Surprising side effects of too much marijuana, say experts

This can make you feel the opposite to relax.

The days ofMadnessHysteria seems long behind us as more and more legalized states recreationalmarijuana. (Last week, one of the most conservative Supreme Court judges, Clarence Thomas, said he believed that federal anti-marijuana laws could no longer be necessary.) Although the pot is no longer considered The threat of mania-inducing past years is not safe - many legal substances, such as caffeine, the pot can cause negative side effects if you use too much. Here are some potential physical reactions that can surprise you. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.



woman with anxiety biting nails

Marijuana has a long reputation for relaxing. But taking too much of this can have the opposite effect, causing an anxiety, a paranoia and even panic attacks, affirms disease control and prevention centers. "Fatal overdose is unlikely, but that does not mean that marijuana is harmless, "the CDC warns.


Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)

Man hugging his belly and keeping eyes closed while lying on the couch at home

Some heavy marijuana users experience severe nausea, vomiting and pain after using cannabis. This is called cannabinoid hyperesse syndrome, or CHS, and symptoms tend not to respond to drug treatment. Experts estimate that 2.7 million Americans experience the disease, which is often misdiagnosed as a psychiatric problem or a GI problem before the discovery of the true culprit. (Last year, it was the subject of the Washington PostColumn "Medical Mysteries".) "The CHS went from something we did not know and never talked about a very common problem over the last five years," said Dr. Eric Lavonas, spokesman for the American College of Physicians emergency, saidtheNew York Times. He has a good treatment: Stop smoking.


Difficulty breathing

Woman suffering an anxiety attack alone in the night

Like cigarettes, the marijuana joints forcing you to inhale smoke, which can lead to respiratory problems. "Marijuana smoke irritates lungs and people who smoke marijuana often frequent the same problems of breathing as those who smoke tobacco"said the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). "These problems include daily cough and phlegm, more frequent lung disease and a higher risk of pulmonary infections." However, the Note Agency, the smoking pot was not found to increase the risk of lung cancer.


Fast heartbeat

mature man having heart attack at home

Also surprising for a renowned cooling medicine: the marijuana of smoking can increase blood pressure, says the Mayo clinic. "Marijuana raises a heart rate of up to three hours after smoking," says Nida. "This effect can increase the chances of heart attack. The elderly and heart problems can be higher."

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Mental health problems

Upset girl with a phone

"If you have a mental health problem, use marijuana with caution, "advises the Mayo Clinic." The use of marijuana could aggravate maniac symptoms in people with bipolar disorder. If it is used frequently, marijuana could increase the risk of depression or worsen symptoms of depression. "And to cross the healthiest life, do not missCause # 1 of diabetes, according to doctors.

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