Cause # 1 "fatal" cancer, according to science
Two cancers are extremely deadly - but you can take an easy step to reduce your risks for both.

Although survival rates and treatment protocols have improved considerably, the cancer always strikes fear in the hearts of many cancers, especially those who, despite scientific advances, remain unusual and murderer. The good news: you can take steps to reduce your risk of the most deadly cancers, especially avoiding the preventable cause. 1. Read to discover the most important thing you can do right now - and to ensure your health and the health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
What is the most mortal cancer?

"If you talk about the most lethal malignant tumor, pancreatic cancer wins, the hand down," saysKurtis A. Campbell, MD, a surgical oncologist certified by the board at the Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. "About 50,000 people will contract pancreas cancer this year and almost all will die. The five-year survival rate is only about 7%." In particular, the judge of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsberg died of the disease last year.
By another metric, lung cancer is the most murderous form of cancer - more people in the American matrix of lung cancer than any other type. "Probably 250,000 people will contract lung cancer this year," says Campbell. "It's far and far the most common, with the greatest number of deaths."
But the steps you can take to reduce your risk of both are similar.
Cause N ° 1 Mortal Cancer

Genetics plays an important role in the development of lung cancer and pancreas. You can not change them. But the avoidable risk factor n ° 1 for both cancers is the use of smoking. "Just as important for any one: to stop smoking, without a doubt," says Campbell. "In particular for lung cancer, if you stop smoking, you significantly lower your risks. Smoking is not also directly related to pancreatic cancer as lung cancer, but there is definitely a link."
If you have trouble quitting, your doctor can help you with strategies to shake the habit and prescribing stop-smokers if necessary.
How to further reduce your risk

In addition to quitting smoking, you can take other steps to reduce your risk of pancreatic cancer and lung, explains Campbell. These included:
- Follow a healthy diet.A diet comprising a rich variety of fruits and vegetables can provide natural antioxidants and natural phytochemies that can be cancerous protective. The American Cancer Society recommends consuming 2 ½ cups of fruits and vegetables every day. Avoid processed and red meat and sweet drinks, which can increase your risk of pancreatic cancer.
- Stay physically active.Regular exercise lowers the risk of many cancers. ACS recommends150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of weekly vigorous intensity activity, ideally spaced throughout the week.
- Maintain a healthy weight."Obesity has been linked to a number of cancers, especially GI cancers, such as colon, stomach and pancreas," says Campbell.
- Avoid developing type 2 diabetes."Diabetic people are more common to contract pancreas cancer," says Campbell. "New-appear diabetes can also be a very early pancreas cancer marker." The first three tips in this list can significantly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
- Drink alcohol moderately or not at all.Some studies have connected a consumption of heavy alcohol to pancreatic cancer, the American Cancer Society declared. It recommends avoiding alcohol or moderately consumption, defined as two drinks a day for men and one for women.
Screening for lung cancer

"With regard to lung cancer, if you want to further reduce your risks, be projected," says Campbell. "The chest scans at the forefront of technology technology are the best way to do it."
It is recommended that seniors from 50 to 80 seniors from a 20-pack-year-old smoking history, which are currently smoking or smoking over the last 15 years, should have a chest CT screening for lung cancer. If this applies to you, ask your primary care provider, says Campbell.
Screening for pancreatic cancer

"Unfortunately, there is no high quality screening method for pancreas cancer," Campbell said. "Pancreatic and pulmonary cancers can be very sinister and very quiet. As a patient has symptoms, it may be too late." That's why make efforts to reduce your smoking, eat well, exercise, avoid type 2 diabetes and keep a healthy weight - are so important.

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