Viral expert has just published this cooling warning

Delta will cause another big thrust, he says.

COVID-19 [FeminineIs like the naughty in the most frightening horror movie in the world, but in fact it's never gone. Cases are new because of the new delta variant and not to be vaccinated by the Americans. Concerned, Epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the Center at the University of Minnesota of Research and Infectious Policy of the Disease, appeared onThe show Joan Hamburgyesterday to sound a warning for all of us. Read on an image of what the next few months will look like and how to stay safe - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Expert virus predicts a new overvoltage - here is your "verification of reality"

"We are right now in a verification of reality with this virus," osterholm said. "And what I mean by that is that this new variant, the variant of Delta, which was much more infectious will surely cause another push of case in the United States. It is a virus that is much more infectious that one of the variants we saw today. And what most people do not understand yet is that we have even more than a hundred million, let me repeat this number, One hundred million Americans who have not yet been vaccinated and have not yet had Covid, it means that they would have some protection. So, as much as we have done with our vaccine programs, we still have a long way to go to protect this group. "


Expert virus states that the virus will find these people

Male patient wearing face mask and feeling chest pain while being at the hospital during coronavirus epidemic

Speaking of unvaccinated people, the virus expert said: "This virus will find these people. It's a highly infectious virus, and that's what you see. Literally, the 50 states of Columbia District show major increases in cases. Over the past three to four weeks. And today, we hit a new summit of 53,000 cases, and that will continue. So, yes, the short answer is that we are not at all done with this virus, nor it is done with us. "


Expert virus said you can be done with Covid, but it's not done with you

Teenage boy sick in bed with Covid-19 symptoms

"Part of the challenge we have is the fact that we have to live our daily lives," osterholm said. "And I think most of the United States right now are made with the pandemic. They do not believe it more about them anymore. They put in their time. And of course, the challenge we have, the virus is not done with us again. And so, as you see now in areas such as Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, you see these main challenges in the health system. There was because of the fact that we Have vaccinated, the number of people we have more than 65, we do not see that the population almost just as much to enter the hospitals and intensive care units of the ICU. But we see a lot younger. They Are not so sick as often, but because the pure number of them, they literally cause serious challenges in our health systems. "

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Expert virus warned propagation will continue

Chicago PD ambulance rushing through downtown intersection towards emergency

"It will continue to spread throughout the United States," warned Osterholm. "As this variant of Delta becomes more common and more locations, it will not be an isolated situation in the south. So I think that at this stage, the question is going to be what America, except as the occurrence of This virus in our communities without making additional efforts, including being vaccinated at this time, if we have a hundred million people, I just mentioned that are not vaccinated, will not have had Covid yet. If they were vaccinated, we would be in a very different place with regard to what happens in this country. "

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Expert virus states wearing this kind of mask and wear it that way

Medic, nurse with face mask and blue nitride gloves sharing a N95 mask.

"We really need people to use high quality respiratory protection," Osterholm said. "If all members of this country had to use one of these N95s, you can buy those of hardware computers, online. We now have many of them, they are available. Then you start to really speak of the protection of people. So it's not about a yes or no. It's about how do they do it. The last piece is that you know, our center really followed How do people wear what they have on their face. And it's amazing that when we do frozen screenshots of television programs ... we continue to see up to a quarter of 25% of people wear under their noses. It is like repairing three of the five screen doors on your submarine. This does not do any good. "Follow the public health foundations and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live You-impede yourself to vaccinate. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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