Without signs that you have already had Covid, says Dr. Fauci

These long symptoms of covids deserve to be monitored.

COVIDwas discussed as a matter of life or death, but there is a scary plot between: even after a sweet box of Covid-One, you can not even recognize - you could develop all lifesymptoms This leaves you weakened (and this happens in young and old adults, children too). It's calledCap, AKA Post-Covid Syndrome, AKA PASC, and people suffering from "lengths". The symptoms are unique and knowing them are keys to know how to treat a potential case. That is whyDr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, talked about them when the pandemic was raging, and now with overvoltage, it is worth coming back. Reading on the symptoms - reminding you that even if you have them, it does not get away from another infection - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci warned Long Covid is "very real"

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is exhausted and suffering from insomnia

Dr. Faisci called Long Covid "Post Active Covid Covid Syndrome 19". The symptoms are "very serious months after technically recovered from the disease" MSNBCThe host Rachel Maddow said on the air. "They still can not work. People have long-term and very serious consequences." "It's a real phenomenon," added Fuci. "Myself, to myself, I treat and helping a number of people who have a post-active Covid Covid syndrome - they are virologically accepted. The virus is no longer identified in them, but they have a persistence of debilitating symptoms. "


Dr. Fauci warned extreme fatigue

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

Fauci told Maddow that you could suffer "extreme fatigue". "You do not want to scare people and alarm them, but they should really know that we do not know what the consequences in the long run, even when it looks like a routine infection," said Dr. FauciMedscapein July. "We'd better be careful. Even after erase the virus, there are post-scales symptoms. I know, because I'm on the phone a lot of people who call me and talk about their journey. And C Is extraordinary how many people have a postviral syndrome that is very surprisingly similar to that of myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome. They simply do not come back to normal energy or a normal feeling of good health. "A symptom ME / CFS pointing is a post-existing discomfort, a collision after the effort.


Dr. Fauci warned muscle pain

young man sitting on couch with kidney pain
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Another key symptom of long and myalgic body encephalomy / chronic fatigue syndrome - is muscle pain and pain, or myalgia. Myalgia can often be confused for something else - you can think that you have a heart attack, but it's an inflammation in your coast cartilage, or you can have a "bad return", thinking that it is because of Something you lifted, but in fact, it's Myalgia.


Dr. Fauci warned of temperature dysregulation

woman covered by a blanket on the sofa with high fever and flu

You can have "temperature dysregulation", says Fauci, and Neurology of the world, from the World Federation of Neurology, also mentions. "Most of these patients were in excellent health before being infected with SARS-COV-2," they say. "They all had myriad symptoms during the acute phase; however, like fever and respiratory symptoms have improved, they are left with persistent systemic symptoms, some of which are gradually improving, but all do not follow this course. "


Dr. Fauci warned brain fog

Woman fainted

"Some of them even have situations with what they call the brain fog," said Dr. FaCi in Maddow, "where it is very difficult for them to focus or focus, can be really enough enough disturbing. We do a lot of things. " "A study of seniors in Argentina has found a surprising amount of dementia changes in memory and reflection for at least six months after a fight with coronavirus - whatever the severity of their infection. Other researchers have Found proteins related to Alzheimer's disease in New York blood with Covid-19 triggered brain symptoms at the beginning, "Signals AP.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci has just shared 7 key points on boosters


You can also have these other symptoms, too

Young man having asthma attack at home

According to a study in theLancetThere are up to 200 symptoms of long carriers that may have, including new allergies, constipation, toes of covidation, hallucinations, tightness of the chest, cough of blood, breathing with difficulty, migraines Serious, chills, tachycardia, fainting, the list is going on and on.

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Can you get long Covid after vaccination?


Dr. Fauci said he did not know yet if you can have Long Covid if you get Covid aftervaccination. "If a gentle breakthrough infection turns into a long Covid, we have no understanding of this number," Akiko Iwasaki, immunologist at Yale Medicine School, "saidNew York Times.

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What if you suffer from Long Covid

Health visitor and a senior man during home visit

Tell your professional from your doctor if you have symptoms. Although doctors still do not know how to cure it, they can help treat the symptoms. Dr. Fauci says the medical community is studying long COVID qualities. "We will invest a major investment in research dollars to try to discover the extent of this," he told Maddow. "Any trick to what the underlying mechanisms are, what we can do to treat it. We take it very seriously for the simple reason that even if a small fraction and that it seems to be more than a mere fraction of Persons has persistent symptoms - when you look at the 24, 25 million people in the United States, who have been infected, although all have had no symptoms, but even those with symptoms and overall, when you approached A hundred million people who have been infected, it could be something that could really be a problem. And that's why we take it very seriously. "As if you should protect your life and the lives of others , do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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