Where you need a mask now, say experts

Here's when to increase our N95.

This spring, peoplevaccinated versusCOVID-19 [FeminineWe look forward to leaving facial masks behind when they ventured in public to resume regular activities. The rise of the extremely contagious delta variant clearly indicated that it was not the smartest plan. Some communities have reintegrated mask mandates, while others have published recommendations that everyone has masks in public. So, what should you do to stay safe, whatever where you live? We asked Mr. Gwen Murphy, Ph.D., MPH, Director of Epidemiology forLet itwhen you should hide. Read more - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


When you should hide

woman in protective mask opens the door

"As a general rule, we should continue to hide inside and anywhere that we can not be sure to maintain a distance of six feet between us and those around us," says Murphy. "We all need to look at COVID-19 rates in our community and determine the degree of risk that we are comfortable."


Consider these two scenarios

friends eating burgers in restaurant
Shutterstock / George Rudy

Two examples of the risk assessment case by case: "If you meet with a small group of family or entirely vaccinated friends and limiting their contacts, it is a very different scenario to go to a crowded event where you Can not maintain a distance, "says Murphy.

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What this expert does, day after day


Murphy says she always wears a mask with her and the door at any time she goes inside, "the grocery store or the library, or any place where there are other people," she says. In addition, "I'm careful to wash my hands when I get home and use a disinfectant when I came out."

Caution is always necessary, regardless of your vaccination status. The "pierced" infections, descending with COVID-19, although they are entirely vaccinated - are still rare and the vast majority of these infections are light. But people who have been vaccinated can always transmit the virus, especially for people who have not been vaccinated.

"Unfortunately, the incidence of COVID-19 is always very high in many regions. So we must assume that the virus is still broadly circulating and we can not assume that all people we share spaces are fully vaccinated", declares Murphy. "Getting vaccinated will save your life and prevent hospitalization, but while the virus continues to circulate in our communities, we are always exposed and we can get sick."

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How to navigate in the guidelines of the changing mask

A man browsing the CDC website to learn key facts about the Coronavirus Disease 2019

With the rise of the Delta variant, the CDC has changed mask guidance. Originally, the agency informed that the people who had been fully vaccinated should no longer wear a face mask inside. Now, managers recommend wearing a mask inside in public "if you are in a zonesubstantial or high transmission, "Which means more than 50 cases per 100,000 people or a positivity rate of more than 8%. Essentially: navigate the mask guidelines, think about the local.

"While coronavirus continues to circulate, we need to be aware of CIVID-19 levels in our communities," said Murphy. "If the rates climb, we should continue to hide inside and every time we can not maintain the distance. We should encourage our friends and family to be vaccinated, which will ultimately lead the circulation of the circulation of virus."

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How to stay safe out there

Doctor in personal protective suit or PPE inject vaccine shot to stimulating immunity of woman patient at risk of coronavirus infection.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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