These statements have an alarming return Covid, say experts

Just three states account for 40% of new infections Covid.

CoronavirusThe cases are increasing nationally, but some states are pushing the return home. "This week ... just three states with lessvaccination The rates represented 40% of all cases nationwide, "Jeff Zients, coordinator of the intervention of the White House Covid-19, said at a press conference yesterday. Why should you worry if you vaccinated? well, you can still get Covid after vaccination and chances are you know someone who is not vaccinated (a child? a cousin) and they are in danger. Do you read to see which states are the experts more alarmed - and to ensure your health and the health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.



Tampa, Florida

Florida just reported its highest day of the event since January, 12,647 new cases. "For the second consecutive week, one in five of all cases occurring in Florida alone," said Zients. "And within communities, these cases are mainly among unvaccinated people." The Florida Governor Ron Desantis is both applauded and came to the fire to keep the government open for much of the pandemic, but it should be with virus experts, even with Dr. Faisci, who ridiculed at least one thing: "If you are vaccinated, the number of people who end up hospitalized after is almost zero it's incredibly, incredibly low," he said this week His message to Floridians.. be vaccinated.




Reports like this occur in Texas: "The health officials warn that if current trends Covid-19 continues in Northern Texas, hospitalization and case numbers may go back to the surge levels by this fall "reports reportsFox 4. "The latest data from the UT-SOUTH WESTERTN indicate an increase of 156% of hospitalizations in the last month and the numbers continue to climb. The data also indicate the number of North Texans who got the vaccine or are willing to obtain the vaccine with a wafer. In the last month, hospitals in North Texas have increased dramatically hospitalization, rising 89% over the past two weeks. "



Kansas, Missouri

The cases are so inconstruits in Missouri, he led the former reluctant to be vaccinated. "While Delta variant continues to spread rapidly in the United States, it ispeople who were once hesitant or skepticalCovid vaccine in the Springfield area have increasingly reconsidered. The leaders of Springfield Credit renewed pressure to convince people reluctant to have the shot, as well as residents who face the realities of statist recent outbreak "reportsNBC News. However, vaccinations are much lower than the statewide where they should be.


Things are not good for the United States, says the analysis

Doctor examining female patient in critical health conditions using a stethoscope in the intensive care unit of a modern hospital during covid-19 pandemic

"Nationally, the United States reported a rate of seven days about 79 years to 100,000, its highest since mid-May. At least 1662 people died during the last week. The vaccinations, meanwhile slowed considerably. An average of 518 965 doses Per day, the US was administered in the United States last week, according to Bloomberg vaccine course. in April, the daily rate was higher 3 million. at the current rate, it will take nine months nine months to cover 75% of the population, according to thetracker," reportsBloomberg.

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How to stay safe out there


Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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