, Monroe and Pike are all in the very high-risk category. A County - Sumter - is classified at high risk and four-bibb, Choctaw, Cullman and Lawrence - are a" moderate "risk. The others are in the low-risk category. "

The Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson said that he hoped that the FDA will fully approve the vaccine and not only emergency approval that it currently has. Perhaps it will diminish the hesitation of the vaccine in his state. "Every time they see an emergency authorization, they say, well, they did not make any final approval, they do not have all the completed research that is necessary on there. They want to do More study. And so it has been approved as an emergency use, "Hutchinson, Republican, said in an interview on" Facing the Nation ". "And so for this reason, you can not mandate it. We do not ask Arkansas. We have to rely on education."

"It is estimated that 25% of the current COVID cases in Louisiana are considered the most dangerous delta variant deformation that was emerged in India", reports theRadio Network Louisiana. "The State Health Officer, Mr. Joe Kanter, said that the number of new Delta cases doubling every two to three weeks of Louisiana means we could face a new point in cases globents of Covid. " "We know it's more communicable than earlier strands and we know it's more virulent, which means that it is more dangerous and more likely to make people sick," Kanter said.

"As the deployment of Mississippi's vaccination continues to advance lameness, state health leaders warn the massive threat to the variant of Covid-19 delta poses the inevitable and a potential increase in infections stated. by a much more infectious and potentially murderous strain than the original virus strain, "ReportsMississippi today. "Delta variant rapidly increases in the Mississippi," Dr. Thomas Dobbs tweeted last week. "Let's pay attention to Missouri. I predict that it will be our dominant tension in 1-3 weeks."

"The number of cases of active coronaviruses in Wyoming increased by 50 years during the last week at 455 Total Monday, according to the Department of Health Figures.
The Ministry, in its usual coronavirus update, said the state recorded 329 new laboratory cases and 140 new probable cases since June 21, reports theJackson Hole News & Guide. "During the same period, 413 new recovery were reported among those with confirmed or probable cases, leaving the state with 455 active cases. The total marks the tenth consecutive week of the total number of active cases of the state A between 400 and 500 years. "
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How to stay safe, no matter where you live

"The thing that is so frustrating about it - is that it is completely avoidable, completely avoidable," said Dr. Fauci. "If you have been vaccinated, you reduce considerably." So get vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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