A virus expert predicts this future wishing

Remember that cases are people and protect our children, says Dr. Michael Osterholm.

CoronavirusThe cases rise so high, just before returning to school time, he feels like August 20, 2020. "It's a very difficult time. It's confusing. If you are confused, if you are confused, if you are confused, if you are confused, if you are worried so that you are drinking 't already, if you feel it dropped, if you feel a little frightened , know that you are not alone, that this is clearly something we all feel, "says Epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the Infectious Research Center for Disease at the University of Minnesota, on The last episode of hisPodcast. Read on his 6 life-saving tips that he shared with his listeners - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


The virus expert warns that the world has exceeded 200 million cases and this pandemic is a "long life of being too global".

Emergency medic and doctor moving patient to emergency room in hospital

"The world has taken a very dark step last week with total confirmed cases, now reaching 200 million. This is clearly one of the main sub-report cases, but from the type of the relative tip of the iceberg, it gives you a meaning that the numbers do not fall. They climbed. The number of world deaths is not greater than 4.3 million weekly last week, about 4.3 million cases reported up to 4.1 million weeks, it is the seventh right week of increase Cases. World deaths are also last week with 65,500 reported. "He said last week, the cases got up from top to bottom in some areas but now" most of what is about the trend they continue to go up in general. This means that this pandemic is a long and long way of being on the world level. "


Expert virus says we have to worry about our children

Child With Sore Throat

"I debate right now as a grandparent," explains Osterholm. "I debate because I'm fullyvaccinated And I have five grandchildren under 12 years old. I chronic my time with them through the course of this pandemic, they were a stone station for me, feel more comfortable to be in close contact with them has been a joy that I can ever describe adequately. And now, feeling like wow, Delta resumes, we see a widespread transmission in children. These children are in camps. These kids play with friends. Will they be infected and result in one of us who are vaccinated, but could have a revolutionary case, or ... I know how to protect me, "but could I" potentially be exposed, to be infected And more importantly, transmit and especially, transmit for them. "Despite the perception that children's infections are not as common as those in adults," they still have a serious illness and die, "osterholm said." And so I think I present them now that we know more about these revolutionary cases and the potential for transmission? "


The expert virus pleads with you to remember cases

Covid-19 patient with oxygen mask in bed in hospital

"Please, we need to remember that these cases are people," osterholm said. "Every time I see the media, the media put a number, or I see another painting of some organizations, or even I speak like a head of conversation on the numbers - these are people, it's our fathers and our Mothers, our grandparents, our brothers and our sisters, our colleagues in some cases are people we do not necessarily agree with, but we really watched over the past two to four weeks, just strengthen The devastation caused by this virus .... Very heart of these are our real people. "

RELATED:I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta


Expert virus warns this is a "brand new game" because of delta

Scientists and microbiologists with PPE suit and face mask hold test tube and microscope in lab

"The Delta variant has created a brand new challenge for the world," osterholm said. "It's a whole new game and we have to understand that it's not a mystery in the sense that we should not be surprised. It's not a certain lightning hit and look at it in a different world. C is the evolution, the viral evolution is classic epidemiology ... ..The vaccines will continue to be the tool number 1, 2, 3 and four. As we examine other countries that used Other tools, such as China's mass tests, they traced their journey. Restrictions, vaccination, masking, et cetera, and they always have challenges. So, I just want to point out that because we should not misinterpret May our problems here are only because we do not try something. Our vaccination efforts are clearly among the best in the world, but you can see how difficult it is to treat even, even with the vaccine .. . .so from a global point of view, the lessons learned these are far from be finished. It's far from. more."

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Expert virus stated that these areas are in difficulty

Texas Flag waving in front of the Perfect Austin Texas USA Skyline

Osterholm said Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Oklahoma see major surge. "So where are we going from here?" he asks. Not clear, he says. "The hottest activity remains mainly in the southern United States of the Sunbel's upward trends in Midwest trends in the far western southeast, continue mature. What is the ceiling, what impact will affirm Fairs, concerts and festivals. I will speak more than in a moment. What should we expect from schools reopened? We will learn the answers to all these questions with time-time. That's what it's going Being. More importantly, all I can continue to say is to be vaccinated and make sure your friends and family members are also vaccinated. Even if they are vaccinated now, they will not be Immediate protection, but it will be covered with future surgies. "

RELATED: These 9 states to have an upcoming epidemic, the expert virus warns


How to stay safe, says the expert of the virus

Nurse with face mask sitting at home with senior woman and injecting covid 19 vaccine.

"Remember that we are sitting here today, more than 90 million Americans have not yet been vaccinated or previously infected and are vulnerable to this virus and they will find them," warned Osterholm. "It will find them. If it's not this overvoltage, it will be the next increase. And there will be more overvoltages. I hope every time they get smaller numbers. I hope the number of affected people is partially reduced partly due to the vaccine, not because they had before having an infection to get there, but we will see more. It's not done. We can not celebrate the independence of This virus right now for a predictable future, unless we can not fundamentally change the number of people who have vaccinated, both in the United States and around the world. "So be vaccinated as soon as possible; If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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