Dr. Fauci is nevertheless problems of Bluntest

If we do not stop Delta now, the pandemic will continue to continue, he warns.

If you have not beenvaccinated versusCOVID-19 [Feminine, get yours now, warnDr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Councilor of the President and the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Otherwise, you do not just put yourself and other people in danger, but this pandemic will simply not stop, dragging across the fall and next spring, with new potential variants that appear and endlessly . In an interview withUnited States today, Fauci was Blunter than ever on how to protect yourself and put an end to this thing. Read on 5 life economy tips - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Faisci warned that Covid would continue to come for us if we do not stop him

Man is lying on bed amidst essential workers.

"When you get the overwhelming majority of the vaccinated population - and we do not know what this threshold is - the virus will disappear, then we will not need to worry about it, at least in that country. If you Do not have. T do this "-Ed at this moment, with 90 million unvaccinated Americans, it will take some time-" You will get a brooding infection that will just go to autumn, confuse- You with the flu in winter, then come back in the spring. "


Dr. Fauci has this warning for unvaccinated persons

Person refuses nurse injection or vaccination.

"Now, for non-vaccinated people who say I do not really care, I am young and healthy, if I'm infected, it's true that, statistically, it's unlikely that you have a serious result," did he declare. "If you lived in a void, it would be nice, but you do not live in a void. You live in a company. And if you become the vehicle for the virus to go from someone else to someone Another, you help propagate the virus. "It will continue to go and go ... ..


Dr. Fauci has warned new potentially worse variants

Scientist working in the laboratory

"There is a very firm principle that a virus can not mutate, unless it happens again and if you allow the virus to be reproduced freely chronically in society, it goes mutated," said Fauci. "Now, many mutations do not have any relevance functionally, but from time to time you get a mutation as Delta, where the mutations cause a variant. And the variant has a real functional consequence. With Delta, we have a virus that is spreading much faster than the original alpha variant. What happens if several months and months, you allow the virus to reproduce, it is conceivable, not guaranteed, but conceivable, that we could get a variant that escapes the protection of the vaccine. "


Dr. Fauci had this hypothesis how long does it go

Woman with face mask getting vaccinated, coronavirus, covid-19 and vaccination concept.

"How long depends on our country and the world," Dr. Faisci said. "You can not separate the world from our country unless we close out, do not let anyone in and do not go out. This will not happen. So, let's look at our own country. I believe, if the best angels of the people prevailed, despite the sea of ​​lies we live, that people say, "I see everyone around me gets sick and dying. Let me just go ahead and be vaccinated, if we can get a overwhelming proportion of people vaccinated as a nation, so we will do very well. If we do not get the rest of the world vaccinated in the next two years, you will have the circulation of more mutations that will lead to variants, which will come next. In the country, then all who are protected against Delta may not be protected against Zaida. We must ensure that we play a major role in global vaccination and thank God, the administration has made this decision. "


Dr. Fuci says how to keep children safer

Mother puts a safety mask on her son's face.

How to keep unvaccinated children safe? "There are two ways to do that," said Fuci. "We will surround the children with vaccinated people. Get as many teachers as possible; Get anyone who is anywhere near a child, in what should be the protected environment of a school, If they are eligible to be vaccinated, they should be vaccinated. Since you will not get 100% of these people vaccinated, it is at this point that you enter the disease control centers and prevention guidelines. You are vaccinated or not, the most important thing is to recover children at school. ... Make the population around vaccinated children is not all that is difficult for me. It's a good sense, but that everyone wears a mask, you are going to have shoots from that. Hence the anti-mask mandates you are seeing in some states. My feeling is that I would prefer I would have a child is a little bad comfortable with a mask and be healthy as a comfortable child without mask dan s An intensive care unit. "

RELATED:I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta


Dr. Fauci says that anti-vaxxes live in an "alternative reality"

Trump supporters rallying to

"I am fundamentally a very tolerant person and I accept and manage people who apparently make things that are really unreasonable," said Fuci. "I do not have a negative feelings towards them. I feel bad that they are wrong. I do not want to enter politics, but sometimes you must almost do it." He stated that people were wrong with outlets such as Fox News, who makes people believe in an "alternative reality". "I would like to save these people to get sick. I do not want to enter the head and change their minds. I am a doctor. I am a scientist. I'm not a politician. I'm not a politician. You want change them; I just do not want them to fall sick, and all I can do to prevent them from getting sick, I'll do. "

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Mr. Fauci said he did not think there would be judgments

Small business closing sign due to Covid-19 coronavirus

"Back in the day when we close, the justification of the closure was that the hospital system would not be able to handle the overvoltage of cases. We have 70% of our adult population who receivedat least one dose; 85% of the elderly are vaccinated. So, although you can see an increase in hospitalizations, at the national level, you will not see an overwhelming hospital systems, because the most vulnerable are, relatively speaking, protected. What we see, which is reverse is that, since the elderly are more protected than youth, when you enter a hospital, what you are going to see is a lot of young people, some of whom are seriously ill. But you do not see an overwhelming, exceeding the capacity of hospitals throughout the country. So, for this reason, I really do not think we'll have to lock. "

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How to stay safe out there

Brunette woman wearing a KN95 FPP2 mask.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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