Dr. Fauci has just warned from Covid "Spikes" here

The Covid crisis is not over, despite the celebrations today.

The progress made so far in the fight against Covid have been a public health miracle, experts agree - but deaths, while slowing down, do not stop.Vaccination Rates decrease rapidly, while a newCOVID-19 [FeminineVariant, called Delta, is more dangerous.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onMeet the pressWith Host Chuck Todd to ring an alarm from where there will be spikes and how you can avoid getting sick. Read 5 essential tips that can save your life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci warned about the new Delta variant that "leads to death"

Infected patient in quarantine lying in bed in hospital

If you did not want to be vaccinated a few months ago, well, you now have a more urgent reason to do it. The new Delta variant "is clearly more communicable," said Dr. Faisci. "It is more efficient and effective in its ability to transmit anyone to someone to the person and studies that we have seen, the variant dominated in other countries, it is clear that it seems to be more mortal in the Meaning of the most serious more serious disease leading to hospitalization. And in some cases, leading to death. "Read it to see where these deaths are likely to happen.


Dr. Faisci warned "peaks" possible in these areas

Jackson, Mississippi

"When you talk about how much danger" We are from a point, "I think you must then look at the country as a whole and those regions of the country in which you have a low level of vaccination and a high level of viral dynamics . "Mississippi and Alabama, for example, have very low vaccination rates. "It's the thing that gains confusing like a nation, as a whole, we are doing very well. We have about 50% of the adult population that is fully vaccinated." But "there are states where the level of vaccination of individuals is 35% or less .... under these circumstances, you could expect to see peaks in some areas of some states, cities or counties. I do not think Not that you are going to see something nationa because fortunately we have a substantial proportion of the vaccinated population. So it will be regional .... what you will see the tips. "


Dr. Fauci stated that 99.2% of those who died of COVID were unlvified

Person refuses nurse injection or vaccination.

"He is disconcerting to realize that we had nearly 10,000 people of COVID in the last month we completed in June," Todd said. "To what extent was each of these deaths and how many of them were vaccinated?" "If you look at the number of deaths, about 99.2% of them are non-vaccinated and about 0.8% are vaccinated," said Dr. Faisci. "No vaccine is perfect. But when you talk about the obviousness of hospitalization and deaths, it's really sad and tragic that most of them are preventable avoidable. I mean, they will obviously be People because of the variability, among people in their response to the vaccine, which you will see some who are vaccinated and who still have trouble and who are hospitalized and died. But the overwhelming proportion of people who have problems are the problems. No vaccinated, that's why we say it's really completely avoidable and preventable. "


Dr. Faisci predicted that there would be "two types of America"

Check-in for coronavirus vaccination against Covid-19 with doctor in the background.

"We will see ... Nearly two types of America," he said. "You know, these regions of America that are highly vaccinated and we have a low level of infection dynamics. And in some places, some states, some cities, some areas, where the level of vaccination is low and the level of virus diffusion is high - this is where you will see the peaks. "

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Dr. Fauci said "for the goodness of the Sakes", put aside your differences and realize "the common enemy is the virus"

Nurse with face mask sitting at home with senior woman and injecting covid 19 vaccine.

"It's terrible, especially for those of us who have dealt with diseases in which you do not have effective countermeasure, such as prevention .... when you have a situation as if you have today Hui, where you have a great enemy in the virus that tragically disturbed our planet now for about a year and half-destruction of the destroyed economies, we disturb all of all the possible tasks - and yet we have a countermeasure highly, very effective. And that's why it's all the more sad and more tragic, why it's not completely implemented in this country. And whatever the reasons, some of Between them are ideological, some of them are only fundamentally anti-vitre or anti-science or what do you have ... we just need to put it aside now. We are dealing with a historical situation with this pandemic and we have The tools for contravene. So for the goodness of the Sakes, put aside all these differences and realize that the common enemy is the virus. There are people throughout the world who would do anything to get a vaccine. And we have a tool, a very effective tool against this virus. »Tie vaccinated when it becomes available for you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these elements.35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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