Dr. Faisci has just warned the "major thrust"

America has problems, says Dr. Faisci, especially in these areas.

We are in the middle of a "major thrust" ofCOVID-19 [Feminine,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Allergy Institute and Infectious Diseases warned this morning. Appearing onJoe of the morning, the doctor gave a complete throat warning to all Americans on the dangers of the delta variant - and the possibility of new mutants arising, those who could settle for ourvaccines. Read 7 key points that can save your life and the life of your children - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci stated that Covid is worse in these states

Miami seaside photos Miami city

"It's certainly worse in the under-vaccinated states. The numbers, if you look Louisiana, you look in Florida, you look Texas, you look like that, mainly in the south-if you look at the virus dynamics there. -Bas, it's really upset extremely important in the inflection curve, "said Dr. Faisci." Now, if you look at the total country we had many more than one hundred thousand cases a day, for the last days, C ' is really a problem. We have 93 million people in this country that are eligible to be vaccinated or not vaccinated. And this, as we have said so many times, is an epidemic of the inaccipé. "


Dr. Fauci says that more mutants can come if we do not stop this one

Scientists and microbiologists with PPE suit and face mask hold test tube and microscope in lab

"One of the problems ... is that if you allow the virus to circulate mostly freely between people, essentially among the unvaccinated, then you give it a good opportunity to continue to the mutate," said Fauci. "There is no doubt, and we know it in viralocity, it is fundamental that a virus will not mutate if you do not allow it to reproduce and give it the freedom to reproduce when you allow it to circulate. Now, when people are not vaccinated., Often, they will say well, well, you know, I take my own chances. I am a young person in good health. If I'm infected, I will probably not be a serious illness , which is true - not completely free than, but it's true that it's unlikely, but what they do not fully appreciate is that even if they do not have any symptoms, they allow you to be a vehicle for the virus to continue to propagate in the community. And when you do it, you have an impact not only on yourself, because you could be seriously ill, but you have an impact on everything the world. Because if you leave the virus mutated to a variant that escapes the vaccine, that even vaccinated people will be negatively affected by people who do not want to be vaccinated, because we now know that we are lucky that we have a vaccine that does good enough, well, very good against serious illness with Delta, but we do not know Not if it will continue if we get a different variant that escapes the vaccines we have now so successful. "

RELATED: I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta


Dr. Fauci says that the FDA does not yet completely approve the vaccine is only a technicality

fda building

"This FDA approval is a real technique," said Dr. Faisci. "We have emergency authorizations that we do. It's usually a situation where you have a little marginal and perhaps moderate efficiency, and you want to balance the benefit advantage. So you give it to him An authorization for emergency use. What you see now with these vaccines are that we give them hundreds of millions of people around the world. It is very effective and very safe. This idea of ​​getting an official approval , which is understandable, the FDA has the way of doing things. They make they have been very successful in keeping people safe, but there is no doubt that these vaccines will become fully approved. So, what 'What's going on now with vaccines is as good as complete approval. So it's not completely approved, it's really a false story. That's really. I mean, you should consider that as well as totally approved and be vacci not. "


Mr. Fauci stated that anyone who can spread people of Delta - even vaccinated

Blonde woman coughing.

"The thing that is different with the delta variant, it's different from what we have known with the original alpha variant is that even if you are infected, when you are vaccinated, namely what we appeal to an advanced infection, when we treat with the other variant, the alpha, the amount of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a pierced infection is really really weak, which makes it extremely unlikely that you Transmit to someone otherwise, given the incredible capacity of this delta variant to transmit and reproduce. We are now finding that the level of virus and nasaopharynx people infected with the delta virus is extremely high. and even a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection and may not have symptoms at all, or maybe minimal symptoms. That person, even if they may not be sick, are fully capable of T ransink the virus to someone who is not infected. "

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Dr. Fauci explained CDC's councils on masks, particularly with regard to vulnerable people as our children.

Child With Sore Throat

"The CDC has changed the guidelines in two ways," said Dr. Ease on the masks. "They said that even if you were vaccinated, if you are in an internal public framework where you have a situation where you are in an area, most of the United States, it is a high degree or substantial transmission, you should always wear a mask. And the same thing is going to be at school. You have a situation where the best way to protect children is a person who can be vaccinated. Surround the children with vaccinated people, teachers, staff, and school, anyone. But in addition to that, you should have everyone wearing a mask. We know how it can be uncomfortable, but you prefer to have in a situation somewhat uncomfortable with a children's well, then temporarily comfortable and a child in an ICU. That's what we want to avoid. "


Dr. Fauci thinks schools should mandate vaccines

Woman with face mask getting vaccinated, coronavirus, covid-19 and vaccination concept.

"I will annoy some people on that, but I think we should" have a vaccine mandate for schools, "Dr. Faisci said. "I mean, we are in a critical situation. Now we have had 615,000 other dead, and we are in a major thrust. Now, as we go to the school season, it's a very serious affair. Would you like people to consider why it's so important to be vaccinated, but you're not going to have mandates centrally with the federal government. But when you talk about local mandates, mandates for schools, teachers, universities, universities, for colleges, I'm sorry. I mean, I know that people have to love having their individual freedom and not to be told to do something, but I think we are in a situation as serious now That, in certain circumstances, mandates should be made and these mandates could come from the governors, for example. "

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Dr. Fauci had this to say to worried parents

Check-in for coronavirus vaccination against Covid-19 with doctor in the background.

"The discussion we had had for more than a year consists of balancing the negative impact on children to keep them out of school, mental health, development and others, balancing you do what You can do what you can keep children safe at school, because we are dealing with a different virus now, a much more communicable virus. And that came back to what I said there is a bit. There are a few things you can do. One of them is to surround the children with people who, if they are eligible to be vaccinated, to be vaccinated. And that's why I ' have responded positively to your question about what my opinion is to impose child vaccines, which is eligible for a vaccine. If you want to be around children, you have to do what you can do everything you can to protect them . And if you are eligible for vaccinating you, do you s Vaccine since children of certain ages can not be vaccinated. That's why you get the situation of the CDC recommendation on the port of masks at school. And I know that many people repel about it, but again, it's the weapon. If you want to call what we have vaccinated those who can be vaccinated and wear masks in situations in which you have unvaccinated people inevaled. So go out of vaccinée and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit one of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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