5 ways you reduce your brain

These common behaviors do not make your brain of favors.

Chances are, you probably have some areas on your body where it would not bother you to lose volume. The brain is not one of them. Each decade after 40 years, our brains narrows about 5% and the process seems to accelerateAfter 70 years. But you want to stand out or prevent this process as much as possible. Brain narrowing excessively (or cerebral atrophy) is associated with neurodegenerative conditions such asAlzheimer's Detention and Disease. And there are things we do every day that can shrink our brain prematurely and increase the risk of these disorders. Read more information and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


You drink too much alcohol

Men cheers with glasses of a whiskey soda alcohol cocktail drink

A cocktail or two can help you get out of your head, but regularly overigned can result in a narrowing of your brain. Several studies have found that chronic strong consumption is associated with a reduction in brain volume, including a 2007 study that has been found.People more alcohol drink regularly, the volume of their lower brain is. To stay safe, experts do not recommend more than two drinks a day for men and one for women.


You drink too much coffee

woman drinking coffee and thinking
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Java super-addicts might want to compose it a little. According toAn Australian studyExit this week, people who reported drinking more than six cups of coffee per day had a higher risk of dementia of 53% dementia and smaller brain volume than those who have less drunk. (The study examined approximately 398,000 British who were followed between eight and 12 years old.) But do not take this as a tail to choose your coffee maker: moderate coffee consumption has been associated withMultiple health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease, several cancers, Alzheimer and Parkinson. "As for most of life, moderation is the key. Very high coffee catches are unlikely to be good for you," said the author of the study.

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You do not have enough exercise

Upset and lonely mature blond female.

A study presented last spring revealed that older adults who obtain moderate exercise levels - including walking, gardening, swimming or dance - have much less brain shrink than those inactive. The difference was equivalent to four years of aging of the brain, said researchers from Columbia University, who analyzed the MRIs of the brain of 1,557 seniors in relation to their levels of physical activity. Scientists have long known that exercise increases the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the brain, great at any age, but potentially prolonged life in recent years.

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You stress

Shocked young woman looking at laptop computer screen at home

A 2018to studyPosted in NEUROLOGY review revealed that people who run strong stress lives may feel a narrowing of the brain and loss of memory even before turning 50."The higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, seem to predict cerebral function, brain size and performance on cognitive tests," said the author of the study, Dr. Sudha Seshadri, Professor of Neurology At the UT Health San Antonio. "We have found memory loss and a brain withdrawal in relatively young people well before all the symptoms can be seen. It is never too early to have aware of reducing stress."

"The brain is a very hungry organ," Keith Fargo, Director of Scientific Programs and Awareness of the Alzheimer Association, said CNN. "This requires an excessive amount of nutrients and oxygen to keep it healthy and function properly. So when the body needs these resources to deal with stress, there is less to circumvent the brain."

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You have untreated hearing loss

sad senior listening, old man hearing concept of deafness or hard of hearing

A 2014 study in Johns Hopkins found that seniors with auditory loss seem to feel a narrowing of the accelerated brain. Researchers examined data from the Longitudinal Baltimore study on aging and found thatPeople with an altered audience lost more than an additional cubic centimeter of brain tissue compared to those with a normal hearing. People with altered hearing also had much more narrowing in the areas of the brain responsible for the treatment of sound and speech. It is not quite clear why, withdrawal may be due to a lack of stimulation of its sound, but the study reinforces that it is important to respond to hearing losses as soon as possible.And protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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