Without a sign that you may have damage to liver, according to a doctor

Pay attention to these symptoms, says a specialist who knows.

According toWorld Liver InstituteThere are more than 100 types ofliver disease. And although many people associate these conditions with excessive alcohol consumption, the majority of those who suffer from liver damage are not even drinkers. "Non-alcoholic foie (NAFLD) and the most serious form of non-alcoholic steatohepatite (Nash) is the most common liver disease in the world", "Stephen A. Harrison, MD, explains toEat this, not that! Health. "It is important to early recognize the risk factors of this disease and to consult a doctor if you have these risk factors or show signaling panels suggesting from the underlying liver disease." Read on to learn more about the most common signs and associated conditions of NAFLD and Nash-and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


You can have sweet diabetes


Diabetes sugar, sugar diabetes, is a health problem generally associated with liver disease, by Dr. Harrison. The inability of the body to control blood glucose can cause too much sugar in the blood.


You can have obesity

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat.

Obesity or overweight is another common characteristic of a person suffering from liver damage. According toCDCMore than 42% of Americans are considered obese, which means that their BMI (body mass index) is over 30 years.


You can have hypertension

Nurse is taking blood pressure in the pharmacy

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, implies that the long-term force of blood against your artery walls is high enough for this to eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease, by the Mayo clinic . According to Dr. Harrison, it is one of the three main conditions associated with liver disease.


You can have an acanthose nigricans

Woman checks the thyroid gland with her hands, keeps her palms on the neck.

Liver disease often manifests clinically in a variety of skin conditions. One of them is the nigrican acanthose, which describes Dr. Harrison as "browning of the skin around the neck".


You can have spider tlesing

man pulling down eyelid checking his eye looking in mirrow feels unwell has black circles

Another symptom of the skin to search by Dr. Harrison? Spider Telangiectasias, which presents himself as "new red lines on the face and neck".


You may have a jaundice of the skin

Jaundice patient with yellowish discoloration of skin in comparison with Normal Skin color.

Dr Harrison argues that liver disease progresses: "You can develop a yellowing of the skin called Jauntice."

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You may have swollen in the abdomen

Young sick woman with hands holding pressing her crotch lower abdomen.

Another sign that liver disease has progressed is the "increased abdominal circumference and / or swelling of the lower limbs", according to Dr. Harrison.


You can have mental problems

Melancholy woman resting at the terrace

Liver disease can also manifest in mind. In addition to physical symptoms, "you can meet more and more mental forgetting changes," said Harrison.

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What if you feel these symptoms

Doctor Checking High Blood Pressure In Face Mask

"If you encounter any of these signs or symptoms, please see medical assistance immediately," says Dr. Harrison. Any of them can be a cirrhosis related to NAFLD / Nash. "Laboratory work can show a low platelet number or low serum albumin, high total bilirubin or abnormal blood coagulation duration," he explains.

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Learn more about the liver disease of experts

doctors appointment physician shows to patient shape of liver with focus on hand with organ

To learn more about liver disease, you can contact theWorld Liver Institute, To whom the mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by liver disease by promoting innovation, by encouraging collaboration and supporting the scaling of optimal approaches to help Eliminate liver diseases. Their last development is theAction Plan U.s. NashA comprehensive guide to remedy non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (Nash), the advanced form of non-alcoholic foie gras disease (NAFLD) and its impact on patients and families, public health and the economy. They also hostInternational Nash Day, coming June 10, 2021.As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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