Without signs that you can have Long Covid, says CDC

"Some patients may have symptoms that may last weeks or months after the recovery of acute disease."

Thecoronavirus Kill people and let others feel like anything. Then there are those who are among those-these with post-Covid syndrome. It can be a symptomatic sign you got Covid - and are always damaged by it. And this can ruin lives. "While most people with COVID-19 recover and return to normal health, some patients may have symptoms that may last weeks or even months after the recovery of acute disease", reports theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC). "Even people who are not hospitalized and have a light disease may undergo persistent or late symptoms. The most commonly reported long-term symptoms include" the next reading and to ensure your health and health of others, are lacking NOT THESE Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can have fatigue

Portrait of young man felling depressed and desperate crying alone in sofa home suffering emotional pain and unhappiness

"It does not just look like a day of sleep after the hard day of work," says a long-carrier, a 44-year-old record since March. "It's like a dememeur of Harry Potter suck my soul." Simple actions - like doing the dishes or throwing a snowball - can cause a body crash. "Many people who have recovered from SARS have begun to develop chronic fatigue syndrome, a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that worsens with physical or mental activity, but does not improve with rest", reports theMAYO Clinic. "The same thing can be true for people who got Covid-19."


You can have a shortness of breath

shortness of breath

Since the capture of Covid, Patrick Varnes, a 41-year-old financial director in Atlanta, "shortness of breath, fatigue and headaches", according to theThe Wall Street newspaper, which has profiled in a story about experimental drugs used to treat post-Covid syndrome. He describes his situation as "living in an internal prison".


You may have a cough


"In our clinic, we have noticed patients with COVID-19 infection that has developed a new cough or persistent persistent cough, after 14 days of treatment and isolation, after being negatively tested and after the resolution of other symptoms, "said a study in theJournal of Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine.


You can have joint pain

woman holding her hand

Arthralgia (joint pain) is a common symptom of coronavirus and ato studypublished in theNature Public Health Emergency Collection found that at least one patient in the years studied has undergone joint pain. This common disease can linger in those who had the virus, causing hand pain or wrist.


You can have chest pain

Woman having chest pain. respiratory system diseases

You could have oppression in the chest, which could be an inflammation. This could also be a cardiac problem. "I felt completely normal and I could put my Covid experience behind me," wrote Madeline NevilleIn a viral facebook position from December 8th. "After all, I am a girl of twenty years in good health. I am the subset of the population that is supposed to be better equipped to manage Covid." Instead: "I have lived such chest pain, shortness of breath and a series of other horrible symptoms that suddenly surprised and a complete surprise," she wrote. Diagnosis: congestive heart failure. "I've been hospitalized for nine days, where I struggled to do every day to do the most thorough tasks like going to the bathroom and shower, brushing my own teeth and hair, or even Walk 10 steps ", she writes.


You may have difficulty with thought and concentration (sometimes called "cerebrity fog")

man using smart phone and holding his head in pain at home

"It is known as cerebral fog of Covid: troubling cognitive symptoms that may include memory loss, confusion, a difficulty in concentrating, vertigo and capturing daily words", reports theNew York Times. "Increasingly, Covid's survivors say that brain fog is endors with their ability to work and operate normally." "It scares me to think that I work," Lisa Mizelle, a veteran nurse, 53, told the newspaper. "I feel like you have a dementia."


You can have depression

woman sitting on couch in living room at home with closed eyes, holding head with hand, suffering from strong sudden headache or migraine, throbbing pain

If you have read as far, you can guess why depression can be a symptom. Post-Covid syndrome can be alternately as a dememeur sucks your soul or an internal prison. "People who have serious symptoms of COVID-19 often need to be treated in an intensive hospital care unit, with mechanical assistance such as breathing fans," says Mayo Clinic. "It is enough to survive this experience can make a person more likely to later develop post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression and anxiety."


You can feel muscle pain

Side view of a frowned young man suffering from pain in loin while sitting on white bedding

"People told us that the most common problems after being ill with COVID are shoulder and back problems, but joint and muscle problems can occur in any part of the body", reports theNHS. "Some people have a widespread pain that can come and go both that you are retrieving. Some people also have strange or modified feelings such as numbness or pins and needles and a weakness in arms or legs."

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


You get divided headaches

Stressed unhappy woman touching forehead, suffering from strong headache or chronic migraine

"To Carol Stream, Joann Magoch ​​was back at the shopping on Monday. But the survivor of Covid-19 said she is not yet back to her old me," reportedABC 7 Chicago. "I had a bad cough, fever - I was so tired," she told the train station. "I had a headache that would not leave." His mother was at the ICU with Covid. "Six months later, the two women fight against headaches, muscle pain and exhaustion," reports the station. "They are waiting to see how long the effects will last."


You can have an intermittent fever

Sick woman with cold and flu.

As your body's immune system reacts - or on reactions - your body temperature can increase and fall. "Day 47 with a fever. Second covid - negative test. Blood work - Normal. My body does not fight this virus, but my fever and my tachycardia say a different story," wrote Kate Porter, 35, on Twitter. "Applelessly sad is not even the right description at this point."


You can have a fast beat heart or beat (also called cardiac palpitations)

Patient complains of heart pain to a cardiologist doctor

Experts "advise those who are recovering from COVID-19 to monitor the following symptoms - and to consult their doctor or cardiologist if they experience them: increase or extreme breath breathing with effort, chest pain, swelling of ankles, palpitations, palpitations Cardiacs or an irregular heartbeat, can not stay flat without short shortness, waking up at night in the short breath, dizziness or vertiginous outflows, reports theAmerican Heart Association.


More serious complications in the long term

Doctor check up x-ray image have problem lung tumor of patient.

"More severe long-term complications seem less common but have been reported," says the CDC. "These have been noted to assign different organ systems in the body. These include:

  • Cardiovascular: Inflammation of the heart muscle
  • Respiratory: Pulmonary Function Anomaly
  • Renal: acute kidney injury
  • Dermatologic: rash, hair loss
  • Neurological: odors and problems of taste, problems of sleep, difficulty concentration, memory problems
  • Psychiatric: Depression, Anxiety, Mood Changes

The long-term meaning of these effects is not yet known. CDC will continue an active investigation and provide updates that new emerging data, which can inform COVID-19 clinical care and the public health response to Covid-19. "

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci


How to know certainly if you have already had coronavirus

Doctor show rapid laboratory COVID-19 test for diagnosis new Corona virus infection

These "long carrier" symptoms can be signs you have already had Covid. Get a positive COVID test or a positive antibody test is the most concrete way to prove to others that you have had coronaviruses. (Although a few lengths do not have antibodies.) »Antibody tests check your blood by looking for antibodies, which can tell you if you had an infection spent with the virus that causes Covid-19", declares the CDC. "Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose COVID-19 infection, except in cases where viral tests are delayed. An antibody test may not indicate whether you have a current Covid-19 infection. because it can take 1 to 3 weeks after infection to your body to do antibodies. that you test positive or negative for COVID-19 on a viral test or antibody, you should always take action forProtect yourself and others. We do not know the amount of protection antibodies (immunity) with the virus could plan to be infected again. Cases of confirmed and suspected reinfection have been reported, but remain rare. Scientists work to understand that. "


How to stay safe during this pandemic

Young caucasian woman wearing surgical gloves putting face mask on, protection from spread of Coronavirus

"Multiannual studies are underway to further seek" this post-Covid syndrome, according to the agency. Call your doctor if you meet the symptoms. "CDC continues to work to identify how these symptoms are common, which is most likely to obtain them and if these symptoms finally resolve." As for yourself, follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-you are vaccinated, wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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