Virus experts just predicted what will happen next

"The reality is that Covid is likely to become endemic in this country."

WillcoronavirusNever "end"? This does not seem like that, with the Delta variant, causing a new push of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Concerned, former directors of CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of CBC, LT. Alyson Cavanaugh, DPT, Ph.D. has joined the "radio radio doctor" from Siriusxm Doctor Radio To discuss all things Covid, and the following 9 points on what can happen next and where the virus came from - could save your life. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Is it true that Covid-19 case numbers are at the same quality for unvaccinated and vaccinated people?

unrecognizable doctor trying to vaccinate its patient while she is refusing it.

FMR. Director CDC Robert Redfield: "In the state of Maryland, and we watch this attention carefully ... If I looked at newly diagnosed people in the last seven days, 25% were betweenvaccinated People .. We saw 15% of them being hospitalized and we saw 2% of them die. It is not as if it is nothing, but I agree with you, the majority of people hospitalized across the United States at the moment are among non-vaccinated people. I do not want to get out of this message, please be vaccinated. But what I am also trying to raise the message, the effect of vaccine protection does not seem to be sustainable forever. I just want to make sure we do not underestimate the importance of maintaining this immunity, and I think that's where we have to be a little more aggressive. When I examined the renal transplanted patients who follow programs that have large groups of renal transplant patients, I see that perhaps up to 70%, they will have antibodies against the virus, although they are vaccinated. It tells me like a virologist and a vaccineologist that I would be concerned about the fact that they are no longer protected. We have seen the same thing with patients with cancer chemotherapy. I am a little worried for the elderly in retirement homes, because unfortunately, we start to see an increase in infections in retirement homes. Well, I think that's what I'm waiting for in case of immune illness in the immune response that we focused on the existence of being vaccinated would be the first to start the breakthrough. "


Where are we headed at this stage of the Pandemic of Covid-19?

female wearing protective mask while standing opposite the worker of airport and checking temperature

FMR. Director of CDC, Mr. Tom Frieden: "The reality is that Covid to become likely to become endemic in this country. And it will change how we do a lot of things. It will change our attitudes to the trip, to big events, but This does not mean that we are stuck with that. If we basically get our vaccination rates, if we have to change the vaccine, so if it happens, we should do it. The end result is that we can do a lot safer and more secure society by doing certain things. Follow-up when the virus is up below, protecting the most vulnerable, taking steps to reduce propagation whenever this increases, recognizing that masking will probably have a role to long term. "


Would not you prefer to be less sick and not die, compared to wearing a mask?

sinesswoman wearing protective mask while traveling by public transportation.

FMR. Director of the CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden: "During the flu season, on the metro, would you not be comfortable if everyone wore a mask? That's what they do in Asia from East, and they have a lot of seasons from the flu. We do not give influenza the kind of respect it deserves. Every year of the flu sends hundreds of thousands of people to the hospital and Kill tens of thousands of people in this country. We accept a little bit that as if it were the normal course of events, but it is not necessary to be. "


What did Covid taught us?

Two doctors wearing personal personal protective equipment

FMR. Director of the CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden: "I end at two points of optimism. The first is that Covid shows us that our global health is really interconnected and it is important for all of us to strengthen the systems of the world whole. Finding, stopping and preventing sanitary threats. And secondly, I think Covid can really facilitate our gratitude that many deadly and expensive health threats that we are dealing today are not necessary. They can choose to implement to implement Public health programs that can relegate history, many of the infections and conditions that have health costs today and lead to productivity and life expectancy. "


Back in January 2020, what could the CDC have done differently? What caused the pandemic of Covid?

Robert R. Redfield
Graceful of the CDC

Former director CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield: "One of the first mistakes that have been made as we started to cope with this pandemic is a kind of immediacy of the scientific community to call this new Virus Virus Virus Covid- 19 .. Secondly, and it is part of a great debate, one of my greatest disappointments as a clinical scientist that I think of all this is perhaps the lack of scientific openness in terms of the issue of What really caused this. It's like the SARS and he came from a beating to an intermediate animal, then to the man. The alternative hypothesis is that it came after a leak of A laboratory in Wuhan..ji wants the scientific community to have adopted both hypotheses. With vigor and did what they could have tried to come to a scientific response as to what the origins are, because I think C is important. If this was actually a laboratory leak in conseque NCE of certain science that has been done in this case. Laboratory where people mixed virul his to see if they could get a better tropism for the man, I would say that some of these sciences should be considered very carefully whatever the kind of science we want to do. But it's my disappointment. I think NIH should have been a huge scientific survey since the beginning of origin and make assumptions like hypothesis, rather than what appeared to be a fairly concerted effort of the scientific community. "


Were there any signs of Covid-19 that the CDC did not look early enough?

A technician at a drive up testing facility in Chicago walks between cars with patients awaiting testing for coronavirus covid-19

Former director of CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield: "Well, I think Korea really had lessons that, unfortunately, we could not work fast enough, but if you look retrospectively, why does Korea have so well done? and one of the reasons they did well, it's when they had their epidemic, where they had the case went to Seoul and they ended up with a huge epidemic , they did something that was really important. They formed a partnership between their private sector and their public health community in the space of diagnoses. Thus, when CDC and I think, we had an unfair criticism at this subject, no specific report on this is that when DCC in the seven days has developed a new diagnostic test that could diagnose Covid-19, I think we finished it was January 17 of this period, This has allowed us to diagnose the first cases of SEAT TLE. It was unprecedented a description of a new pathogen to a functional test, we should have been tapped on the back rather than it is especially poorly cited that it was somehow an erroneous test. The CDC error made was once we provide the US public health community test, they had to send the CDC test so that we could do it. Some people from the CDC thought it would be great if we could simply make the test and send it to all the departments of public health. CDC is not a manufacturing company. And when they did, they had a problem of production with one of their agents, which took us four or five weeks to correct. But the fact is that the private sector was not engaged, and I know that when the president had a meeting, when we brought the diagnostic societies to the Roosevelt room to ask them to engage, it was probably sometimes mid-March, they were not really engaged. Because when they were committed to build diagnoses for seas and SARS as soon as they completed all research costs and had a product, no one bought only these outbreaks stopped. And I think the private sector understood that Covid-19 would be the same. It will just disappear. We needed the private sector at the starting door in January. I think one of the missed opportunities was that Barda would have mainly published millions of millions of dollars to the private sector to get diagnoses and bring back so that all diagnostic tools we needed by the end of January, early February. We would have been able to do exactly what you said, which ultimately had to be the public health platform, which was aggressive and expansive testing and testimony to our public health efforts. And unfortunately, even as a result of its launch and that the private sector has been involved and worked hard to provide tests, you can remember the reports of Admiral Giroir and others would say, okay, we have Made 10,000 tests a day, we made 20,000 tests a day, we made 20,000 tests a day made 100,000 tests a day. I think the truth is that we had to do about 5 million tests a day. And even when we sit here today, we are not at that. Therefore, a great missed opportunity, part of it, because there was not this alliance established between the public health community and the private sector, and obviously the mechanism by which we had in our country to do It was Barda and who was not activated. The goal, and as I would say to the Secretary, it was not the responsibility of CDC to develop a diagnostic test for all clinical medicines. Our responsibility was to build diagnostic tools for public health services in this country. And that's what we've done. But it was a huge gap of our early response and some defenders, Scott Gottlieb and others, I think I have identified it soon as we just had to do extensive tests. "

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When did the Covid-19 virus started spreading throughout America?

Woman feeling sick inside air plane

Former director CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield: "And when you ask questions when the virus has arrived in the country, we have a lot of evidence that strongly suggested that this virus really did not enter the United States Significant until January 20th. We have made aggressive screening of antibodies and major people with influenza illness. We did it in "Children's clinics with a disease similar to influenza. We examined The molecular evolution of the virus by sequences based on an evolutionary clock. So we had a variety of different sources of scientific data and this virus really did in my opinion, significantly, between the United States in January. I think that what was not appreciated, and I remember when I met the president and I said we needed to close aerial travel in Europe, having made the same for air travel in China, the people wanted to know why I felt like that and in the end, the president asked me, was there anything else I would like to do? And I said, 'Yeah, I'd like to come here two weeks ago four weeks ago and that I told you to close aerial travel in Europe. "Because what would have happened while we were concentrated on China, has China been sent to people in Europe, then the Europeans entered America. And we really had aggressive seats in the United States European trips, probably in late February, March. And of course we were going to the race after that, that the virus was no longer containable. We did not have a containment strategy because it was imperfect because we Has based on SARS. We really had to go to an aggressive attenuation strategy with a huge diagnostic capacity where we really selected many people beyond our current diagnostic capabilities. And I think if there is has a lesson, we have to learn this lesson. Korea learned it in the seas and I think that's why they got the jumpstart on Covid. They had a great partnership with their private diagnosis. have focused on health p umblick. We have to have that. We do not have that right now. "

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Does a new study show vaccination after Covid infection cuts the risk of reinfection in two?

Scientists and microbiologists with PPE suit and face mask hold test tube and microscope in lab

Usphs Lieutenant / agent EIS with CDC, Lieutenant Alyson Cavanaugh, DPT, Ph.D.: "We learn every day, a little more about natural immunity. What we know now about science that we have Currently, for most individuals, reinfection is very rare in the first 90 days after your infection. So, there is some protection for most seniors at least 90 days. But you are absolutely correct that this virus continues to mutate, as we see new variants emerge and circulate in our community, this can affect the duration of our natural immunity. This can have an impact, and we always learn how it does it. of This particular study, we examined the people who were reincipicious in May and June, and had a prior infection in 2020. The virus circulating and dominating in this period of May and June was different. what has Have in circulation in 2020. and the results of the report show that among those who were a vaccine after their first infection, they had more than double the chances of being re-infected with those who had been fully vaccinated. So I think it's important to recognize the added benefit of vaccination, even if you have already had COVID-19. "

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How to stay safe out there

Brunette woman wearing a KN95 FPP2 mask.

Follow the public health fundamentals and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-get vaccinated. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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