This can be "the most serious virus" that you get from your life, says Expert

"I'm afraid we saw significant increases among non-vaccinated."

COVID-19 [FeminineInfections increased by 70% in recent weeks because areas of the country are again covered with red. Less than 50% of the country is fully vaccinated, we all endangered. In this spirit, the former Commissioner of the FDA Scott Gottlieb appeared onFace the nationTo discuss overvoltage in the opposite direction and how you can stay away from computer science and no, we can all be in danger if new mutants arise. Read on five essential points - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Expert virus says that delta variant can be "the most serious virus" that "you get" in your life "

Infected patient in quarantine lying in bed in hospital, coronavirus concept.

"When you look at people who have been hospitalized, 97% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated people," the doctor said. "And most of the deaths that occur are in non-vaccinated persons. The bottom line is that many people are no longer likely to Covid. About 50% of the population has been fully vaccinated. Probably another third of the American population. has already been infected with this virus. So many people are not sensitive to the virus, but if 25% of the population remain likely to virus in absolute terms, it's always a lot of people. And this virus is so contagious. This variant is so contagious that this will infect the majority of this. Most people will be vaccinated or have been previously infected, or they will get this variant of Delta. And for most people who get this variant of Delta, it's going to be the most serious virus they get in their lives. In terms of risk of putting them to the hospital. "


An expert virus accepts a "rise of overvoltage"

Emergency medic and doctor moving patient to emergency room in hospital

The Mayor of Springfield, Missouri, where the cases are uncontrollable, warned that a "push arrives". Gottlieb sees "Coupling between cases and hospitalizations and deaths. And I think it's likely to persist. England has seen it too. And they are more ahead of their delta epidemic than us. And This is because more of the vulnerable population has been vaccinated. I think at this point, we are probably undercilling the number of infections in the United States right now because to the extent that many infections are produce in younger and healthier people who could become light disease, then not probably not to be tested. And to the extent that there are revolutionary cases, asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic cases, and those that have been vaccinated, they do not present to be tested because if you have been vaccinated, you do not think you have the coronavirus, you can develop a soft illness and we do not make a lot of routine filtering right now unless you do not work VAIL for the Yankees of New York, you are not tested Ar global base. So I think this wave of Delta could be much more advanced than we detect right now. "


Expert virus has warned the following states

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA skyline on the river at twilight.

"I think if you live in the states, as if I am right now" - it is in Connecticut- "with vaccination rates are very high and there have been a lot of previous tartin, there is a wall d Immunity, and I think it's going to be a backstop against the delta spread. If you are in some parts of the country where vaccination rates are low and there is no preliminary propagation, and C ' is many parts of the rural South, I think it's much more vulnerable. I think people who live in these communities, especially if you live in communities where prevalence is already high, I think it's prudent to take precautions if you are a vulnerable person and Delta is so contagious that when we talk about masks, I do not think we should just talk about masks. I think we should talk about high quality masks. The quality of the mask will make the difference with a variant that is Promagging more aggressively as Delta, where people have more contagious and exuded more virus and try to get 95 masks in the ha nds of vulnerable individuals in places where this is really epidemic, I think it will be important. "


Expert virus stated that a N95 mask is the best

Medic, nurse with face mask and blue nitride gloves sharing a N95 mask.

"Remember that the original discussion around the masks is that if we put masks to all, asymptomatic people and likely to transmit the infection would be less likely to transmit the infection. If they had a fabric mask on or Even a procedural mask. But if you really want to derive a protection against the mask, you want to protect yourself from the other, in your virus, the quality of the mask involves the material, "said the doctor." And the masks N95 High quality will allow you a much better level of protection, especially if you adapt it and you wear it correctly. "You can buy them 3M for example, a reputable supplier.

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How to stay safe out there

Doctor Giving Older Woman Corona Virus Vaccine Injection In Hospital

Follow the public health fundamentals and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-get vaccinated. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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