The general surgeon has just predicted what happens next
The general surgeon warned that it is "more important than ever" to protect themselves.

COVID-19 [FeminineCases are now over 150,000 times a day and should reach the heights of the pandemic last year. Although the most serious cases are among non-vaccinated children -vaccinated People also have revolutionary infections and all infections can lead to "Long Covid", a debilitating disease that may never disappear. In this spirit, Dr. Vivek Murthy spoke with Brianna Keilar on CNN'sState of the UnionTo clarify why you protect is "more important than ever" - and how you can do it. Read five essential advisory elements - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
The general surgeon said you protect yourself is "more important than ever"

"What's important for us to achieve is that we have had strong evidence, you know, real world data, that this vaccine has done remarkably well and maintained a solid safety profile. We have it Given hundreds of millions of people from people, and we have seen that it works. And that's why we continue to recommend that people are vaccinated from today. And, you know, from that they can, because especially with the variant of Delta, to get this protection is more important than ever, "said Murthy. Read on to see what he says about to call on your booster - and what complete approval of the Pfizer vaccine means for you.
RELATED: I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta
The General Surgeon stated that the full approval of the anti-Pfizer vaccine - expected tomorrow - should lead more people to be vaccinated

"We have been knowing for a moment when they planned the full vaccine approval against Pfizer," said Murthy of the FDA announcement. "And I plan that if and when it comes, it will have two impacts. I think for the people who waited for him, but it's a small number of people, but I think that's meaningful: I think it can tilt them to be vaccinated, but I also think that for businesses and universities who have thought about setting up needs to create safer spaces for people to work and learn, I think this movement of the FDA, when it comes, help them advance with this kind of plans. "
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The general surgeon said you get your boosters when they are available for you

"It's our responsibility to make sure that people know that science tells us about Covid and the protection against vaccines, then helping people get these boosters when this time comes," says Murthy . There was an allusion, a reduction in protection against a mild to moderate infection. And our concern over time we could start seeing erosion and protection against the worst results of COVID. That's why we do not recommend booster today because you still have good vaccine protection. But the week of September 20th waiting for the FDA and CDC advisory groups weighing in this area, it is when we plan to start the boosters and we will do everything we can build on our experience since The last months for people to have access to people accessing the boosters and to make sure they have accurate information from credible sources. He said that advice should always come for those who had the J & J vaccine.
RELATED: Dr. Fauci has just shared 7 key points on boosters
The general surgeon said you should expect more vaccine mandates - and they can help save children

"We already know that there are many companies and universities that have evolved into vaccine requirements," said Murthy. "And I think it's a very reasonable thing to do, to create a safe environment. There is only one thing that I think we have to do that some states have done to create a safer school environment , and this requires school employees, including teachers and other staff are vaccinated also to create a safer environment for our children. I think all these are reasonable because when we are confronted with The most communicable variant we have seen so far - the alternative of the delta-when we have our children, essentially the point of concern in our schools and their health and well-being on the line. We must take each step that We can. And so I think these measures, these requirements we see are absolutely reasonable. "
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How to stay safe out there

Follow the public health fundamentals and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-get vaccinated. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95 facial mask Do not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .